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If the employee is busy during the scheduled shift, then how odoo 17 handle it? Employees can choose to swap shifts with coworkers or unassign themselves from the shift if they are busy with the scheduled shift. This is adjustable by turning on the Employee Unavailabilities from the Planning module under Configuration > Settings.
What is the use of the Project Planning option inside the Odoo 17 Timesheet Settings? By using this project planning tool, users may more precisely estimate deadlines and allocate resources across projects. For service products, the field called Plan Services allows to plan shifts with the specified role. When this is enabled inside the service product, a shift will be automatically generated for the selected role throughout the sale order confirmation process.
What is the actual use of the Billing Rate Leaderboard in the Odoo17 Timesheet? The leaderboard, which is based on billing rates, is really displayed in the upper right corner of the timesheet, helping to increase productivity and competitiveness.
Where do I set the billing rate target in the odoo 17 timesheet? In the configuration settings on the Odoo 17 timesheet module, one can set the billing rate target percentage. For each employee, the billing rate target is also set in the employee HR settings tab.
What is the Billing Rate Target in the timesheet of Odoo 17? One can set a target billing rate for your employees in odoo 17. If their current rate falls below the target, it will be highlighted in red, and higher than the target percentage will be displayed in green.
Is it possible to add any automated action in the Odoo17 project module? At the stages of the project, one can set up the automation and set the automation rules which trigger on timely conditions, on record updation, values updation, on mail events, etc.
How can I invoice the project based on milestones? Make a sales order for a service product, that has an invoicing policy based on milestones. Thus a smart tab appears ‘Milestones’ after confirmation. One can add as many as milestones required for the project with a milestone deadline. A 'Reached' boolean is displayed, and when a milestone is reached, the boolean is checked and the supplied quantity can be invoiced. However, to accomplish this, the user must activate the Milestones option from the project settings.
How can I get an idea about how long the task stays on a stage in the odoo 17 project module? To help the user understand when the work is added to the stage, a time indication has been incorporated into the task stages of Odoo 17. As soon as the task is opened, the task stages and time indications, such as minutes, hours, etc., are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.
How can employees in Odoo 16 know about their upcoming schedules? When the schedules are ready, click "Send Schedule" to send them to the staff. The period and workers are then automatically entered in a pop-up window that follows. Additionally, if you want to let your staff know about open shifts, enable "Include Open Shifts" and then click "Publish & Send."
How can I set up an employee schedule in Odoo 16 by role and project? From the planning module's schedule menu, select By Role to organise your schedule by role. The employees' timetables will be planned according to roles. Additionally, you can add a new schedule by selecting the appropriate shift template after clicking the "ADD" button. The role will automatically fill in with other information such as the employee, time, project, task, and repetition. From the planning module's schedule menu, select By Project to plan your timetable by project. Additionally, you can make a new schedule by selecting the appropriate shift template after clicking the "ADD" button. Additional information about the project, including the employee, time, project, task, and repetition, will be added automatically.
How can I create a schedule for an employee in Odoo 16? Go to the planning module > Schedule menu > By employee to create a schedule for a specific employee.This will display every employee's planned schedule, and it is also possible to add a new timetable for every employee.When you select the "ADD" option, a pop-up window where you may plan the employee's calendar and add a job, date, project, or task will display. If you want the position to recur every week for a certain amount of time or forever, check the "repeat" option and save the modifications.
How can I create a schedule for an employee in Odoo 16? Go to the planning module > Schedule menu > By employee to create a schedule for a specific employee.This will display every employee's planned schedule, and it is also possible to add a new timetable for every employee.When you select the "ADD" option, a pop-up window where you may plan the employee's calendar and add a job, date, project, or task will display. If you want the position to recur every week for a certain amount of time or forever, check the "repeat" option and save the modifications.
What do you mean by planning analysis in a project? The project module's main component is project planning, where we may build all of the project documents and additional project details. Project schedules are also produced via project planning.
Is there any option to set reminders if the employee forgets to add the timesheet for a day in odoo 16? Yes in odoo 16 the we have the option called Employee Reminder which sends a periodical email reminder to timesheets users that still have timesheets to encode and also have option called Manager Reminder that sends a periodical email reminder to timesheets managers that still have timesheets to validate.
