Educational ERP is the new venture of Cybrosys Technologies initiating a hassle-free management of schools and related management functions. Education ERP encompasses different modules like Student Admission, Student Attendance, Staff payroll, Exam Management and many more. Each module is comprehensive and effectively manages the embedded tasks within.
Educational Promotion management software is a comprehensive suite of application providing the facility of academic transitions, enabling the promotion of students to respective higher classes without hassle. The module manages every activity encompassing the promotion requisites like the closure of current academic year, automating new academic year, the creation of new classes for the coming year, conversely shifting the students to next level class and also the viewing the student history. With Educational promotion management module, one can easily maintain and manage the list of students who got promoted to a higher degree of education.
This module is dependent with Educational Examination Management, so before taking up the promotion tasks, one should compulsorily conduct final exam for each class. To know more about conducting exam and examination management module you can refer the blog: Examination Management in Educational ERP Academic Year Closing
Goto Education >Year Ending >Promotion
Here you can close the current academic year. Initially, you can click on "Compute Final Result" to get the final exam results of all classes. After that, you will get all the results for the current academic year for all classes.

Compute Academic Result
Goto Education >Year Ending >Promotion >Compute Final Result
The result is computed based on the final exam conducted for the classes.
Goto Education >Year Ending >Promotion Results?
Here you get the result class wise and Academic year wise.
Close the Academic Year
Goto Education >Year Ending >Promotion >Close Academic Year
On closure of the current academic year, it automates new academic year, creates new classes for the coming year, conversely shifting the students to next level class and also allows viewing the student history.
The new academic year and their related classes
Promotion of Students
Students who have passed will promote the next level. Whereas students who failed will remain in the same class itself
Student History
On clicking this ‘Student History’ you will get the previous class details of the corresponding student.