Enable Dark Mode!
By: Divya M A

What's New in Odoo 17 CRM

Functional Odoo 17

As you may have heard, the official release date for the new Odoo 17 ERP package was announced, and certain new features and platform improvements were also made public. More UI/UX changes will be made in Odoo 17, and public previews of the new user interface have already been made available. Although there is no information on user experience enhancements, the new UI has adorable iconography and bright colors. Even though the user interface and experience have already received substantial improvements, there will soon be more enticing new features accessible. These sneak peeks at the forthcoming Odoo 17 are just the beginning.

We are going to explore the visible features and functions that Odoo updated in its 17th edition of the CRM Module in this article.

Odoo CRM is a user-friendly sales CRM designed for businesses, offering features like lead nurturing, lead scoring, online acquisition, geoIP detection, live chat, deduplication, assignment rules, call-to-actions, and URL trackers. Its drag-and-drop interface simplifies the management of opportunities, scheduling meetings, planning next actions, and logging calls. Customers can be easily accessed through an address book, preferences, and multiple addresses. The platform provides a full history of customer activities, efficient communication through email templates, gateways, and VoIP, and a dashboard for quick visualization of sales team KPIs. It integrates with all sales channels.

Here, I am utilizing the Enterprise edition of the Odoo 17 Master Database for the demonstration.

What's New in Odoo 17 CRMcybrosys

You can change the platform window into dark mode by toggling the ā€œDark Modeā€ button provided under the profile menu, as shown in the above screenshot.

Opening the CRM Module will display the new user interface as displayed below.

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This window displays the dashboard of all the available Pipelines created inside the CRM database. Available pipelines are arranged based on their stages, including ā€œNew,ā€ ā€œQualified,ā€ ā€œProposition,ā€ and ā€œWon.ā€ you can add new stages using the ā€œ+Stageā€ button. You can add new Pipelines using the ā€œNewā€ button and generate leads by pressing the ā€œGenerate Leadsā€ button. 

Insert Pipelines in Spreadsheet/Article/Dashboard

Odoo provides a new ā€œActionā€ menu replacement in its new user interface. You can see the action menu as an icon named ā€œPipelinesā€ in the ā€œMy Pipelinesā€ dashboard. Clicking on the ā€œPipelinesā€ settings icon will open a dropdown menu that includes ā€œImport records,ā€ ā€œKnowledge,ā€ ā€œDashboard,ā€ and ā€œSpreadsheet.ā€ The "Import recordsā€ button can be used to download Pipeline data.

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Insert Pipelines in an Article.

Users can insert the Pipeline data or view an article using the ā€œKnowledgeā€ option. You can add the page view or the link using the ā€œInsert view in articleā€ and ā€œInsert link in articleā€ options, respectively. To add the page view to an article, you can click on the ā€œInsert view in articleā€ option; this will open a pop-up window, as shown below.

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The "New" option allows you to start a new article or choose one that already exists. By doing so, a window with a screenshot of the specified page view will be opened. So, you can create any articles, notes, references, etc., using this feature. 

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Odoo also allows you to share the article through the Web and E-mails using the ā€œShareā€ button.

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You can add Icons, Cover Images, and Properties using the ā€œAdd icon,ā€ ā€œAdd Properties,ā€ and ā€œAdd Coversā€ buttons. In the same method as previously shown, you can also use the "Insert link in article" option.

Dashboard & Spreadsheets

You can add specific Pipelines to the dashboard using the ā€œDashboardā€ option; after adding the pipeline, refresh the window, and then it will be done. Downloading the spreadsheet with the pipeline data is made easier using the Spreadsheet option.

Search View and Filters

The search view has been relocated to the top center of the screen in Odoo 17. The "Filter," "Group by," and "Favourites" choices have been consolidated into one practical "Search" tab in the most recent edition, which also gives a clean look to the new user interface and simplifies the search process as illustrated in the screenshot below.

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You can also change the dashboard view into List, Calendar, Pivot, Map, and Activity views using the respective icons provided on the top right corner of the window.

Sales Menu

The ā€œSalesā€ menu of the Odoo 17 CRM Module provides submenu options including ā€œMy Pipelines,ā€ ā€œMy Activities,ā€ ā€œMy Quotations,ā€ ā€œTeams,ā€ and ā€œCustomers.ā€

My Pipelines and Creating New Pipelines/Stages

The ā€œNewā€ button placed on the upper left corner of the page can be used to edit or create new Pipelines. Here, I am just enabling the window into Dark Mode.