How can I record timesheet entries in the project module for Odoo 16? Employees have the option of manually adding their timesheets or using the timer tool inside the task , which will automatically log their time. When you open a task, a timer will show at the top. When the task begins, click on the timer's "START" button to start timing. When the task is finished, choose to stop timing. The work description will also be requested, and the duration will automatically fill in after that. This will trigger an automatic timesheet recording. To manually create a timesheet, go to tasks and edit tasks. Click on "add a line" under the timesheet tab, and then enter the date, the employee, the description, and the amount of time spent.
What is the use of Milestone in the Odoo 16 Project module? Milestone feature in Odoo 16 helps to set up a milestone with a deadline, Sales Order Item and Quantity which helps to deliver your service automatically once the milestone has been reached by linking it to a Sale order.
Can we manage documents directly from the Odoo 16 Project module? Yes in Odoo 16 The 'Documents' smart button inside the task allows you to manage documents directly from tasks.
How the user can set allow their customers to reviews on tasks during different stages of the project in Odoo 16 project module. In Odoo 16 Project module for each stages that we create inside the project for task has an option to mention SMS template and Email template where one can set up the mail and sms regarding the task u[pdation which will be sent directly to the customer upon changing the stages.
What use do the Task Dependencies serve in the Project module for Odoo 16? With the help of the Task Dependencies feature, which was added to Odoo 16, one can choose the order in which to complete tasks. To enable this function, go to Project -> Configuration -> Setting -> Project Management -> Task Dependencies. The user can describe the task that needs to be blocked and determine the sequence in which the tasks should be completed on a separate page located within the Tasks called Blocked by once this option is activated.
In Odoo 16, can I schedule activities for my tasks? It is possible to schedule activities for tasks. To view all the tasks in all the projects, select Project > Tasks from the menu. From the kanban view itself, the next activity can be scheduled. To schedule a new activity, click the clock symbol at the following activity field. A pop-up window will open; click "Schedule an activity" and enter the necessary information, such as the activity's kind, due date, and responsible party.
How does Odoo 16 create tasks from sales orders? Create a new service product, define the current project, and under the sales tab, set the service tracking to "Create a task in an existing project" before saving the modifications. Create a sale order for the service product right away. As soon as it is confirmed, a task will be added to the project.
How does Odoo 16 calculate project profitability? The project updates provide information on project profitability. The summary will display the specifics of the timesheet cost, invoiced amount, and amount to invoice. Profitability is hence the difference between revenue and expenditure.Project profitability is calculated as follows: Invoiced - To invoice costs. Timesheet costs are actually a project expense.
How can I manage recurring tasks in the project module for Odoo 16? One must enable the feature recurrent task from the project configuration settings in order to manage repeating tasks. This will automatically create tasks for routine tasks. Then save changes. Now navigate to the project settings, select the "recurring task" option, turn it on, and then save. Therefore, you can specify the recurrency in the task when you create one for your project. When "recurrent" is enabled in the task, a new tab labelled "Recurrence" will open where you can specify the subsequent recurrences. As a result, the work will repeat during the subsequent recurrence period.
How can field service be offered in an Odoo 16 project? To manage the field service in the project, one must enable and save the field service in the project settings. Therefore, this project will be available when creating a field service request through the field service module. Enter the field service request name, project, assigned person, customer, anticipated dates, etc., in the field service module's creation window, and then save your modifications. Check the project again to see that a new task has been generated by the field service module.
How to track the cost and revenue spent on a project in Odoo 15? To track the cost and revenue spent on a project in Odoo 15 a new feature is introduced named Profitability to enable it to go to Project -> Configuration -> Analytics -> Profitability, once it is enabled one can easily track the Budget, Revenues, Costs, and Margin on the project.
Is it possible to track the progress of the Project with Odoo 15? Yes with Odoo 15 it is possible to track the progress of Projects by using the feature called Project Stages, to enable this go to Project -> Configuration -> Settings -> Tasks Management -> Project Stages and can configure the stages from the setting itself.
What is the use of the Task Dependencies in the Odoo 15 Project module? Task Dependencies is a new feature introduced in the Odoo 15 using which one can determine the order in which to perform tasks and to enable this option go to Project -> Configuration -> Setting -> Project Management -> Task Dependencies. Once this option is enabled the user can view a separate page inside the Tasks named as Blocked by where one can define the task that needs to be blocked and which helps to determine the order to perform the tasks.
How can I create and configure my own activity type in the Odoo 14 project module?
Go to project module -> Configuration -> Activity Types -> Create, and name the activity type. You can define the action to perform for the activity type like upload a document, meeting, phone call, etc. Additionally, you can set the default user for the activity type, so that only he/she can raise that particular activity. Similarly one can set a model so that the activity can be used only for the model.
