How to Invoice Time & Material Used in a Field Service in Odoo 17

Cybrosys Technologies


1. Configuring Sales Orders

Start by setting up your sales orders in Odoo 17 to include field service tasks. This ensures accurate invoicing later.

Field Service in Odoo 17

2. Creating Field Service Tasks

Create tasks for your field service team. Assign them appropriately and ensure all necessary details are included.

Field Service in Odoo 17

3. Recording Time & Materials

Accurately record the time spent and materials used for each field service task. This data is crucial for precise invoicing.

Field Service in Odoo 17

4. Generating Invoices

Once tasks are completed, generate invoices based on the recorded time and materials. Odoo 17 simplifies this process.

Field Service in Odoo 17

5. Reviewing & Sending Invoices

Review generated invoices for accuracy. Make necessary adjustments before sending them to clients.

Field Service in Odoo 17

6. Tracking Payments

Track payments received for your invoices in Odoo 17. Ensure timely follow-ups on outstanding payments.

Field Service in Odoo 17