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By: Hilar AK

Timesheet Based Payroll

Functional Human Resource

In Odoo HR module Payroll management facilitates the management of employee's payroll and related functionalities. We can create each employee's contract details and maintain different salary structures using salary rules. But in Odoo, the whole salary computations are done based on the basic wage that we defined on the employee contract Form. But in some business models, there may be exceptions to it.  Suppose someone wants to prepare the payroll based on the total hour the employee worked, such options are actually indeed for most of the firms.

In such cases, it would be more effective if we can calculate the payroll based on the timesheet of the employee.  So we have developed a custom module Timesheet Based Payroll.

This module actually does the same employee contracts and salary structure management process. But the basic wage calculation is on Hour basis and it uses the timesheet submitted by the employee to prepare the payroll.

Let's have a look at its working and configurations.

You can install the module from the Odoo app store. The installation alone won't force the computation process to the hourly basis method. You have to configure it according to your needs.

1.Configure Contract

First, we need to define a contract based on timesheet based payroll. You have to check the Timesheet Based Payroll flag in contract form. This will change the wage calculation method and henceforth the payroll will be prepared on the basis of timesheet provided by the employee.   Here we have to define a salary structure also, the salary structure dropdown will be filtered with the same flag Timesheet based so the normal structured will not be listed.


2.Configure Salary Structures

While configuring the contracts we have to define the salary structures also. The normal salary structures will not be listed for the hour based contracts.  Here we are actually replacing the Odoo default basic salary rules and instead, we are calculating the basic as per the total hour submitted.


Here is the form view of a salary structure based on the timesheet. We checked the Timesheet based payroll flag, also we added a new salary rule named Hourly Pay (Timesheet) which is default salary rules in TImesheet Based Payroll. This rule can be used to replace the basic wage salary rule. So the basic wage calculation will be based on hours. The rule is actually defined as :


Here the calculation is based on the total timesheet hours submitted by the particular employee. So you have to ensure the salary rule Hourly Pay is added to your salary structure.

3.Generate Payslip

We can see extra fields on payslip form i.e calculated Total Hours according to the work schedule and the Total Timesheet Hours submitted by the employee.


The computation formula is  Basic = (Basic wage/ Total work hours) * Submitted Timesheet Hours.

Computed payslip will calculate the basic salary as follows:


Other rules also depend on the salary rule of category Basic. The new salary rule Hourly Pay will be included in the payslip reports also. Now in default, we have two reports payslip and payslip with details.



Here the salary rule code with HT is the custom calculation based on timesheet hours.

If you need any assistance in odoo, we are online, please chat with us.



Hi. This module helps me a lot. It was just what I was looking for. I just have a litlle problem: the fields Timesheet Hours and Total Hours only admit integer values. I modified that in models.py changing Integer for Float, and now it shows me the value that a need. But when I calculate de payroll those values automatically are rounded (to an integer number) and the payroll is calculated with the wrong value. How can I change that? I´m sorry if it is a dumb question, I´m kind of new in odoo.





Hi, Can this module be used in ODOO 12CE? Thank You.




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