Other details like decoration type, icon, default summary for the activity, next triggering activity, recommended activities, email template, the scheduled date for activity can also be set.
Can I schedule activities for my tasks in Odoo 14? Yes, activities can be scheduled for tasks. Go to project -> Tasks menu, which will display all the tasks in different projects. From the kanban view itself, the next activity can be scheduled. Click on the clock icon at the next activity field, so a pop-up appears to schedule new activity, click on ‘Schedule an activity and add activity details like activity type, due date, responsible person, etc.
How do tags help in Odoo 14 project management? Tags are used to identify the project tasks. One can create tags from project -> configuration -> Tags and create. Also, certain colors can be assigned to tasks. Therefore, while managing tasks we can assign the tags to each task. This will help to identify tasks of a particular type/tag from the kanban view as well as helps to filter out tasks using tags.
How is the project invoiced in Odoo 14? Basically in a project, the invoice means the invoice for the materials used. Therefore, the project invoices means the invoices created from the sale orders of the project.
How the invoicing of the project timesheet can be managed in Odoo 14?
The timesheet cost of the project will be calculated as the product of timesheet hours spent and the timesheet cost of the employee. The employee timesheet cost will be added in the employee HR settings. 
So when the employee timesheet is entered and in the project overview, one can see the timesheet cost.
How can the tasks be created from sale order in Odoo 14?
Create a new service product and under the sales tab, set the service tracking as ‘Create a task in an existing project’ and define the existing project and then save changes.
Now create a sale order for the service product, on its confirmation a task will be created in the project.
How can the project profitability be calculated in Odoo 14?
Project profitability can be available from the project overview. The overview will show the details of timesheet cost, invoiced and to invoice amount. So profitability is the difference between income and expense.
Profitability of project = Invoiced + To invoice - Timesheet cost.
Timesheet cost is actually an expense of the project
How can I manage recurring tasks in Odoo 14 project module?
To manage recurring tasks, one has to enable the feature recurring task from project configuration settings. This will auto-generate tasks for regular activities. Then Save changes.
Now go to the project settings, you will be able to see an option ‘recurring task’, enable the recurring tasks, and save. 
So when you create a task for your project you can set the recurrency in the task. Enable ‘recurrent; in the task, then a new tab ‘Recurrence’ will appear where you can set the next recurrences. Thus the task will repeat on the next recurrence period.
How can I communicate with project followers using Odoo 14?
Odoo 14 provides collaborative pads to communicate with internal users. Each user can assign different authorship colors to identify easily while sharing their findings.
Go to Project -> Configuration -> Settings and enable collaborative pads and save. Now when you open the task and edit, you will find the collaborative pad appears at the description tab. Using this pad each user can communicate with colleagues. Click on the pad settings and enable the chat option. Furthermore, using the chat the internal users who are followers of this task can share their ideas and communicate with each other.
How can customers rate the project in Odoo 14?
For the customer rate of the projects which are ongoing, you have to initially enable customer rating from the project configuration settings. So in the project settings customer rating periodicity can be set as either ‘Rating when changing stage’ or ‘Periodical Rating’ like once a month, twice a month, daily, weekly etc.
And the next step is to set the ‘Rating Email Template’ for each stage. Go to project module > configuration> stages > edit and set Rating Email Template. So based on the periodicity a rating email will be sent to customers so that they can rate their satisfaction level.
To send the email, one has to properly configure the mail server as well.
How field service can be provided in a project using Odoo 14?
To manage the field service in the project, from the project settings one has to enable the field service and save it. So while creating a field service request from the field service module, this project will be available. Go to field service module > create, add the field service request name, project, assigned person, customer, planned dates, etc and then save the changes. Now check in the project, so that you can see a new task is created from the field service module.
How can I get the updates of a task when it moves to the next phase of the project in Odoo 14?
At each stage, one can set an email template, so that when a task reaches that particular stage it will notify the customer with an automatic email.
To set email template go to project -> configuration -> stages, edit any stage and add template at the field ‘Email Template’.
How the Tasks were handled in different stages in Odoo 14?
For task management, we have to move the task to different phases as the project is progressing. For that we have we create different stages and have to move the task from one stage to another stage. The stages for each project can be created, once the project is created. 
Stages can be also created from Project -> Configuration -> Stages > Create. Stages refer to the different phases of a project such as New, In progress, Design, Completed, etc.
