Odoo Pricing

Cybrosys recommends connecting with our Odoo team to understand your business needs and receive an accurate cost estimate, which may vary by country.

One App Free

  • Tier 1 countries $ 0/user/month
  • Tier 2 countries $ 0/user/month
  • Tier 3 countries $ 0/user/month
  • For one app only, unlimited users Odoo Online


  • Tier 1 countries $ 31.10/user/month
  • Tier 2 countries $ 16.90/user/month
  • Tier 3 countries $ 9.10/user/month
  • All apps
  • Odoo Online


  • Tier 1 countries $ 46.80/user/month
  • Tier 2 countries $ 25.50/user/month
  • Tier 3 countries $ 13.60/user/month
  • All apps
  • Odoo Online / Odoo.sh** / On-premise
  • Odoo Studio
  • Multi-Company
  • External API

Odoo.sh Server Pricing

Cybrosys recommends connecting with our Odoo team to understand your business needs and receive an accurate cost estimate, which may vary by country.

Benefits of Odoo.sh

See all the services and features included with the subscription.

  • Continuous Integration

    Continuous testing & deployment

    Develop new features and test them with the production data in isolated staging environments. When ready, merge them into production in a few clicks.
  • Github Integration

    All commits are tested and deployed

    Every commit will be tested and deployed in a separate environment.
  • Odoo Apps Integration

    Add third-party apps with ease

    Apps from the appstore can be tested in staging environments and installed in a few clicks.
  • Shell Access

    Quick and easy shell access

    Access a shell to any of your environments from your browser.
  • SSH Access

    Access your environments through SSH

    Access your environments through SSH. Easily import your Github Account's SSH key(s) for authentification.
  • Online Editor

    Work from anywhere

    View and edit files, start & stop your development servers while editing the source files, commit the changes when you're done. All this can be done through your browser. " data-original-title="Online Editor
  • Monitoring

    Your environments are monitored 24/7

    All servers are being monitored for you. A status page is available that recaps your production servers' status.
  • DNS & Email

    Automatically set up for you

    An email server and domain name is set up for you by default. You can configure additional domain names or use your own email servers as well.
  • Storage Replication

    Live replication of all data

    All data is replicated live multiple times to ensure no data is lost in case of hardware failure.
  • Backups

    3 backups servers in different locations

    Every day your production database is backed up and kept on 3 different backup servers spread across multiple regions. Backups are kept up to 3 months.
  • Unlimited Accounts

    As many developer accounts as you want

    You can have an unlimited amount of developers, testers and other that log into Odoo.sh and use its features.
  • Unlimited Dev Branches

    Test & deploy as much as you want

    Have as many branches in development as you like, each commit will be tested and deployed.


Check out the most frequently asked questions and their answers.

  • How is the new odoo pricing beneficial for business?

    With the release of the 16, Odoo changed its prices and price structure drastically. The Odoo platform unveiled exciting pricing details that are simply astonishing. You can now have access to more than 70 modules and applications for a single fee! Even small-scale industries will find the new pricing to be convenient for their business.
  • Which are the two editions of Odoo?

    Odoo comes in two editions, one is Enterprise Edition and the Other is Community Edition. Enterprise Edition will have more advanced functionalities than the Community Edition.
  • How Odoo Licensing/Cost is practical and handy?

    The community edition, which has restricted functionality however it is free, and the enterprise edition, which requires a license cost but provides more sophisticated functionality to manage your business than the earlier. The number of users allotted to the platform determines the enterprise pricing; in the case of business activities, many users are required. Furthermore, the platform doesn't charge businesses for portal users. These users can only access certain data and are restricted to the platform's functions. Furthermore, prices differ according to the country in which the business operates.
  • Which are the new Odoo pricing categories?

    Odoo offers several price tiers according to demographics and area. Prices will differ depending on the country. The Odoo platform produced an incredible price model and fully redesigned its pricing. With the ability to utilize any program, users can benefit from several benefits and reductions with this new price plan. To integrate the Odoo platform into your company, there are three distinct price models available:
    • One App
    • Standard
    • Custom
  • What is the pricing category ‘One App’ defined?

    Under the pricing type, One App, any Odoo ERP application is entirely free of charge for an unlimited number of users. With this plan, you can select any app from the Odoo Applications. The Odoo Studio module is even available as a free app.
  • What is the pricing category ‘One App’ defined?

    Under the pricing type, One App, any Odoo ERP application is entirely free of charge for an unlimited number of users. With this plan, you can select any app from the Odoo Applications. The Odoo Studio module is even available as a free app.
  • Which hosting is used for the ‘One App’ pricing package?

    Odoo Online hosting is allowed for ‘One App’ pricing and hence no third-party apps or Python customizations are allowed.
  • Why more apps are installed in the ‘One App’ package while I installing a module?

    If any dependent modules are there for the installed app, they will also automatically be installed and users can use them for free. For example, if the ‘sales’ module is installed ‘invoicing’ is the dependent module that can also be used in ‘One App’ for free.
  • What is the pricing category ‘Standard’ defined?

