Skill management is an important practice for a company that helps employees to enhance their talents. To develop the working efficiency and successfully manage your company processes, you need to have the right competent staff. Skill management should be included in the top priority lists of any company. This practice is an opportunity for employees to manage and boost up their skills by creating a collaborative working environment in a well-organized manner. It goes without saying that many companies have started to maintain skill management tools in order to build a user-friendly atmosphere.
Introducing skill management tools in an organization will help to manage and develop the talents of employees, which leads to the correct placing of employees in perfect positions in the company according to their abilities. Proper recording of skill management data of employees will help a company in the recruiting process. They can easily select staff for a specific post by taking a look into their recorded skills in the skill management module. The company can further conduct skill-developing programs for employees to enhance their working capabilities.
Odoo ERP will help you to document all data related to employees. In the skill management tool that Odoo provides, you can record your skills, qualifications, work experiences, and completed project details. Odoo’s employee management module is an effective tool to organize all employee-related activities.
This blog discusses the employee skill management module offered by Odoo and how it manages the documentation of skills and qualifications of an employee in a company.
Strategic application of available skills will generate opportunities for workers that motivate them to work hard. Odoo lets you access the skill management module to record the skill details of an employee under the employee module. One can add details in this field at the time of recruitment or can be edited according to the development in abilities gained during company operations. By managing employee skills Odoo will help a company to find qualified workers for company processes.
Activating Skill Management Option in Employee module
Like any other module, users can easily install the skill management module from the app store of Odoo. The installed module will be available inside the employee module where you have to enable the skill management option in order to activate it. This module is usually installed automatically with other HR management modules in Odoo. In such cases, the user has to go to the setting option of the employee module directly where he can see an option to enable the skill management as shown in the picture below.

Creating Employee Profile
After enabling the skill management module, you can effortlessly enrich their profile by adding new skills and resumes. These details can be edited in an existing employee profile by selecting the respective profile of the employee from the dashboard of the employee module.

If a user wants to create a new employee profile, by clicking on the ‘create’ button the user will be directed to a new tab where they can add details of the employee such as name, work contact details, and job details. In order to distinguish it from other profiles, the user can also add a picture to their employee profile.

As shown in the figure above, you can find fields to add to your resume and skills under your employee profile.
Adding Resume to a Profile
By clicking on the ‘create a new entry, you will be able to see a pop-up window where you can add details to your resume.

You have to enter the title of your entry and select the type to which your entry belongs. You can select the entry type from the given list or you can easily create a new type from the same window itself.

The user can mention display type and duration in respective fields. In the ‘description’ field given below, you can add a few lines about the new resume entry. After completing all the details, the user can save & close this entry and it will appear automatically under resume in your employee profile. In such a manner, you can add many entries to your profile by selecting the ‘add’ option as shown below.

Adding Skills to a Profile
A user can see and select the ‘create a new entry’ option under skills next to the resume. A pop-up window will appear where they can add details about the skill which they want to include in their profile.

The user can mention skill type by selecting from the drop-down or can add a new type as we have done in the resume entry.

You can add your skill and specify the skill level in this field. Adjust the skill level according to the ability you have in the specified skill. It is easy to add skills as much as you have by simply selecting the add button.

On selecting the respective skill, the user can edit the data from the employee description window.

After completing all these tasks you can find out newly added skills and resume entries under your Employee details by selecting the respective employee profile from the dashboard of the employee module. You can add custom filters to reach the employee according to the required skills and resume lines.

This is how Odoo manages employee skills and through this employees are supported based on their skills. Maintaining data about skills will be helpful to find suitable candidates from the available human resources within the company. This will make employees more productive and committed when they are chosen to work based on their specific skills.