Building a Linux Debian(.deb) file is a key step for developers looking to distribute their software to Linux users. In this blog, we will walk through the process of building a Linux debian (.deb) file from your Flutter project.
To create a Debian package, you first need to activate flutter_distributor using the following command.
dart pub global activate flutter_distributor
You can find detailed information about Flutter Distributor at the following link on
After activating, you need to create distribute_options.yaml in your root project directory, as shown in the image below:

Now you can add the release specification of the debian build in the distribute_options.yaml as below:
output: dist/
- name: dev
- name: release-dev-linux-deb
platform: linux
target: deb
enable-experiment: records
The distribute_options.yaml file is a configuration file that defines how to build and package your software for distribution.
output: dist/:
dist/ is the folder where the built packages will be stored. You can change this to any directory where you want to store the distribution files.
- name: dev:
This defines the name of the release. In this case, the release is called dev, which suggests it is a development build. This name can be used to differentiate different builds, such as development, production, or staging builds.
- name: release-dev-linux-deb:
This is the name of the specific job. The job name release-dev-linux-deb suggests that this job is responsible for creating a Debian package (.deb) for the Linux platform in the development environment.
platform: linux:
The platform specifies the operating system that this job will target. In this case, it is targeting Linux.
target: deb:
The target indicates the type of package that will be generated. In this case, the target is deb, which means a Debian package will be built.
enable-experiment: records:
This argument passes a specific flag to the build process. The flag enable-experiment: records suggests that a feature or experimental functionality named "records" is being enabled during the build.
Now, you need to create a packaging directory inside the linux folder in the project home. Then, create a deb directory inside the packaging directory. After that, add the make_config.yaml file to the deb directory as shown in the image below:

In make_config.yaml, we need to specify all details that are required to create the .deb build like:
* The display name for the application
* The name of the package
* Maintainer information
* App icon path
* Metadata such as app category & keywords
* External dependencies
Like below content:
display_name: Cybrosys Blog
package_name: debconvert
name: Cybrosys Technologies
priority: optional
section: x11
installed_size: 15700
- mpv
essential: false
- echo "Sorry to see you go."
- API Client
generic_name: API Client
- Development
- Utility
startup_notify: true
Then run the following command to build deb file
flutter_distributor release --name=dev --jobs=release-dev-linux-deb
As a result, you get the terminal output as shown in the image below:

Once you've finished the process in the terminal, head to your project directory using your file explorer. You should see a new folder named "dist," which contains a subfolder called "1.0.0+1." Within that subfolder, you'll find your .deb file, as shown in the image below:

Using flutter_distributor simplifies the process of creating Linux Debian (.deb) packages for your Flutter app, offering an efficient, automated, and customizable solution for seamless distribution to Linux users.
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