    The Odoo Standard Pricing package allows the implementation of Odoo on the Online platform and the cloud platform. You have the option to use all modules at a single-user price. Standard allows you to utilize all modules for a fixed price. The price will be based on the number of users. This new pricing will boost your organization's performance and cost-efficiency. You can use any application here for a single price.
  • What is the starting price of the Odoo ‘Standard’ pricing category?

    Subscription pricing varies by country or region and number of users. The Odoo Standard pricing model starts at 7.25/13.50/19.90 USD. In the Tier 1 countries, the monthly fee will be $19.90. The pricing in Tier 2 countries will be $13.50 and in Tier 3 countries the price varies and reaches $7.25 per month.
  • Can I Install any modules in Standard and Custom pricing categories?

    Yes, there isn’t any restriction on using modules, you can install any module at any time according to your business needs.
  • Can I Install any modules in Standard and Custom pricing categories?

    Yes, there isn’t any restriction on using modules, you can install any module at any time according to your business needs. The only thing is the custom plan supports multi-company, while the standard plan does not.
  • What will be the pricing of Odoo's ‘Custom’ pricing package?

    Custom price varies by country or location. Pricing for the Custom model starts at 10.90/20.40/29.90 dollars. The monthly fee in the Tier 1 countries will be $29.90. If you consider Tier 2 countries, the price will be $20.40. In Tier 3 countries, the cost is $10.90 per month.
  • Which are the countries that come under Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3?

    Tier 1 countries are those countries with advanced economies including the USA, UK, Canada, Germany, Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden etc.
    Tier 2 countries are those countries with upper high income including UAE, KSA, China, South Africa, Malaysia, Brazil, Indonesia, Israel, Argentina, Thailand, Turkey etc.
    Tier 3 includes the countries with lower economic stability including India, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Uganda, Jamaica, etc.
  • How can I decide on choosing the ‘Standard’ or ‘Custom’ Plan of Odoo?

    Depending on the type of company that wishes to manage multiple companies on a single database, whether basic Odoo can be used for the business workflow, and whether customization is required, we will decide whether to use a standard pricing or custom pricing plan. If your business involves a multi-company and, in case you may require customization with the studio, and if you are planning to use Odoo’s sh server you have to choose the custom plan. Otherwise for single company configuration without any customization can opt for the standard pricing
  • How will you define a user in Odoo pricing?

    A user is typically an employee who has access to the Odoo backend and can create, view, or edit documents. External users (such as clients or suppliers) who access Odoo via the portal are not paid users. Users who are payable include employees of the organisation who submit timesheets and expenses, as well as accountants who use Odoo to handle your finances. Free users include suppliers and customers who can view their invoices on the portal and visitors to your website who place eCommerce orders and follow delivery times.
  • What is meant by External API?

    To query, retrieve, or change data held in Odoo, you may build up external software (such as reporting engines, legacy systems, etc.) that makes calls to the Odoo API (JSON-RPC or XML-RPC).
    This call made from Odoo isn't considered as coming from an "External API." For instance, the ordinary plan includes the usage of external services by Odoo apps, such as bank synchronization, VoIP providers, delivery carriers (like UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.), and payment providers (like Stripe, PayPal, Adyen, etc.).
  • Do I need to purchase Odoo in dollars from anywhere in the world?

    Nope, based on the company's country the pricing currency is taken.
  • What are the hosting services available for Odoo?

    Odoo Enterprise subscription provides three Hosting services includes:
    1. Odoo Online
    2. Odoo sh (dedicated cloud)
    3. On-premises
  • What is Odoo Online hosting service?

    Odoo Online is available on the cloud-based Odoo SaaS platform. "Software as a Service" (SaaS) is an acronym for the term. For all of its end users, Odoo Online offers a cloud-based system as a software service that utilizes the enterprise edition. The simplicity of Odoo Online is one of its main advantages. There aren't any technological issues, and Odoo is in charge of everything. It is rather comfortable thanks to the security mechanisms, limitless and prompt bug fixes, and 24/7 monitoring service. Additionally, your databases are completely backed up by Odoo Online and replicated across several computers located across multiple countries. The database control center allows you to download any backups made during the last three months. Due to the platform's limitations on customization, it is appropriate for small-scale businesses. Odoo’s default functionalities are only available in Odoo Online. The primary benefit of cloud-based (Odoo online) hosting is that users don't have to worry about the cost and features of the server or the migration process, which are two things that Odoo itself overlooks.
  • How can I add custom modules to the Odoo Online Platform?

    Odoo Online platform doesn’t allow to add custom or third-party modules only default functionalities are available.
  • Do I have access to the Odoo Online server?

    Odoo online server is completely handled by Odoo team.
  • What is Odoo sh hosting service?

