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By: Manu menonn

Coupon and Promotion Program with Odoo 15 POS

Functional Odoo 15 POS

Odoo 15 PoS module is filled with advanced features and tools for generating maximum efficiency in business management. The module allows you to manage and view your shops and restaurants worldwide with a simple click.

This blog is an overview on the coupon and promotion programs in odoo

The PoS module allows you to manage and give promotion programs for your customers to generate more attraction and attention towards your business. Traditionally providing Coupon and Promotion programs required a lot of effort and time. Still, with the Odoo 15 PoS module, you can easily carry out any promotion-related function in your business. The promotion and Coupon programs work closely with the Sales module for efficiency. 

Configuration and Usage 

Promotion Program 

The Promotion and Coupon programs can be activated and configured from the settings of the PoS module. Settings can be accessed from the Configuration tab from the dashboard of the PoS module, as shown in the screenshot given below.


Odoo will give you a settings page. Under the Pricing Section, you can find the Coupons and Promotions Programs, as shown in the screenshot given below.


Tick on the feature to activate it. Click on the Promotion Programs to configure and view Promotion programs in Odoo. After this a page will appear for you to view and analyse the promotional programs as shown below.


From the page proceed  to the create button for a new promotion program. Odoo will give you a configuration tab to configure the Promotion Program, as shown in the screenshot given below.


The Configuration tab allows you to configure the Program in-depth and have complete control over the Promotion program. You can configure everything on Promotions program.

Enter the Program name and the Conditions for availing of the Promotion program to the customers. Setting up Conditions is necessary as Odoo analyses the conditions. It compares them with the customer Purchases to check whether the customers are eligible for the offers or the Promotion programs. Enter the Validity details along with the Start and the End dates. Enter the Quantity configurations concerning your businesses or your companies policies. Scroll down to configure the Rewards as highlighted in the screenshot given below.


Configure the Reward section. You can configure and apply the Applicability of the Promotions Program. You have two options to send or use the coupon to the current order, which you can choose from, and apply the maximum Discount amount to limit the discount amount.

After the configurations, click on the Save button to save the promotion program to Odoo; you can find the newly created promotion Program in the Promotion program list, which you can choose from for configurations as shown in the screenshot below.


Click on any of the Promotion programs to configure them.

Note that you can access the Promotions and Coupon programs from the Product tab of the PoS dashboard after activating it from the Settings, as shown in the screenshot given below.


You can access the programs directly from here.

Coupon Programs

Access the Coupon Programs directly from the Product tab mentioned above to configure and create new Coupon Programs to boost your sales. Coupon programs are practical business tools for promoting business to a considerable extent. This program keeps your customers interested in your products and services and allows your business to keep a close relationship with the customer. 

To configure the coupon program click on the coupon Programs option under the product tab as mentioned earlier. Odoo will take you to a page where you can view all of your Coupon programs similar to the Promotions Programs discussed earlier.


Click on the Create button to configure a new Coupon program. The screenshot given below shows the Configuration page for the new coupon.


You can configure every aspect of your Coupon Program from here. Enter the name of the Program and set the conditions along with the Validity period. Configure the reward type from the three Discount, Free products, and Free shopping. Then configure and apply discount percentage On Order, On cheapest Product or specific products. And enter the maximum discount amount to set a limit to the discount. After configurations, click on the Generate Coupon button, as shown in the screenshot given below.


And a Coupon generation tab will open for you to configure the number of coupons, as shown in the screenshot below.


Click on the Coupon generation type from the Two given options Number of Coupons and Number of selected customers. If you have chosen the Number of Coupons option, you can configure the Number of coupons and generate the necessary coupons. If you choose the Number of selected customers, you will get additional options and information, as shown in the screenshot below.


This allows you to generate the coupons regarding the individual customers, and the coupons will be sent to them via mail when you click on the Generate button, as shown in the screenshot given above. The generated coupon will be shown in the configuration tab, as shown below.


As the PoS module is highly integrated with the Sales module, you don't have to go to the sales module for Promotion and coupon programs. Every option relating to the promotional programs is available in the PoS module to ensure maximum functionality.  With the fast user interface and working nature of the module, you can easily carry out the promotional programs without any difficulties or hurdles. Multiple stores can be easily managed with the same Odoo database. This allows you to have maximum space to handle the Promotional programs across various stores easily. The feature also allows you to have maximum efficiency in customer management.

As the Promotional programs play an essential role in business to customer or public relations, Odoo allows you to have easy and quick access to the traditionally complex procedures quickly, making the process as much as effortless as possible for you to work on and, in turn, allowing you to be fast and extremely quick with the Promotional programs for your business. You can edit the details on the promotional programs at any time, allowing you to have enough space to work on. You can make your business more dynamic and exciting to the customers with effective promotional programs.

If you need any assistance in odoo, we are online, please chat with us.


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