There is a circle on the task in kanban, click on the circle and can mark the task as ‘block’ or mark it as ‘ready for the next stage’. Once the task is in one stage and if it is completed we can put it into the next stage by simply drag and drop option. 
Can I add any cover image or set colors to my tasks in Odoo 14 for easy identification? Go to tasks in the project and click on three dots available on the task in kanban. Click on ‘set cover image’ and upload the image to set as the cover image for the task. Similarly to set color codes for your task click on the three dots on the task in kanban and choose the required color.
How can I restrict project visibility in the Odoo 14 project module? Sometimes the project visibility is to ‘Invited internal users’ and within this, you can restrict the access. Moreover, you can set the ‘Allowed Internal Users’ so that the visibility can be restricted to them. Similarly, if the visibility is ‘Invited portal users and all internal users’ you can add the ‘Allowed Portal Users’ to restrict the portal users from the invited portal users.
How can I set Project visibility in the Odoo 14 project module?
Project visibility decides who can have access to the project. This can set in project settings. The three types of visibility provided in the Odoo 14 are:
Invited internal users: Only the invited internal users can have visibility to the project. All internal users: Every internal user can have access to the project. Invited portal users and all internal users: Only invited portal users and all employees can have access to the project.
How can I log timesheet entries in the Odoo 14 project module?
Employees can add the timesheet manually or use the new feature timer which will log the timesheet automatically.
The timer will appear at the top once you open the task and when the task starts, click on the timer ‘START’ it will count the time spent on the task, and on completion, select to stop the timer. Furthermore, it will ask to add the task description and the duration will be auto-filled, further, then save it. This will record the timesheet automatically.
To add a timesheet manually, go to tasks and edit tasks, under the timesheet tab click on ‘add a line’ and add details like date, employee, description, and spent duration.
Can I add a project timesheet automatically using Odoo 14?
Yes. Odoo 14 provides a timer to add the timesheet automatically. While you open the task, you can find the timer ‘START’ option at the top. Click on the start button, then the counter starts to count the time. One can pause the timer if required. At the end of the task click on the ‘STOP’ button, then a popup opens where the duration is auto-filled furthermore, you can add the description on the task done. This will save time for employees on manual timesheet entry.
How tasks and sub-tasks can be handled using the Odoo 14 project module?
Tasks can be created for a project as it refers to the work to be done in the project. You can create tasks from the project or go to the task menu and create a new one. Add details such as task name, assigned person. Project, worksheet template, etc, and save it. Then in the project overview, the task count will be displayed.
To manage subtasks, firstly we have to enable the subtasks option from project configuration settings. Thus inside the project, a field will appear to manage and split your tasks to organize your work into sub-milestones. Also in the task, a new tab appears to show the subtask details. Go to tasks and click on the sub-task smart tab and create a new subtask. The sub-task creation is similar to task creation, adding the name, assigned person, deadline, tags, etc, and then save it. So in the project overview, the task count will increment by one.
How can I create and manage projects in Odoo 14?
Projects can be created from the overview of the project module itself using ‘Create’ and simply add the project name in the wizard and allow required project features such as planning, recurring tasks, and timesheet and save it. Thus in the dashboard, you can find the project that you have created now.
Another way to create a project is to go to the project module -> Configuration -> projects -> create. Further, add the project name and name of tasks. While you are creating in this way you can set all project settings. Under the setting tab, you can add the project manager, customer, project visibility, customer rating periodicity, set timesheet timer to track employee spent time on tasks of the project, manage field services and recurrent tasks, etc. Once the data is correctly entered, then save the project settings.
Define the purpose of the Odoo 14 project module? Odoo 14 project module involves managing the entire project process including task management such as managing tasks and subtasks at different stages, tracking employees timesheets to know about the time spent on the project, facilitates easy communication between the project team members, and finally the cost and revenue determination from the project.
What is new in Odoo 14 project Module? Odoo 14 project module puts forward the method of managing recurring tasks and timer to record the timesheet automatically. Moreover, the basic functionality of the project module revised in project privacy to allow and restrict users having visibility to their project
How can we add a cover image for the tasks in odoo 13 project app? You can see a three dot on task. On clicking , it will give the option to add a cover image. Choose the image from the system location and then add the image.
How the collaborative pads will be working in odoo 13 project app.
Collaborative pads are used for the internal communication of employees in a project. So the employees can share their findings to each other. Firstly enable the collaborative pad from project configuration settings and save changes. This will give you the option to use a collaborative pad inside the tasks.

