How to Setup Odoo 17 Development Environment Using Pycharm in Ubuntu 20.04

Cybrosys Technologies


1. Download & install the Pycharm IDE

We're going to install the Pycharm Community version here, and your machine must fulfill a few basic requirements to run Pycharm.

Odoo 17: Pycharm Setup

2. Install Python 3.10

The most recent Python 3.10 version is inaccessible in Ubuntu's default repository. As a result, we must add another repository. Python Packages may be found in the deadsnakes repository on Launchpad.

Odoo 17: Pycharm Setup

3. Install web dependencies

Installing the web dependencies is the next step.

Odoo 17: Pycharm Setup

4. Install the wkhtmltopdf

To publish Odoo reports, you must install Wkhtmltopdf, which can be done with the following code.

Odoo 17: Pycharm Setup

5. Install PostgreSQL

Next, we must install PostgreSQL

Odoo 17: Pycharm Setup

6. Configure a Database User Role for Odoo Databases

Create a database user with the following instructions, and specify a password for the separate user because it will be required when creating the conf file, so save it.

Odoo 17: Pycharm Setup

7. Get Odoo 17 Source Code

Odoo 17 Community Source code may be obtained straight from Odoo's Github source.

Odoo 17: Pycharm Setup

8. Open the Odoo project in Pycharm

Open Pycharm Community and navigate to the Odoo17 directory.

Odoo 17: Pycharm Setup

9. Install the required Python packages

Odoo requires the installation of various Python packages, which are stated in the file requirement.txt within the Odoo17 directory.

Odoo 17: Pycharm Setup

10. Create the odoo.conf file within the Odoo17 directory

You can create conf file by right-clicking the directory and select New -> File -> odoo.conf

Odoo 17: Pycharm Setup

11. Add Python Interpreter

Go to Settings -> Project: odoo17 -> Python Interpreter to configure a Python interpreter.

Odoo 17: Pycharm Setup

12. Add Project configuration in Pycharm

To configure, Go to Edit Configurations under Current File.

Odoo 17: Pycharm Setup

13. Test Run Odoo 17

Odoo's setup is finished. You may try it by clicking the button below to launch the project.

Odoo 17: Pycharm Setup