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Using the dropdown form view displayed under the ā€œNewā€ button, you can specify the Organisation or Contact information. You can include the ā€œOpportunityā€ name, ā€œExpected Revenue,ā€ assign an ā€œEmail IDā€ and a ā€œPhoneā€™ number, and denote the priority by choosing the three stars that correspondingly stand for medium, high, and extremely high priority. The ā€œAdd,ā€ ā€œEditing,ā€ and ā€œDeleteā€ buttons are seen below and may be used to carry out the corresponding tasks. 

To create a new stage, simply click on the ā€œ+Stageā€™ button. In the displayed editing field, you can enter the new stage name.

My Activities Menu

Similar to the ā€œMy Pipelineā€ window, the ā€œMy Activitiesā€ window only shows allocated leads and opportunities, as shown below.

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The dashboard will show the  Name of the ā€œOpportunity,ā€ ā€œContact Name,ā€ ā€œEmail,ā€ ā€œExpected Revenue,ā€ and ā€œStage.ā€Odoo also provided a ā€œMy Activitiesā€ menu next to the ā€œGenerate Leadsā€ button that allows you to Import Data, Export, Create Articles, Add to dashboards, and open Spreadsheet files, as we discussed earlier.  you can create a new Activity using the ā€œNewā€ button and generate leads using the designated button.

New Form Features

In the views of the configuration form, Odoo included some more features, but the overall form view is similar to before.

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After opening a new Activity Configuration form, you can see the form fields, such as Customer Name, Email, Phone, Tags, etc. You can notice that the Smart tab area has been relocated up to the top near the Pipeline Stages tab. A new ā€œMy Activityā€ button will appear next to the ā€œSaveā€ icon when the form fields have been filled in. This section now contains the features previously included in the "Activity" button on the Odoo 16 platform. You can do various form functions using this section, such as Archive, Delete, Duplicate, Dashboard, Add Properties, Mark Lost, Send Email, Send SMS, Forward to Partner, Enrich, etc. The form tab sections remain the same, such as ā€œInternal Notes,ā€ ā€œExtra Information,ā€ and ā€œAssigned Partner.ā€

In the Live Chat session of the window, Odoo provides a new facility to send notifications or messages through WhatsApp. After creating Pipelines or Opportunities, you can notify customers through WhatsApp messages rather than Email and SMS notifications.

My Quotations Menu

This window shows all the quotations that have been created by the user. The window shows the quotations' Number, Creation Date, Customer, Website, Salesperson, etc.

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By launching a new configuration form, as seen below, you are able to create a brand-new quotation.

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Add products from Catalog:  Odoo has introduced a new feature called "Catalog" in its "Order lines," allowing users to add products directly from the "Products" catalog in the Odoo Database. This feature is accessible through the "Products" window, where users can easily select products using the "Add" button on Kanban Cards, search and filter products using the ā€œSearchā€ bar, and return to the configuration form using the ā€œBack to Quotationā€ button as illustrated in the below screenshot.

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Teams Menu

For efficient lead and opportunity management as well as other CRM-related activities, the ā€œTeamsā€ option in the ā€œSalesā€ menu of the CRM module provides access to the platform for managing all sales teams.

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The Total count of Open Opportunities, Unassigned Leads, Quotations, Orders to Invoice, as well as the corresponding estimated revenues, are displayed in the Kanban preview itself. 

The vertical menu available on each Kanban View will allow you to view  Opportunities, Sales Orders, and Invoices assigned to that team. The ā€œNewā€ option allows team members to create new Opportunities. The ā€œReportingā€ menu displays reports on the team's activities. Additionally,  the ā€œConfigurationā€ button allows you to make changes to the team. By selecting the ā€œPipelineā€ button, Odoo will take you to the associated sales team's pipeline, as shown below.

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You can use the ā€œNewā€ button to create a new opportunity associated with the specific Sales Team.

Customers Menu

Another option under the ā€œSalesā€ menu is called ā€œCustomers,ā€ and it will keep track of all clients created and saved in the Odoo Database.

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The new window provides a refreshing overview of each client within the Kanban Cards. From the Kanban preview, you can see the fundamental Customer information. The "Action" button helps to import the customer data, Edit articles, Dashboard, etc., while the "New" button will direct you to a new configuration form page where you may add new customer data.