Now edit the project, then you can see an option to check in for collaborative pad. Check in the collaborative pad and save the project.

Now take any task of that project and click edit. It will initiate a pad in place of the description box, to communicate along with chatter. The collaborative pad will give a lot of settings like authorship colour, chat box with all users visible or not, writings can be from left to right and right to left as well, All the chats can be played as video etc.

For better understanding on testing of this  collaborative pad in a single system, use multiple users with multiple private windows. Now start chat from the first user in the task. So you can see that message will be reflected in the second user chat opened in the private window. In this way a two-way communication will be made possible in odoo 13 project app. 

How can customer ratings be seen by everyone using odoo 13 project app? When we enable customer rating for the project and while editing the project, the rating should choose as ‘rating when stage changes’ or ‘periodic rating’, we will have another option below it to check in ‘Rating visible publicly’. On enabling this the rating of the project will be made visible to the public as well. This will give more transparency of the project development.
How project profitability can be calculated in odoo 13 project module?
The profitability of the project can be viewed in the overview. Profitability can be calculated as the difference between the sum of ‘invoiced’ and ‘to invoice’ to the ‘timesheet cost’.
Profitability = Invoiced + To invoice - Timesheet Cost

How project timesheets are invoiced in odoo 13 project module?

The timesheets will give the total duration of work done by each employee. The invoicing policies are mainly three types: timesheet,ordered quantity or milestones. For the invoicing policy is based on timesheets the invoice will be calculated based on either employee cost or project cost. The timesheet cost is the product of timesheet hours and employee cost. Employee cost will be mentioned in the HR settings of employee details.

What is a collaborative pad and how they can be useful in odoo 13 project management? Odoo 13 features the concept of collaborative pad in odoo project management module, in order to communicate within the project. For a project , it may contain multiple tasks and to share the findings and ideas of employees in the team can be made easier with this pad. On enabling the collaborative pad the description box is replaced by the pad, where the employees can collaborate on their work. The users can  easily identify with authorship colours as well.
How can customer rating be achieved at each stage of the project using odoo 13?
To achieve customer rating, firstly go to the general setting and set an incoming mail server. So that the rating requests will be sent to customers from the mail id. 

Now go to Project module > Configuration > settings> enable ‘Use Rating on Project’ and save. This will track customer satisfaction on tasks. 

Now edit the project. So under the settings tab , you can have a selection option for Customer(s) Ratings. So that customer feedback can be available: Rating when changing stage, Periodical Rating or No rating. 

If you choose rating as ‘Rating when changing stage’, you have  to edit the project's stages and set an email template on the stages on which you want to activate the rating. So that on changing each stage, the mail will be sent to the customer and they can rate as well.

If you choose a rating as ‘Periodical Rating’ , the rating will happen in certain intervals. You can also mention the Rating Frequency as Yearly, Quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, Once a month,Twice a month etc.
How can subtasks be created in odoo 13 Project module?
In projects tasks can be splitted to subtasks for easier and efficient execution of the project. Odoo 13 project app also supports the concept of subtasks.

Go to Project module> Configuration> Settings> enable Subtasks. This will give a smart tab subtasks in the task. You can create subtasks by clicking on it and adding its name and responsible person, same as creating tasks.      

What are timesheets and how they can be helpful in odoo 13 Project?
Timesheets are used to keep track of the work done in the project. So updating the timesheet under the project will help the project manager let know the work done by the employee, description on work and time period. 

Go to task > timesheet tab, here one can add the planned hours, which means the planned time to achieve that task. By clicking Add a line option, can add the employee name , his work description and time duration. So according to the total hours worked will show the progress of the task  in percentage with respect to the planned hours.
How project stages can be managed in odoo 13 Project module? Activate the developer mode and go to Project module> Configuration> Stages. You can see all the existing stages there and also create stages. Edit a stage, so that you can see a field ‘Projects’. This field refers that this stage will be available in all projects mentioned in the projects field.
How can I change the name of a task in the tile of the project dashboard using odoo 13 project module? When you edit the project, below the project name, you can see ‘ name of tasks’, you can change the name of task as work or operations so in the project dashboard tile it will show as works or operations as you gave in the project.
How can we create a task from a sales order in odoo 13 project module?
Some services like warranty can be a task in the project. So its sale can be created as a task in the project. So such products can be configured whose service tracking policy as ‘create a task in an existing project’ or ‘create a task in sales order's project’. 

In the product from, under sales tab you can choose the service tracking product. If the service tracking policy chooses to ‘create a task in an existing project’ and mention the existing project and save. After that create a sale order foe the product. On confirming the sale order you can see a task is created in the existing project as mentioned in the product from.

How can we create tasks in odoo 13 project module?
Tasks are the simpler components of the project. A project may consist of multiple tasks. To create a task, go to the project module and jump to any project. Click on create and add task name, responsible person and click add. You can edit the task also.

Similarly tasks can be created from the menu, All tasks > create. In this case it just creates a task and all remaining details like the project under which this task belongs to, responsible person, deadline, tags, description of the task etc should be edited accordingly.

