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By: Shereef PT

Odoo LinkedIn integration in HR

Functional Human Resource

In today's scenario, there is a stiff competition among job seekers and it's quite tedious to figure out the right prospect among thousands of applications. With the advent of job portals, the recruitment task got simplified and filtrations were made easy, as there were provisions clearly set for seeking the desired profiles. But the question is how far we are satisfied with the information we get via these online job portals. 
This blog trolls you down through the importance of wise recruitment via Integrating LinkedIn with Odoo HR recruitment application.
Why did we force to integrate LinkedIn with Odoo HR?
We all know that Odoo HR module is a good tool at the ERP level as it encompasses all pivotal features that a recruitment software should possess. By the release of Open HRMS project, it almost filled all gaps in Odoo HR processes. It is a well-known fact that recruitment and selection are the utmost critical and significant human resources functions in the HR management. Unless the organization has the best available employees, it will not be able to grow and flourish in the market. All the steps of the recruitment and selection processes are therefore equally important in attracting and retaining the right candidate.
There are several steps to be accomplished by an HR professional for finding the right candidate. It includes sharing the pertinent information/posts on job openings in different websites & job portals. Later its follow-ups, thereby shortlisting the suitable Profiles/CVs. Once the analysis is over, next mission is to arrange interviews among the selected profiles and thereby shortlisting the best.
Next question is Why to go after LinkedIn Integration? For many, LinkedIn might not be the most popular of all the social networks compared to Facebook or Twitter, out there, but when it comes especially in connecting with the industry professionals, furthering your career, hiring and getting hired, as well as for business-to-business (B2B) activities, LinkedIn plays a pivotal role. LinkedIn serves as the most popular and largest professional network/business-oriented social networking site of today.
A LinkedIn page works in the much-personalized format where one can enlist all their achievements and accomplishments, rich detailing of one's job experience and skills, and other miscellaneous information. This information is shared with everyone who you’re connected with, as well as other professionals, head-hunters, CEO’s and also recruiters who might be looking for someone like you. In nutshell, LinkedIn serves you with the finest candidate profile and for this very reason, today there is an urge among HR professionals opting for LinkedIn to track the candidates rather than following the inboxed CVs and biodatas.
Let us now keenly look into  the benefits of Odoo-LinkedIn integration:
Odoo HR recruitment has no any sharing/posting feature for job applications and this feature further led to the idea of integrating  Odoo HR recruitment with LinkedIn. The main advantage over this integration is that it reduces the overheads of HR employees and help them analyze all the related posts from Odoo, ERP itself.
Here I list the major  benefits of this integration:
- No need to further share the same data separately with LinkedIn.
- Recruitments posts can be done via Odoo.
- Updates of posts can be analyzed from Odoo itself.
- Interested/Responded candidates profile link gets stored in Odoo.
- Provide the number of likes and comments for each post.
- Further reference is made easier.

How is it working?

 Now, let's take the  Odoo interface for better understanding for its working. The entire process is jotted below:
  - Firstly, Install Odoo-LinkedIn connector module in Odoo
  - Secondly, provide your company page credentials in HR Recruitment settings.
  - Setup a LinkedIn app & add the api credentials in settings auth providers form.
  - Go to job positions and ‘Launch Recruitment’.
  - Now you are enabled to share the recruitment post with a proper description in LinkedIn
  - You can fetch the comments and social actions from LinkedIn
  - Analyse the profiles from the LinkedIn activity master.

Detailed Workflow:

Here, I describe the entire workflow from setup to analyze the LinkedIn post activities.
1. Install the Odoo HR-LinkedIn connector module.
LinkedIn connector module in Odoo apps page
2. Add company page credentials and user details in recruitment settings.
Provide company page id and user credentials
3. Setup an application in LinkedIn and thereby provide client_id and secret_id in auth form.
LinkedIn App settings
Auth Provider Page. (Settings/Auth Providers/LinkedIn)
4. Share your opening post content with an attractive and all-inclusive description. As we can see in the screenshot below, we need to fill up the job description field as its content will be shared across by the button “Share on Linkedin”.
Job Description form before sharing with LinkedIn
5. After clicking “Share on LinkedIn” button,  you will be able to see a new post on your company page with same description details of odoo job post.
The company page is updated with job description by “Share On Linkedin” Button
6. Analyze post activities(comments and likes):
New buttons appear after sharing the post with LinkedIn
Comments / Likes updates in Job form
A. Share on LinkedIn:
It will post the description data to the LinkedIn company page.
B. Update LinkedIn Activity:
This button will appear after sharing with LinkedIn. It will retrieve all comments and likes of the shared post.
Also, it fetches all responder profiles with essential data like.
 - Name
 - Profile Image
 - Job Title
 - Profile URL
 - UID
 - Posted Comment
C. Open in LinkedIn:
It will provide you the feature of live analyzing of the post on LinkedIn. It opens a new window of the LinkedIn page with post URL.
D. Responders:
This super button will provide entire profiles of post commenters.
Profiles of post commenters
Single profile of a LinkedIn candidate.
How can you implement it in your Odoo?
There is two version of HR-LinkedIn Integration module.
FeaturesBasic HR-LinkedIn ConnectorAdvanced HR-LinkedIn Connector
LinkedIn Credential Settingsyesyes
LinkedIn App setupConfigure yourselfConfigure by Cybrosys
The post can share to LinkedInyesyes
Comments / likes retrievalnoyes
Candidates Profilesnoyes
Direct LinkedIn Post Viewnoyes

  - Base HR-LinkedIn Connector: You can download free from Odoo apps store
  - Advanced HR-LinkedIn Connector: For purchase, send an email to odoo@cybrosys.com To know more on odoo integrations

If you need any assistance in odoo, we are online, please chat with us.


Saurabh Rana

Thanks for sharing awesome odoo LinkedIn integration guide.




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