    One Odoo cloud platform that Odoo built under the Enterprise model and that end users can access is called Odoo Sh. The server is provided by Odoo itself, and it may be used either with a dedicated server or a shared one. The former is appropriate for smaller businesses with fewer than 50 users, and the cost can be estimated from the Odoo sh website based on the number of employees, storage capacity, type of hosting, and number of staging. Furthermore, the service offers many more advanced features including backup, continuous integration, interacting with Odoo apps, and much more. However, in the event of dedicated server operations, Odoo must be informed of the company's requirements. Based on these requirements, recommendations will be given, and the cost will be established. The end user will have all the tools necessary to run their business effectively using Odoo Sh. In addition to providing extensive customization choices, the platform facilitates easy testing of their projects.

    Furthermore, feature branching and beta testing of features on duplicates of the user's client's production instances are permitted by the system.Moreover, Odoo.sh makes use of a GitHub account that contains unique SSH keys and secrets, enabling it to merge, clone, and fork projects. In a similar vein, the Odoo.sh platform makes it incredibly easy to join up two servers with a few clicks and register SSH public keys rapidly.

  • What is the Odoo On-Premise hosting technique?

    On-premise hosting can be run locally or on an external server owned by a third party. Whereas the latter can only be accessed for localized operations, the former is available everywhere. Customers are responsible for covering the costs of server operations and maintenance in both cases. Furthermore, the user has complete control over customisation and add-ons for the platform from Odoo. When setting up your whole hosting infrastructure, the Odoo enterprise may be easily deployed on your server by yourself. You must manage the technical details if you are hosting Odoo on-premises, which is crucial for sustainability and for paying for the installation of your software.
  • How can Odoo be implemented for my business?

    There are two choices for the implementation services such as project management, training, developments, company requirements analysis, data import, customizations, etc. Small businesses with less than 50 employees typically use Success Packs to interface directly with Odoo. Large and mid-sized businesses with more than 50 employees typically collaborate with a partner that provides regional project management services. Here is the Odoo Partners page :https://odoo.com/partners
  • What all included in the Odoo Subscription?

    With an Odoo subscription, you may access hundreds of Odoo apps on scalable cloud infrastructure. Additional features include email integration, hosting, incremental daily backups on two continents, excellent security, 24/7 monitoring, and a control center for managing your Odoo environment. One of their offerings is limitless email assistance in English, French, Spanish, or Dutch, available from Monday through Friday, around the clock (24/5). The eLearning platform is also free to use. Additionally, all of their plans provide upgrades at no additional cost.
  • What all are not included in Odoo subscription?

    The accompanying features are not included with the Odoo Subscription:
    1. For customised projects, use Odoo.sh hosting (Odoo Online hosting is free) while hosting in Sh has additional charge.
    2. Access to Odoo professional services and implementation services.
    3. Credits need to be purchased for in-app services: SMS, lead creation, auto-complete contacts, and AI to scan vendor invoices and spending.The accompanying features are not included with the Odoo Subscription.
  • How is the Odoo support and maintenance in case users run into errors or issues?

    If an issue arises with the Odoo platform, only certified Odoo partners and developers will be able to fix it and restore it to full functionality. Every stage of the business's activities will be accompanied by an Odoo partner, who will also make sure that ongoing assistance is given when it's needed. Furthermore, when a platform malfunctions and maintenance is required, the Odoo partner will make sure that you take the necessary sudden actions.
  • How much does it cost to customize the existing Odoo Application?

    The cost of customization is determined by the changes needed to Odoo's basic functions as well as by the extra add-ons and functionalities needed to support business operations. The customization fee was based only on the company's extra requirements.
  • Who will do the customization on Odoo?

    The available Odoo-certified partners can perform the Odoo customization. These partners can handle any customization needs since they are resourceful and well-prepared. It will be better to seek the Odoo golden partners as they are the greatest among them when it comes to being knowledgeable about customizing Odoo to meet a company's business demands.
  • What is meant by Odoo Migration?

    The process of updating to the most recent version of Odoo is known as an Odoo migration. Every year Odoo is releasing new versions with upgraded functionalities and features. Since Odoo is a management tool, updates are released periodically to assist businesses in a variety of complex operations. As a result, these businesses will need to move their Odoo platform to the most recent version.
  • How much does it cost for Odoo Migration?

    One of the services that is part of the Odoo price is the migration. Odoo freely updates the basic application and module, but the extra applications and add-ons that are needed for a company's unique requirements are what determine how much to pay. Furthermore, the costs associated with Odoo migrations will also include the data transfer from the previous version.
  • Can I convert my One app plan to standard or custom Plan plan to standard or custom Plan?

    Simply install the extra apps you require to move from the One App Free plan to the Standard plan. You will instantly go to the Custom plan if you install Studio or add multi-companies to your database.
  • Is it allowed to use multi-company in the ‘One App’ pricing category?

    No, the One App pricing package doesn’t support multi-company features.
  • Is it allowed to use the studio module and create multiple apps in the ‘One App’ pricing category?

    No, ‘One App’ pricing is not allowed to use the studio module


Cybrosys Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
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Kakkancherry, Calicut
Kerala, India - 673635



Cybrosys Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
1st Floor, Thapasya Building,
Infopark, Kakkanad,
Kochi, India - 682030.



Cybrosys Techno Solutions
The Estate, 8th Floor,
Dickenson Road,
Bangalore, India - 560042

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