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By: Nikhil Krishnan

Manufacturing ERP with Odoo (Odoo MRP)

Functional Manufacturing

A complete ERP system made up of different modules and integrates all the portions of the business. And each module is specialized to handle separate business workflows like accounting, sales, purchase, inventory, human resources, and manufacturing, etc. So that each data and functions generate on a single database.

A manufacturing company needs to handle the production and manufacturing process, on one hand, parallel needs to handle others like accounting, sales, purchase, HR. Odoo is one of the best options that you have available in the market at present. Odoo is cost-effective, time-effective and very easy to use. The main advantage is this ERP is Open source software and no license fee for this Odoo community version.

In this section I guide you, the use of MRP module in small business and its benefits, you’ll find an introduction to MRP software or modules, it’s working and workflows and learns how the MRP module makes benefit in your manufacturing business.

After the successful installation of Odoo ERP, We can simply install the MRP module in the new database, manufacturing module/software now your business is ready to handle the manufacturing processes.


Planning, costing, and processing these are the basics of a manufacturing business. For an effective and efficient way in a manufacturing business organization must need a good proper production planning and costing method. Then only the production becomes economical and profitable. 

Production planning is an activity that performed before the original production starts. It involves planning and schedules the production, ensure the availability of raw materials, machines, and equipment, and the last but not the least is Human resources are available to meet the production requirements in planned dates.

It also ensures that a detailed plan on how our manufacturing unit will reach the production goal and schedule the best timetable for effective and efficient production in a cost-effective or economic way. Also, we can predict the time of the production-ready to deliver, which can be useful for us to predict how long it will take 
to deliver the customer’s orders.

We can provide better Service to Customers

- Proper planning helps to provide good services to clients or customers with better quality at reasonable prices.
- Deliver the product as per the promised delivery dates.
- Proper delivery and good quality both helps you to improve relations with customers.
- Improve their confidence and trustworthiness. It makes Promoting profitable repeat orders.
- Also, our customers give new leads. Or they suggest to us.

Handle the rush orders

- Effective planning can handle rush orders.
- Handle it cost, effectively.

Inventory and stock maintenance

- Raw material management
- Finished product management
- Minimal stock and maximum stock manage.
- Effective track of stock moves.

Effective use of work centers and machines

- Most effective use of equipment
- Handle the work centers
- We can plan properly and efficiently to use the machines
- Manage work with the efficiency of the machines.
- Reduce the idle time of the machine

Reduce the idle time of production

- Planning helps in reducing the idle time
- Avoid the wastage of time of production
- Avoid the wastage of time of resources

Avoid the wastage of raw materials

- Proper planning reduces the wastage of resource
- We can use the maximum resource.

Lower capital requirements are needed for a well-planned  production

- Meet the raw materials at a low cost
- The effective use of workers makes less capital and high profit.  

Odoo Manufacturing ERP software automates and integrates the process of planning, costing, processes, resources, work orders, and work centers. It provides visibility in our system, provides accurate and real-time data and information. And a Good ERP increases the productivity, efficiency, and accuracy with economically by helping them navigate complex workflows. Make them easy to use and handle the process and business. Avoid duplication and re-entry. Improve the areas of production, purchase(raw materials) storage, sale, and delivery.

- Odoo will help you to balance your planning, costing, processes, activities, Human resources, other resources, tools, and machines.
- Odoo provides an improvement in the visibility of the system.
- With the help of Odoo, we can improve the efficiency of human resources.
- Odoo will help in the maximum utilization of available resources.
- We can generate detailed reports. Odoo provides different reports like PDF report, XLS report, Chart views, etc.
- Odoo helps you to make decisions faster.
- Odoo helps you gain more control of your business.
- Odoo solves a number of challenges and provides large-scale benefits to manufacturers to manage growth, reduce cost by cost-effective methods, easy to plan the production.
- Odoo is easy to use.

In Odoo MRP we can plan and create MRP orders. We can check the availability of raw materials, if it is available we can start the production. After complete the production, we can post it into inventory. From these records, we can generate sufficient reports. There are other modules like Accounting, Sales, Purchase, Inventory gives complete support for the MRP module. Also provide to unbuild the order, scrap the products, etc.

The MRP module did not have an independent existence, it needs inventory support to handle all the stock valuation, stock move, etc. The basic Purchase module helps to manage the purchase of raw materials, etc, sales modules and CRM modules manage the customer and their sales. HR module handles the employees and their process of attendance, leave, payroll/payslip and appraiser, etc.
- Track changes in demand
- Manage your stock and warehouse and stock valuation(inventory)
- Manage the complete process of a company, Information and functions generate on a single database.
- Make better decisions more quickly
- Make accounting easier.
- Increase sales and customer satisfaction.
- Maintain the customer relationship.
- Manage human resource, Make them happy, then company automatically grown up 
- Manage purchases, bids management. bid competitiveness through pricing accuracy
- More accessible data.


- ERP helps in manufacturing inaccurate resource, real-time information and wild and clear visibility, reduce the administrative and operational costs.


- ERP software or module is more flexible and configurable
- Users can make decisions take actions faster
- Easy to adapt the market strategies and growing business.


- E-marketing and E-commerce make a large-scale change in the market, world-class products available. We can easy to find our market, at the same time competition is also increased. So everyone participates. 
- Good ERP can only give full support for winning the market.
- Back born of a manufacturing company is the production unit, but the sales team are the revenue generators. A complete ERP can only handle both in parallel.
- Quality assurance of manufactured products.

Sudden update production schedules.

Time savings in inside sales, purchase, planning, and costing
Improved capacity planning and costing.
Cost savings from overall equipment, cost center management.

Now Increase your own chances of selecting a good ERP system in your production business that will help you bring large scale business growth in your organization. All the best.

If you need any assistance in odoo, we are online, please chat with us.


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