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Reporting Menu

The effective reporting function of Odoo's ERP system offers an in-depth analysis of a module's performance daily, monthly, and annually. This feature enables the organization to take the required measures to increase productivity by enabling the detection of trends, activities, partnerships and leads. Various Reporting views, including ā€œForecast,ā€ ā€œPipeline,ā€ ā€œLeads,ā€ and ā€œActivities,ā€ are available under the CRM module's ā€œ Reportingā€ menu.

Forecast Reporting

For analyzing expected revenues, the Odoo CRM module includes a Forecast reporting tool. We can track prorated income by using the Kanban view's monthly revenue reports.

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In order to enhance forecast reports, you can switch between the platform's Kanban, Graph, Pivot, and List views. From the Graphical view of the Forecast reporting, you can change the Reporting Measures. The ā€œSearchā€ bar can be used to create groupings and filters based on various parameters. These features are almost the same in all the Reporting sections of the CRM Module.

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Pipeline Reporting

Using the ā€œPipelineā€ option found in the ā€œReportingā€ menu of the Odoo CRM module, all pipeline operations can be analyzed.

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Leads Reporting

The Odoo CRM module's ā€œLeadsā€ reporting platform enables users to view reports for all leads created through multiple channels, allowing for efficient analysis and decision-making to optimize lead creation operations.

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Activities Reporting

You can see reports of all scheduled and completed activities in the Odoo CRM module by selecting the ā€œActivitiesā€ option from the ā€œReportingā€ menu. The window appears to be empty, as there haven't been any such activities added recently.

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Configuration Menu

The ā€œConfigurationā€ menu of the Odoo 17 CRM Module provides the facility to configure various CRM-based functionalities that include basic ā€œSettings,ā€ ā€œSales Teams,ā€ ā€œActivity Types,ā€ ā€œTags,ā€ ā€œLost Reasons,ā€ ā€œPartner Levels,ā€ ā€œLead Mining Requests,ā€ ā€œCommission Plans,ā€ ā€œPartner Activationsā€ etc. as illustrated below.

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The "CRM," "Lead Generation," and "Partner Commissions" tabs of the Odoo 16 CRM module each provide customizable configuration options that let users improve the module's functionality.

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* CRM Tab:  Users can enable the "Recurring Revenues" feature on the CRM tab to specify recurring plans and revenues on prospects. This feature provides an external link for managing recurring plans and access to a new platform for configuration. The ā€œMulti Teamsā€ option allows easy salesperson assignment to multiple teams. Based on variables including lead stage, phone quality, and email quality, the "Predictive Lead Scoring" option calculates the statistical probability of closing leads. Users can update the success rate computation factors using the ā€œUpdate Probabilitiesā€ button, which allows for the addition or removal of fields. According to predetermined criteria, the "Rule-Based Assignment" function automatically distributes leads to salespeople. Odoo allows sales teams to periodically assign leads based on rules, which can be performed manually or repeatedly. 

* Lead Generation Tab: The "Lead Generation" tab of the "Setting" menu offers advanced options for boosting lead production activities, such as "Lead Enrichment," "Lead Mining," and "Visits to Leads. By selecting the "Buy Credit" option, users may purchase credits, which are the basis for these options. Lead Enrichment enriches leads with company data based on email addresses that can be activated on demand or automatically. Lead Mining generates new leads based on country, industry, and size. Visits to Leads converts website visitors into leads and performs data enrichment based on IP addresses. Unless otherwise configured, this functionality will be used by all sales teams by default.

* Partners Commissions Tab: "Automatic PO Frequency" and "Minimum PO Amount Total" are two optional choices found under the "Partners Commissions" tab. The Automatic PO Frequency specifies the frequency of automatic purchase order confirmation, while the Minimum PO Amount Total specifies the minimum amount needed for automatic order confirmation.

Sales Teams

The ā€œSales Teamsā€ option in the ā€œConfigurationā€ menu of the  Odoo CRM module allows users to create and manage new sales teams. The platform displays a list of previously set-up sales teams, including their names, Aliases, Team Leaders, and companies, providing a comprehensive view of sales operations.

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You can create a new sales team using the ā€œNewā€ button. filling in the required details in the form view shown below.

