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By: Sonu S

Error Handling in Javascript Using the Odoo 16 Erp

Technical Odoo 16

A loosely typed language is JavaScript. There are no compile-time errors. Thus, accessing an undefined variable, calling an undefined function, etc., may occasionally result in a runtime error. Similar to other programming languages like Java or C, JavaScript offers an error-handling system that uses a try-catch-finally block to catch runtime errors.

    // code part that may throw an error
    // code part to be executed if an error occurs
    // code part to be executed regardless of an error occurs or not
Suspicious code that might cause an error should be wrapped in a try block. Write code in a catch block to execute when an error occurs. You can get error information from the catch block's parameters. Catch blocks are typically used to record errors or show user-specific messages. Regardless of whether an error occurs, code in the final block will always be carried out. The remaining task can be finished, or variables that may have changed prior to an error occurring in the try block can be reset using the final block.
The methods are based on two aspects -general promises and Odoo-based. General promises are primarily focused on promises. It doesn't ignore the control flow, which means that promises shouldn't be rejected, but in some circumstances, they do, whereas promises are rejected for errors. While that is the case, you will have a few resolutions of your promise with, for example, status codes that you may have to check in the then handlers and a single catch handler at the end of the promise chain.
function a() {
    x.y();  <---this is an error: x is undefined
    return Promise.resolve(1);
function b() {
   return Promise.reject(2);
a().catch(console.log);           ---- will log the error in a
a().then(b).catch(console.log);   ---- will log the error in a, the then is not executed
b().catch(console.log);           ---- will log the rejected reason of b (2)
       .then(b)                   ---- the then is executed, it executes b
       .then(...)                 ---- this then is not executed
       .catch(console.log);       ---- will log the rejected reason of b (2)

Function sample() {
    if (someCondition) {
        return Promise.reject("someCondition is truthy");
    return Promise.resolve();
This example demonstrates how function a defines the variables x and y, where x is defined, and how an error in this case results in a promise. When a() .catch catches the error and we console it, we know that it is an error. When a function b exists and returns a promise that rejects errors, a() . then(b) . catch will catch the error and output the result when it is skipped.
In Odoo, promise rejection is used to manipulate waft, just like it is in mutexes and other concurrency primitives covered in module net. Concurrency: We must also execute the catch for practical reasons, but we must stop doing so if the promise's definition or the handlers contain coding errors. In order to do this, guardedCatch has been introduced to us. It is still referred to as a capture, but not when the rejected goal is incorrect.
var promise =sample();
promise.then(function (result) { console.log("Message"); })
// this will be called if sample returns a rejected promise, but not if it has an error
promise.guardedCatch(function (reason) { console.log(reason); });
// ...
var anotherPromise =
       sample().then(function () { console.log("Message"); })
                // this will be called if sample returns a rejected promise,
                // but not if it has an error
var promiseWithError = Promise.resolve().then(function () {
    x.y();  // <-- this is an error: x is undefined
promiseWithError.guardedCatch(function (reason) {console.log(reason);}); // will not be called
promiseWithError.catch(function (reason) {console.log(reason);}); // will be called
It demonstrates a function where it indicates an if condition returns a promise that rejects that specific condition, and it stores that function in a variable that catches the reason for error handling and comforts the reason. If the function sample returns a rejected promise, another promise kept in a variable will be called, but not if it contains an error.
The try-catch-finally block is a powerful mechanism for handling errors in JavaScript. Here are Error Types in JS: ReferenceError, TypeError, SyntaxError, etc. in JavaScript (These are the major errors). Such errors can cause special errors in block-based capture and processing: You can create special errors using the throw statement. This is useful for creating custom error messages and managing custom events.
In JavaScript in Odoo 16, you may encounter a ReferenceError just like regular JavaScript. Since Odoo 16 uses JavaScript for front-end development, simple JavaScript rules are used. Here are some situations where you may encounter ReferenceError in Odoo 16 and how to resolve it:
Undefined Variables:  
If you try to access a variable that has not been declared or is not in scope, you'll get a ReferenceError.
console.log(someVariable); // ReferenceError: someVariable is not defined
To avoid this error, make sure to declare the variable before using it:
Undefined Functions:
Similarly, if you attempt to call a function that is not defined or is out of scope, you'll get a ReferenceError.
someFunction(); // ReferenceError: someFunction is not defined
To resolve this, ensure that the function someFunction is declared or defined before calling it:
In Odoo 16, a type error occurs in JavaScript when you run or call a function with a value other than the expected type. This error usually occurs at runtime when JavaScript encounters an operation that is not valid for a particular value. Handling TypeError in Odoo 16 JavaScript involves checking the types of variables and values you're working with, ensuring that they are compatible and appropriate for the operations you're performing, and gracefully handling cases where types may not match your expectations.
A SyntaxError in JavaScript within Odoo 16 occurs when the JavaScript engine encounters code that doesn't conform to the correct syntax of the language. This error occurs at compile-time or during script parsing before the code is executed. To handle SyntaxError in Odoo 16 JavaScript, carefully review your code for syntax mistakes and ensure that it adheres to JavaScript's syntax rules. Correct any issues that result in a SyntaxError, and then test your code again. Remember that SyntaxError typically occurs at compile-time, so fixing these issues is essential before executing your script.

If you need any assistance in odoo, we are online, please chat with us.


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