How can we create a project in odoo 13 project module?
The project can be created either from the project dashboard using create button and enter the project name and and click on create. Thus you can see the project is created in the dashboard.

Another way to create a project is, Project module> Configuration > Projects> Create. Then a form will open to create the new project. Here you can add more details on the project like Name of tasks, Visibility, Timesheets, Documents, Customer, Project manager, Company etc.

Is this possible to see planning analysis in Gantt view? Yes, of course.it can be seen in three types: pivot, graph, gantt, and list.
What you mean by planning analysis in project? Project planning is a major part of the project module and here we can create all the documentation of the projects and further details if the projects etc .project planning also creates project schedules. for more info refer to the blog odoo project management.
What do you mean by task analysis? Task analysis describes the analysis of the tasks on the project module. here we can see all the conditions and features of the task can be analyzed according to the project. for more information refer to the blog odoo project management.
How can i filter my report based on time range? in the time ranges section, we can filter the report of the specific items on a specific time by adding based on option and range.
How can I create my own filters in reporting? Go to filters and we can see that an option of add custom filter, by clicking on it we have to filter the report by any manner for example on the basis of the project manager or analytic account, sale order, etc...
If I want to identify projects and timesheets quickly, is there any option for that? By applying color to each one we can simply identify the projects and its corresponding timesheet cost.
What do you mean by project cost and revenues in reporting? the cost and revenue management report allows you to compare the invoiced revenue for each month, against the project costs that were incurred for the same period. here we are analyzing the untaxed amount to invoice, the untaxed amount invoiced, timesheet cost and timesheet unit amount and also can add other costs. here we can see the graphical representation of all those above-mentioned costs vs project.
How can I manage project tasks for each employee? Under the time schedule, we are adding the working time, timetable working hours to adjust the Gantt diagram report.
How can do payment of a project? We can create a sale order from the project. it means that payment of a project.
How can set the project visibility or privacy? project visibility means that it is the purpose of mange that how many employees or users can see or work on the project, it can be set. project->configuration->visiblity there is different option: 1. invited employees.   2. all employee.   3. portal users and all employee .we can select anyone based on our needs.
What is project privacy? project privacy is used to add privacy for specific projects on the project module. odoo provides different privacy features mainly we were using three basic privacy feature and they are listed below.  visibility to invited employees,  visibility to all employees and visibility to portal users and all employees.
What you mean by product profitability? odoo project module can easily manage the project profitability. the profitability of a project can be calculated on 3 different bases. invoiced, to invoice and the last one is timesheet cost. profitability can be calculated by the equation total = invoiced + to invoice -timesheet cost. if the total is in a positive value, currently the project is in profit. if the total is in a negative value, the current project is in lose.
How to invoice a project? in the odoo ERP project management module, the invoice can be done on three elements. the first one is timesheets, the second one is ordered quantity and the third one is milestones. for more info refer the blog how to invoice a project in odoo 12.
How to display the ratings on your website? For this purpose, you have installed the website module and also a website rating project issue module. for confirming and publishing the result, click the website button on the website rating project issue.
How will you get customer feedback in odoo project module? For feedback process first, you have to choose which projects in the projects module get to feedback.choosing any of them and go to the project application, settings -> and select customer satisfaction.you can edit directly from here.and also we can send email to the customer at every stage of the projects.
How will you gather feedback on a project or task of a project from customers? for this purpose, we use the project rating module.so install the project rating module. then go to project -> configuration -> Settings -> and in the drop-down menu, then you can activate the customer ratings on the project and save the changes.
Create tasks from sales orders, how? if you want to generate a task from sales order first you have to go to sales -> products -> and create a new product. where the product type of the creating product taken as service.the unit of measure can be taken as hours. when you create that product, then make a quotation or sale order with the corresponding product. and confirming the sales order, the task will be created.    we can also see the task in the project module. more more info refer the blog odoo project management
Is this possible to create a task from the sales order? Yes, of course. for more info refer the blog odoo project management
Explain the gantt view in the project's view? Odoo's default gantt view is very advantaged for projects because the user can see the all the sections of the task on a single view.for more info refer the blog odoo gantt view
What are the advantages of gantt view in by users? This will affect your human resources in a better way. for more info refer to the blog odoo gantt view.
Explain the gantt view in by users' view? Odoo gantt chart gives you the large epical view of your project and tasks.in here you can see which users are involved in the particular tasks. for more info refer the blog odoo gantt view.
What is the difference between the views in the project module? The forecast menu is used to see the Gantt chart from different levels. for more info refer to the blog project forecast in odoo.