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Activity Types

For successful outcomes, regular client communication is essential in businesses. Odoo's sales-related and customer management modules have access to this functionality, enabling you to plan different client interactions. Scheduled programs and simple settings of various activity types are made possible by this feature in Odoo 17. New Activity Types may be created using the ā€œConfigurationā€ menu's ā€œActivity Typesā€ option.

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The dashboard of ā€œActivity Typesā€ will give you an overview of the Activity Type Name, Default Summary, Planned In date, and Type. you can also create a new one using the ā€œNewā€ button.

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Recurring Plans

You can set up various recurring plans using the ā€œRecurring Plansā€ option available in the ā€œConfigurationā€ menu.

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You can also add a new Recurring Plan using the ā€œNewā€ icon.


The ā€œTagsā€ section of the ā€œConfigurationā€ menu can be used to create new tags to highlight or represent various tasks or features.

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By clicking the "New" button, you may create new tags and highlight them with different color choices.

Lost Reasons

In order to facilitate potential future recovery, Odoo CRM enables tracking of lost leads and opportunities, along with their causes. Users can customize the reasons for losing leads or chances by selecting the Lost Reasons option in the Configuration menu. This enables them to recover lost opportunities with the aid of Odoo.

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The "New" option on this platform makes it simple to create new Lost Reasons. Users will be able to indicate the Lost Reason on a new line that will display immediately after clicking the ā€œNewā€ button.

Partner Levels

Your website's Resellers page has a list of resellers. Through the default Resellers module of the Odoo ERP system, you can set up resellers and exchange leads and opportunities with them. You can designate several partner levels for resellers using the ā€œPartner Levelsā€ option found under the ā€œConfigurationā€ menu in the Odoo CRM module.

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Pressing the ā€œNewā€ button will open a configuration form where you can add and create new details, as shown below.

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Partner Activations

The ā€œPartner Activationsā€ option in the ā€œResellersā€ tab of the ā€œConfigurationā€ menu allows you to create various partner activation methods, which can be easily entered using the ā€œNewā€ button.

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The commission plans

Odoo offers collaborative possibilities to foster stronger bonds and corporate expansion. Partners can obtain sales opportunities and, upon confirmation, pay a commission. Together, these marketing tactics help firms expand. A commission plan feature in the Odoo ERP system enables partners to pay a defined percentage of the total billed amount to a suggested sales opportunity. Under the ā€œResellersā€ tab of the ā€œConfigurationā€ menu, you can configure new ā€œCommission Plans.ā€

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The dashboard of every Commission Plan Name that is currently in use, together with information about the Purchase Default Product. The ā€œNewā€ button can be used to create a new commission plan on the displayed form view illustrated below.

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Lead Mining Requests

Lead Mining is a process that involves creating leads based on country, size, and industry. It is crucial for business development and can be done from scratch in the database. By specifying parameters based on business or country relevance, users of the Odoo 17 CRM module may swiftly produce lead mining requests. This can be done using the ā€œLead Mining Requestsā€ option available in the ā€œLead Generationā€ tab of the ā€œConfigurationā€ menu.

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The dashboard will provide you a summary of the Request Number, Leads, Target, Country, Sales Team, Salesperson, Tags, and Status of all the Lead Mining Requests that are now accessible and have been previously created.  Using the ā€œNewā€ button, you can create a new Lead Mining Request inside a configuration form as depicted below.

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Visits to Leads Rules

Users can easily convert website visitors into leads thanks to the Odoo CRM module. To begin with, we must choose the "Visit to Leads" option under the "Lead Generation" tab in the "Settings" menu to make this feature available. The ā€œConfigurationā€ menu's ā€œLead Generationā€ tab is where users can find the ā€œVisits to Leads Rulesā€ platform. 

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The "New" option allows you to add more criteria for converting website visitors into leads. As soon as you click the ā€œNewā€ button, a new window where you can enter the information needed to turn visitors into new leads will be displayed, as depicted in the screenshot below.

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These are the functionalities provided in the various menu sections available in the new edition of the Odoo 17 CRM Module. This blog will help you comprehend the general changes in the user interface, and our future blogs will reveal more about the functionality upgrades. This specialized software program allows companies to manage leads from various media sources until they are successfully converted into sales orders, making it an ideal choice for managing leads and opportunities.

If you need any assistance in odoo, we are online, please chat with us.


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