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By: Hasna VP

Significant Advantages of Odoo Document Module

Functional Odoo 14

Shifting into digital documentation reduced the large usage of paper files to record information and simplified the management of data. In a business process, it is very important to keep accurate information about the collected data. The fact that easy access to information is something that attracts everyone. It is with this in mind that digital documentation is being developed today to store and retrieve data.  
Upgrading to digital documentation enabled the recording of information created by any employee in the company securely and made it easier to search and access data instantly by saving time and money. Unlike paper documents you don't need to search the entire office shelves for a single piece of information, these documents are only a finger-touch away.
Odoo document module manages to organize all your data and integrate information in a way that is accessible to any needs regarding your company work.  
Recording information in a document form is an easy process in Odoo 14. Odoo ERP solution simply helps us to monitor all activities in our company and smoothly adapts changes according to our requirements. The document module also allows us to work efficiently by saving our time on managing documents.
The advantages of using document modules are many and in this blog, we are taking a look into it.

Management of all Documents
Categorization and arrangement of each document in a structured manner will decrease our working load on searching for a file in the workplace. There is a chance of missing documents if we do not pay much attention to maintaining them.  With the arrival of digital documentation, it reduced so much pressure on the systematic arrangement of confidential files. Odoo provides us with the best option to centralize all our documents, manage them correctly and ensure instant access to information whenever needed.
All documents are saved in a centralized database in the document module. Through this, we can avoid the loss of information and misplacement of files. Users can store their data in the form of videos, URLs, pictures, and documents on separate files. Through the centralization option, which can be accessed through the module’s configuration tab, it is easy to specify various file centralization options based on different company operations. This method helps users to sort files and store them on available workspaces fixed in the company database.
Request to Access Important Documents 
In a business firm documents can be very sensitive and it is essential to have adequate security and control over who can access your files. Odoo document provides you an option to manage requests to access important documents. All files are not meant to be created for all employees in a team or a company. Some are made only for a specific user or group of workers so that it should be only accessible for them.
Odoo allows you to grant permission to the documents only for those who need to get the data. Employees who are assigned to a common task can request each other to access documents and if you are willing to share your data you can grant permission to the request. This feature of the document module controls the management of critical files and information.
Reduces Missing Documents
An organized document access system can help you to reduce the time you take to handle lost or incorrectly placed documents, thus you can increase productivity and efficiency of working when team members are able to utilize their maximum time on performing assigned tasks. Storing data in a centralized repository will help users in preventing the loss of data.
Document Security
For any company, it is very essential to maintain confidential data from unauthorized users. There are business secrets, product detail, financial projection, and business plans that should be kept confidential from outsiders. It is an absolute necessity to secure documents otherwise it will lead to business damage if any of such unauthorized users get access to the important documents. Odoo document management system ensures the security and safety of data by denying unauthorized access to the documents. You can manage your data securely in Odoo document that will guard them using the best security practices such as encryption, two-factor authentication and tracking, and logging capabilities, etc.
Integrate with other Modules
The Odoo document module allows integration with other Odoo Modules. You can integrate this module with project management to create new tasks from documents. To sign documents, the Electronic signature module will help you to carry forward the process. Like these modules, it is easy to combine Odoo document with vendor bills and PLM also.  
Simplify Organisation
In a business process movement of documents should be organized so that it can significantly boost business practices and enhance productivity. Odoo document module can improve the retrieval speed of documents by storing them in a centralized database. Users can collaborate documents with fellow workers by sharing data. The ability to create and execute workflows of your data greatly enhances internal and external collaboration. For example, an employee or manager may be able to identify a file at any time during the approval process. 
You can view the shared links, Emails, and sharing details based on the documents that you have collaborated on in the menu of the document module. 
There are default and custom filter options available to ease your searching process for a document. Users can add specific tags also to their documents to facilitate effortless arrangement and retrieval of data which helps to structure documents per folder. Odoo permits the locking option to lock a document from other users to prevent the access of confidential information without the owner's knowledge. 
Odoo document module has all the characteristics that today’s digital documentation demands and the features and benefits that come along with this module will help you to organize every part of the documentation. 

If you need any assistance in odoo, we are online, please chat with us.


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