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By: Saritha

Employee Shift Management System

Functional Odoo 11 Human Resource

Shift management is one of the keys and a crucial factor for any organization. Shift Management plays a significant role in optimizing the organizational resources and the team. For any company or organization that runs more than one work shifts per day make use of employee shift management for an efficient and productive business run.
Setting the shift schedule is always tedious and one of the very difficult tasks that any businesses undertake when they begin to operate or function. There are various challenges in Employee Shift management right from allocating the employees on different shifts, taking care of shift rotation etc.

This particular module helps you to ease out the troublesome shift management, therein allows the users to create and manage employee work shifts in an effective format. Here, an administrator can create various shifts according to different working hours and thereby assign the shifts within employee work contract. The module also helps in automatically assigning the new shift according to the shift sequence.

Human Resource -> Configuration -> Shifts


Employee Shift In Contract

Employee shift management is an easy to use, a free shift scheduling and planning module that helps the end users businesses in managing their shifts and communication within their employees. With Shift Scheduling, HR or corresponding designated person is able to schedule shifts for an employee for a period of one month.

As you can see, we have added an option to schedule a shift in employee contract form. It is very important to create at least one shift schedule manually in contract form (Fig 6.1).

Human Resource ---> Employees ---> [Select Employee] ---> Contract ---> Shift Schedule

Fig 6.1

Shift column in the shift schedule is filtered based on the department. Only shifts configured for that particular employee’s department  is visible here

Generate Automatic Shifts

Automatically assign new shift according to the shift sequence Fig 6.2
Human Resource ---> Employee Shift ---> Generate Schedule

Fig 6.2
Note: The generated shift add automatically into all employees contract in that department which have already one shift schedule. If the contract does not have at least one shift schedule, shift generation does not add to the contract(Fig 6.3). 


If you need any assistance in odoo, we are online, please chat with us.



hai Celine.. I want to make EVENING SHIFT.. and set TAB on work-from (23.00) to work-to (06.00) but it seems can not be done.. please advice




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