What you mean by "effective hours"? effective hours is the hour that is worked on a project by an employee. effective hours are used to see the progress of the task. basically this section only appears only when the timesheets app can be installed. when the timesheet is updated the effective hours will update.
Explain the creation of a forecast? First, you have listed all the tasks with the projected time. then you can create the forecast from the task page.to create click on the create button. for more info refer to the blog project forecast in odoo.
What do you mean by the forecast task? Forecast in the project is used to enhance the human resource sections of your company more elegant. Forecast defines the starting and ending date of a project in an assertional view.odoo allows the forecast option to access the Gantt chart. for more info. refer to the blog Project forecast in odoo
How will you plan on projects? While creating the plan by employee sections, the same rule can be done on this plan by employee sections.in the case of project you can see projects on the Gantt chart.
How to plan and track employees’ assignments? under odoo it is a simple task while considering the other software.for those purposes you have to access the gantt chart in the odoo project management project -> planning under this section you can add either plan by project or plan by employee.for info refers the blog odoo gantt view and project management sections. 
How to record time spent? odoo erp deals with the recording of timesheets per employee.for doing this process you will first configure the invoicing of timesheets. go to project -> configuration ->settings -> and activate the timesheets on issues. then activating the sales module and use tracking invoices.
What is the use of color tags? color tags are used to categorize the task or employee in the odoo project. color tag is very helpful to identify the project employee wise or task wise.
What you mean by custom state? You have to add different statuses for the task as you wish and each status can be taken on project stages.in the kanban view, you can edit the status of the tasks.and also write explanations of the state.
Explain the Advantage of setting the state of a task? It is the easiest way to inform your customers about the ongoing tasks.you can also see the ready state or blocked state on the screen.you can change the status of the task directly thought the tasks and also possible in the kanban view.
Some cases if you just need the pad, not the whole task page, at that time what will you do? Refer the collaborative pads blog: odoo 12 project - collaborative pads
What is the description of the task in project settings? It will take under the collaborative pads sections.refer the blog odoo 12 project - collaborative pads
What is collaborate on tasks? Task under the project can help to easily work with other work and it may help to reduce the time taken for tasks.here you can collaborate with your co-workers or colleagues on the same task. for more info. refer to the blog odoo 12 project - collaborative pads.
What is document management in tasks? document managing means you can add documents on specific tasks. for example, you can add some pictures for the task for its relevant modifications.you can add an image to your task by clicking on the attachment tab and also you can add an image or document to your task through the chatter. for information refer to the blog sub-tasks in project. 
How can you record a timesheet on the task? go to projects -> configuration -> settings. under settings, you will find a couple of options under task management. you can activate the option sub-tasks. Click the save button to mark the changes. later go to the project and select any task. one can find the new option subtask on top of the window. upon clicking the sub task button, you will be navigated to a new window where you can create a new subtask for the parent task. there you can find the task title and the person to whom the subtask is assigned to.  one can also modify the subtask via clicking on the edit button. one can access the parent task from here itself. go to the corresponding project and thereby the task you want to record timesheets for. Click the start button to record the time. you can see the time getting recorded on top. to stop the recording, click stop and to pause click pause. upon clicking stop. you get to a new window where you can confirm the time spent on the project task. click save to record the time. now under the timesheet menu of the task, you can see the time spent by an employee on this particular task. you get to see the date, employee name, description of the task and the duration of time spent. via clicking edit, you can mark necessary changes in the timesheet. you can set here the planned hours- the time planned to archive this task. upon setting it, you get to see the progress of the task in the progress bar, also the remaining hours available to complete the task. 
How to configure the subtask in the odoo project? To enable the sub-tasks on odoo first go to projects -> configuration -> settings. under task management sections you can see lots of options. from here activate the sub-tasks option. and save changes. for further information refer to the blog: sub-tasks in project.
What is the use of notifying the task? Project module enables you to notify the worker's status on the corresponding tasks from kanban view, here you can use the dot button for notifying the tasks. here you can see the green and red color for the status representations. for further information refer to the blog project overview features in odoo v12.
What is the use of analytic accounts in time management? To avoid the complexity and confusion we use analytic accounts in the project module.also in the case of timesheets the analytic account can reflect on it because the odoo erp can integrate the project module and timesheets in a perfect manner. each time analytic accounts can be created when creating a project. refer the blog project overview features in odoo v12.
How will you choose which action to follow? You have the right to choose what you want to follow in the project clicking the down arrow. refer to the blog project overview features in odoo v12
What you mean by following a specific task? it is the same as that of following a project. all changes in the task can appear on the inbox.
