With the outbreak of new technologies and possibilities, every business is facing stiff competition in the market to stand out and overpower their competitors. Whether the business is small or big, it should be accomplished with successful software that can comprehend every action of business successfully and efficiently. With the advent of ERP software, the management of business became simplified. All manual entries were supplemented using software reducing the redundancy in data management. Every task got cordial and structural, leaving the employees to stress-free in managing the internal communication of the business. But to notice, even an ERP had many limitations in incorporating different activities of businesses.

As we know, the business has several departments of communications like human resources, customer relations, business management, accounting, data and warehouse, sales, purchase, etc. 

Earlier, the scenario was that for every business communication department we had to implement different software for performing a different set of activities. For example, accounting had a separate software which had nothing to do with a Human resource or customer relations. The drawback was that the departments had no communication in between resulting in loss of data and resources on many occasions. Many times the employee of one department leaves illiterate on what is happening or what are the developments happening over the other associated departments, leaving them confused and challenging. 

But this problem was soon eliminated with the advent of Odoo, the open ERP software. Odoo gave a new dimension to business and its activity management. Every communication department like human resources, customer relations, business management, accounting, data and warehouse, sales, purchase were brought under one roof making the interdepartmental communication easy and coordinated. Odoo acts as an integrated and collaborated platform for efficiently managing the business. Odoo is an all-in-one suite of management software, that helps every business, no matter how big or small they are. 

This blog discusses the advantages of Odoo software development in your business. Let us see one by one of its features. 

Advantages of Odoo software development in your business

Open Source: 

Today, there is much different business ERP software that is designed to streamline, automate and make the processes of day-to-day business less of a hassle. But with Odoo for your business, you can make sure that you stay ahead of all technologies and latest changes. Being an open source, the source code is made accessible to all, leaving them as a platform for continuous evaluation and modifications. Thousands of developers are constantly working in Odoo open ERP eliminating every possibility of bugs, customizing new additional features in the form of Odoo Apps meeting every business dimension needs. That makes Odoo perfectly fit into all business categories and their respective needs. 
Low cost:

As we discussed, there is much proprietary software like SAP, Oracle, Microsoft dynamics which come with attractive and abundant ERP application features. But the main drawback is they are pretty costlier in implementation. Right from purchasing the software to the installation later customization and development charge a huge sum of money leaving the ERP implementation a huge burden to many businesses

But with Odoo, a business can feel relaxed and less burdened as Odoo is freely downloadable and less implementation cost compared to other ERPs. Odoo for business gets you with license-free software, leaving you with a blessing to allocate the bigger portion of your budget for later implementation and customization of your business need. Today, business users of Odoo have crossed 2 million in number, proving Odoo reliable, high quality, and proven software. 


 A smooth and user-friendly experience that has been built in Odoo to ensure seamless action and performances. Flexibility and full integration cover the needs of complex companies making Odoo user-friendly in the business sector. The flexibility of Odoo is huge that it makes suitable for every sector of business. Odoo is actively maintained by a large base of developers to meet evolving customer needs and provide new, innovative applications.  Cybrosys Technologies is one of the best Odoo partner in India offering 360-degree Odoo implementation and customization service.
No vendor lock-in:

In Odoo there is no lock-in or dependency on the vendor. On the other hand, proprietary software increases the risk of getting locked in either by the vendor or technology. This often results in a huge loss of resources. This feature makes Odoo a suitable platform for business leaving end-user seamless to work with the software. 

 In Odoo we have 5000+ modules. As per the requirement, we can plug in the required module. In the case of load balancing, you need to take care of sessions handling in the number of servers that you may have. In the case of Odoo, the session management is done by werkzeug at the low level and Odoo uses the werkzeug.contrib.sessions. If all of your Odoo servers are on the same server machine and they are started with the same user, you should not have any trouble. But, if the Odoo servers are distributed, you will end having different sessions for the same user in all the Odoo servers. For example, you ask the load balancer for http://yours.server.com/ and that generates a request for load js, CSS, and much more stuff like dblist, etc. 

If you have 2 servers you may be creating a session in both of them, so when you login in the UI, you are login in one of the servers and on that server the session store the information related to who you are, but again others request will be sent to the rest of the servers and in those, your session is not authenticated so you will be seen errors like "your session has expired" because you are trying to access a resource that needs to have been authenticated again a DB and in that server, your session doesn't.

Updated technology:

Odoo is based on a technology stack that is modern and up-to-date. These technologies continue to be developed and adapted to the latest paradigms, and so is Odoo ERP. From blogs to e-commerce, Odooā€™s Website Building apps are built with a marketing approach in mind to reach out to a wider global audience of potential business clients or customers. It enables company owners to build their own websites that are usually search engine optimized. 

Additionally, Odoo facilitates the development of numerous effective business productivity increment tools and software such as business intelligence and instant online messaging to invoke the generation of witty objectives and enhance problem-solving skills. Discussions and appropriate to-do notes also see to it that the company achieves its set production targets. 

In short, Odoo is a suitable and best ERP software for business management. The constant improvement and development of new modules make them efficient and effective in business activity managing. If you are looking for Odoo Development Company, mail us info@cybrosys.com.