How to Use Search Domain Operators in Odoo 17

Cybrosys Technologies


1. Equal (=)

The equal operator (=) is used to find records that exactly match a given value.

Search Domain Operators

2. Not Equal Operator (!=)

The not-equal operator (!=) does the opposite. It helps you find records that do not match a specified value.

Search Domain Operators

3. Greater Than (>)

This operator (>) is essential for filtering records based on numerical or date values.

Search Domain Operators

4. Less Than (<)

This operator (<) is essential for filtering records based on numerical or date values.

Search Domain Operators

5. Greater Than or Equal to (>=)

This operator is similar to the greater than operator, this operator (>=) includes records where the field value is equal to the specified value.

Search Domain Operators

6. Less Than or Equal to (<=)

This operator is similar to less than the operator, this operator (<=) includes records where the field value is equal to the specified value.

Search Domain Operators

7. Like Operator ('like')

The like operator in Odoo is used for case-sensitive text matching to filter records.To find records whose names contain ‘Johnson’ in a case-sensitive manner.

Search Domain Operators

8. Not Like Operator ('not like')

The not-like operator in Odoo is used to filter records that do not contain a specific string in a case-sensitive manner.

Search Domain Operators

9. In Operator ('in')

The in operator helps you find records where a field's value is one of the specified values in a list

Search Domain Operators

10. Not In Operator ('not in')

The not in operator identifies records where the field's value is not in the list

Search Domain Operators

11. Ilike Operator

The ilike operator in Odoo is used for case-insensitive text matching. It helps you find records that contain a specific string, regardless of letter case.

Search Domain Operators

12. not ilike Operator

The NOT ilike operator in Odoo is used to filter records that do not contain a specific string in a case-insensitive manner.

Search Domain Operators

13. =?

The =? operator in Odoo is used to filter records where a field's value is exactly equal to a specified value.

Search Domain Operators

14. Child_of

In Odoo, the child_of domain operator is used to filter records that are either the specified record or any of its children in a hierarchical structure, such as parent-child relationships.

Search Domain Operators