Follow a project to follow the pipe, conveys what? This feature is used to see the whole project's stages and operations in a big picture of all time.
What do you mean by followers in the odoo project? Adding followers in task implies that the person will notify all the changes that might occur in the tasks, the followers can see whole tasks like you. refer to the blog Project overview features in odoo v12.
What do you mean by Responsibilities in the odoo project task? In the odoo project, we can assign a particular person or team to set the head of the tasks. by default, you are the responsible person while creating a task. for changing this option, simply type the username of other people on the drop-down menu. and here you can also create and edit a new user.
How can you change the deadline from the calendar view? by dragging and dropping the task.
How to manage deadlines with the calendar view? Odoo ERP provides to switch from kanban view to calendar view, here you can see every deadline of the tasks.and also filter the deadline assigned to the employee as your wish. refer the blog project overview features in odoo v12 
What do you mean by the priority of tasks? We were putting priorities for some tasks for its sequential arrangement. if we put a low priority to a task and take back from the dashboard and next time you can see the current task moved back to the high priority tasks. we can use star in a task to prioritize the task.
How will you sort tasks in your kanban view in the project module? tasks are sequenced in a project based on task priority. here we can add the priorities of the task by adding stars to the current stages. for more information refer to the blog project overview features in odoo v12.
How to view your tasks with the kanban view? Kanban view is a very beneficial view in the odoo ERP because here we can see the divided stages and stage priorities and other features etc.it is the default view while entering to the project module, there are also some views are including in the project module. refer to the blog project overview features in odoo v12.
How to rearrange the stages in the project module? We can easily rearrange the stages by dragging and dropping column to the desired locations.refer the blog project overview features in odoo v12
What is the use of color dot and star icon in project task stages? These are also used for the identification purpose.these are the customizable markers. for easy identification of a task, we can use the color dot.
What do you mean by discription, timesheets, extra information in task stages? We can add the description, timesheets, extra information for easy to communicate with customer. Refer the blog project overview features in odoo v12.
What is a tag in the project's task stages? Tag is for the quick identification of task in projects.
What is a task in projects' task stages? from the project module, you can create a task and task stages from the dashboard, click on the create button and add the column to the projects.here we can edit the task by clicking the edit option. for more information refer to the blog project overview features in odoo v12
Explain the creation of the project's task stages? To create the project's task stages, first, you have to click on the create button and a new page will be opened on the screen, here you can add a certain column on the stages of the project. for more information refer to the blog project overview features in odoo v12.
How do you add your project’s stages? in the odoo project management module, we can add project stages to the corresponding projects.to create stages click on the task button and a new window will be opened on the screen. here we can add a new column, name according to the particular stage of your project.column represents stages of the project and each can be changed by dragon tap. for more information refer to the blog project overview features in odoo v12.
How will you create a new project in the odoo project module? for creating a new project go to project->configuration->projects. from here we can create a new project. then you can add the project name and the following fields. here you can add the project name and select the following options.
> planning to enable planning tasks on the project.
> timesheets to enable timesheets on the project. 
> bill from tasks to enable billing from tasks.  
> worksheets to enable customizable worksheets on tasks. 
then click on the create button.
What are the benefits of project management in the business level? Considering on a business level we use project management tools for managing the tasks and other operations under your company. So odoo project management tool can be used to define the tasks and another operation.refer the blog odoo project management
Briefly explain what you mean by project management in odoo? Project management in odoo overviews a kanban view of management system.it is similar to the white board concept. the projects can be created on your company can be managed easily in odoo project management app.
What do you mean by description, timesheets, extra information in task stages? We can add the description, timesheets, extra information for easy to communicate with the customer. refer to the blog project overview features in odoo v12
What are the tags in the project's task stages? one can also add deadlines for tasks and tags for quick identification. tags can be helpful, as it helps you in quickly identifying the tasks in the kanban view or in the task overview. one can also create a new tag via simply typing the text.
How will you view the task in the project? to view the tasks, click on the task icon. here you can see the various tasks under a project, also which stage they belong to. to get an overview of the project, click the overview icon. upon, clicking you will be navigated to a new window like below: here as you see, you get the complete overview of the project such as the recorded hours, tasks, timesheet, sale order created and so on. if you want to create a new invoice for the project, you can click the create invoice button.
Explain the project dashboard? as soon as you enter the project management module, you see is the dashboard. the dashboard gives you a glimpse of every project that currently the company has in its store. from here, one can get a complete overview of the project also the tasks underneath every project.


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