SSH (Secure Shell or Secure Socket Shell) is a network communication protocol that allows communication between two systems. It connects securely to a remote server. Also, it supports SCP(Secure Copy Protocol) and SFTP(SSH File Transfer Protocol) for data transfer.
To connect to your server (system) and transfer data to your system using a graphical user interface or command line.
Methods for establishing an SSH connection:
Launch the PuTTY SSH client, then enter your server’s SSH Host Name (or IP address) and Port. Click the open button to continue.

Command prompt
Specify the username and the host in the following format
ssh user_name@host(IP/Domain_name)
user_name: represents the account that accesses the host.
host: refers to the accessing machine, which can be a computer or a router. This can be an IP address (e.g., or domain name (
List of Basic SSH Commands
SSH Command | Explanation |
ls | Show directory Contents(list the name of files) |
cd | Change directory |
mkdir | Create a new Folder |
rm | Remove a File |
pwd | Show current directory(full path to where you are right now) |
cp | Copy file/folder |
mv | Move file/folder |
cat | Show contents of a file |
grep | Search for a specific phrase in file/lines |
find | Search files and directories |
vi/nano | Text editors |
history | Show the last 50 used commands |
clear | Clear the terminal screen |
tar | Create & Unpack compressed archives |
wget | File downloading from the internet |
du | Get file size |
ls command
ls command is used to list all files and directories.
Syntax: ls [options] [paths]
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys$ ls
odoo14 odoo15 odoo16
ls -l: Display the important information about the file.
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys$ ls -l
total 12
drwxrwxr-x 2 cybrosys cybrosys 4096 Aug 7 14:16 odoo14
drwxrwxr-x 2 cybrosys cybrosys 4096 Aug 7 14:16 odoo15
drwxrwxr-x 2 cybrosys cybrosys 4096 Aug 7 14:16 odoo16
ls -a: List all files and hidden files in the directory.
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys$ ls -a
. .. odoo14 odoo15 odoo16
cd command
cd (change directory) is used to jump into the directory.
Syntax: cd [directory]
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys$ cd odoo15
cd .. - Takes you to the previous directory.
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys/odoo15$ cd ..
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys$ cd
cd / - Takes you to the root directory.
cybrosys@cybrosys:~$ cd cybrosys/odoo15
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys/odoo15$ cd /
mkdir command
mkdir (make directory) command is used to create a new directory.
Syntax: mkdir [directory_name]
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys$ mkdir odoo13
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys$ ls
odoo13 odoo14 odoo15 odoo16
touch command
the touch command is used to create a file.
Syntax: touch [file_name]
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys/odoo15$ touch cybro_odoo
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys/odoo15$ ls
rm command
the rm command is used to remove a file.
Syntax: rm [file_name]
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys/odoo15$ rm cybro_odoo
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys/odoo15$ ls
rm -r: Delete a folder, it removes all files and subfolders in it.
rm -i: Ask for confirmation, before removing the file.
pwd command
Gets the full path of your working directory
Syntax: pwd
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys/odoo15$ pwd
cp command
cp is used to copy files or directory
Syntax: cp [option] [source] [destination]
cp -R source_directory destination_directory: recursive copying of directories. ( If the destination_directory doesn’t exist, cp creates it and copies the content of source_directory recursively as it is. But if destination_directory exists, then a copy of source_directory becomes a sub-directory under destination_directory)
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/odoo15$ cp cybro_odoo /home/cybrosys/odoo14
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/odoo14$ ls
mv command
mv is used to move files or folders.
Syntax: mv [option] [source] [destination]
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/odoo13$ ls
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/odoo13$ mv cybro/ /home/cybrosys/odoo15
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/odoo13$ cd /home/cybrosys/odoo15
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/odoo15$ ls
cybro cybro_odoo
grep command
This command is used to search for the specified text in a file.
Syntax: grep [search_word] [file_name]
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys/odoo15$ cat cybro_locations
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys/odoo15$ grep Kochi cybro_locations
cat command
It is used to display the content of a file.
Syntax: cat [file_name]
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys/odoo15$ cat cybro_odoo
Cybrosys Technologies is a private limited company that engrosses with technology and software business to deliver quality software products worldwide.
Cybrosys, with infrastructure facilitating sophisticated and adequate lab facilities for research and development, has more than 100 innovative and highly dedicated members. Our strategic software partnership with ODOO, MICROSOFT, IBM, Intel, HP, NASSCOM etc. and other technology giants has supported our process in making our presence worldwide within a short span of time. Our product and services are used with clients across India, USA, UK, Middle East & Europe.
vi/nano command
vi and nano are the text editors. To create or open a file using Vi or Nano.
Syntax: nano [file_name] / vi [file_name]
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys/odoo15$ nano cybro_locations
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys/odoo15$ vi cybro_locations
history command
history is used to display the last used commands
Syntax: history
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys/odoo15$ history 2
1 nano cybro_locations
2 history 2
clear command
clear is used to clear all text from the terminal screen.
Syntax: clear
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys/odoo15$ clear
du command
du (Disk Usage) command shows disk block numbers
Syntax: du [options][file_name]
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys/odoo15$ du cybro_odoo
4 cybro_odoo
du -h: Shows the disk block numbers instead of bytes
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys/odoo15$ du -h cybro_odoo
4.0K cybro_odoo
du -a: Shows the space usage of each file in the directory.
wget command
This command is used to download files from the Internet. It supports downloading multiple files.
Syntax: wget [option][url]
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys/odoo15$ wget
--2022-08-07 18:55:21--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 71607 (70K) [text/html]
Saving to: 'index.html.1'
index.html.1 100%[=====================================================================================>] 69.93K 67.2KB/s in 1.0s
2022-08-07 18:55:24 (67.2 KB/s) - 'index.html.1' saved [71607/71607]
cybrosys@cybrosys:~/cybrosys/odoo15$ ls
cybro cybro_locations cybro_odoo 'Cybrosys Techno Solutions Pvt.Ltd?unique=5f325aa' index.html index.html.1
Other SSH Commands
ssh-keygen: Generating new authentication key pairs for SSH
ssh-copy-id: Copying SSH keys to servers
ssh-agent: Hold private key used for public key authentication
ssh-add: Adding private keys to the SSH authentication agent to implement single sign-on using SSH
scp: Securely copy files and directories between two locations.
sftp: Transfer files directly between two servers.
sshd: OpenSSH server process
SSH commands are essential for managing Linux servers. This is the most efficient way to navigate your system and modify files and folders.