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By: Risvana AR

How to Convert PDF Files into Image Files Using Odoo 15

Technical Odoo 15

Odoo, the popular open-source ERP system, offers a wide range of field types to manage and store data effectively. One such field type is the "Binary Field," which is crucial in handling files and attachments within Odoo. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of binary fields in Odoo and discuss how they simplify file management and enhance data storage capabilities.

Binary fields in Odoo are designed to store binary data, such as images, documents, or any other file type. They provide a flexible and efficient way to handle attachments within the ERP system. Binary fields can be used in various Odoo modules, allowing users to store and access files associated with different records. Binary fields in Odoo simplify file management by providing a centralized location to store and retrieve attachments. Instead of relying on external storage systems or complex file management structures, Odoo users can conveniently associate files directly with specific records, such as customers, products, or invoices. This simplifies document organization, improves accessibility, and ensures all relevant files are easily accessible within Odoo.

Odoo optimizes data storage by directly storing attachments within the database by utilizing binary fields. This eliminates the need for separate file servers or external storage solutions. The binary data is encoded and stored directly within the database, ensuring data integrity and eliminating concerns about file synchronization or backup issues. This approach simplifies data management and ensures that all relevant information is stored securely within the Odoo system.

There is a different method for converting the PDF files into images and the images into a pdf file. 

1. Install the required Python libraries:

Ensure that the required Python libraries are installed in your Odoo environment. You will need the Pillow library, which provides image processing capabilities. You can install it using the following command:

pip install Pillow

2. Create a new Odoo module or use an existing one:

You can create a custom Odoo module or use an existing one to add the functionality of converting image files to PDF files. If you are using an existing module, proceed to the next step.

3. Define a new model:

In your Odoo module, define a new model that will hold the image file and the converted PDF file. For example, you can create a model called ImageToPdf with fields like name, image, and pdf_file.

4. Create a method to convert images to PDF:

In the model you defined, create a method that will handle the conversion of image files to PDF files. Within the method, use the Pillow library to open the image file, create a new PDF file, and save the image as a PDF document. You can use the following code snippet as an example:

from PIL import Image

def convert_image_to_pdf(self):
for record in self:
    image_path = record.image
    image = Image.open(image_path)
    pdf_path = image_path.replace('.jpg', '.pdf')  # Replace with appropriate file extension
    image.save(pdf_path, 'PDF', resolution=100.0)
    record.pdf_file = pdf_path
5. Add a button or trigger to initiate the conversion:
In your Odoo module's view, add a button or trigger (e.g., a form button or a menu item) that will call the convert_image_to_pdf method when clicked. This will initiate the conversion process.
6. Test the functionality:
Start your Odoo server and navigate to the corresponding view where you added the button or trigger. Upload an image file, and when you click the button or trigger, the image file should be converted to a PDF file and saved in the pdf_file field.
7. Adjust the code snippets according to your specific requirements, such as file paths and extensions. Additionally, handle error cases, validations, and any additional functionality you may require for your specific use case.
We can try to create the pdf file in another method, used to create attachments and the Python packages.
This method shows how to convert pdf files into images using some packages
if self.file_type == 'image':
        image = self.image
        attachment = self.env['ir.attachment'].create({
            'name': Attachment,
            'res_id': self.id,
            'res_model': 'model.model_name',
            'datas': self.pdf_upload,
            'type': 'binary',
            'mimetype': 'application/pdf',
        images = convert_from_bytes(base64.b64decode(attachment.datas))
        images[0].save("savedimage", "PNG")
        im = images[0]
        im_resize = im.resize((1000, 1000))
        buf = io.BytesIO()
        im_resize.save(buf, format='JPEG')
        byte_im = buf.getvalue()
        image_convert = base64.b64encode(byte_im)
        image = image_convert
 The convert_from_bytes function is a method provided by the Python library pdf2image. It allows you to convert PDF files to a sequence of PIL (Python Imaging Library) images.
In the above case, we can convert the PDF into images and also use the resize function to reduce the image size and convert the file types.
Here's an example of how to use convert_from_bytes to convert a PDF file from bytes to images:
from pdf2image import convert_from_bytes

# Assuming you have the PDF file stored as bytes in a variable called 'pdf_bytes'
images = convert_from_bytes(pdf_bytes)
# 'images' is now a list of PIL Image objects representing each page of the PDF
# You can further process or save the images as needed
for i, image in enumerate(images):
image.save(f"page_{i+1}.jpg", "JPEG")
In the above example, the pdf_bytes variable should contain the bytes of the PDF file you want to convert. The convert_from_bytes function will return a list of PIL Image objects representing each page of the PDF. You can then perform operations on the images, such as saving them to disk using the save method.
Note that to use pdf2image, you'll need to install it first using the following command:
pip install pdf2image
convert_from_bytes function converts PDF pages into images. If you want to convert image files to PDF files, you can refer to the previous response, which covers converting image files to PDFs using the Pillow library.
In the same way, we can convert the PDF file into an image file.
1)You can create a custom Odoo module or use an existing one to add the functionality of converting PDFs into images. If you are using an existing module, proceed to the next step.
2)Define a new model:
In your Odoo module, define a new model that will hold the PDF file and the converted images. For example, you can create a model called PdfToImage with fields like name, pdf_file, and image_files.
3)Create a method to convert PDF to images:
In the model you defined, create a method that will handle the conversion of the PDF file into images. Within the method, use the pdf2image library to convert each page of the PDF into an image. You can use the following code snippet as an example:
from pdf2image import convert_from_path
def convert_pdf_to_images(self):
for record in self:
    pdf_path = record.pdf_file
    images = convert_from_path(pdf_path)
    image_paths = []
    for i, image in enumerate(images):
        image_path = f"{pdf_path}_page_{i+1}.jpg"
        image.save(image_path, "JPEG")
    record.image_files = image_paths
4)Add a button or trigger to initiate the conversion:
In your Odoo module's view, add a button or trigger (e.g., a form button or a menu item) that will call the convert_pdf_to_images method when clicked. This will initiate the conversion process.
5)Test the functionality:
Start your Odoo server and navigate to the corresponding view where you added the button or trigger. Upload a PDF file, and when you click the button or trigger, the PDF file should be converted into images, and the paths to the image files should be saved in the image_files field.
Binary fields in Odoo simplify file management, enhance data storage, streamline workflows, and improve the overall user experience. By utilizing binary fields effectively, businesses can optimize document management within Odoo, ensure data integrity, and foster collaboration among team members. Whether it's storing images, documents, or other file types, binary fields provide a powerful solution to handle attachments and streamline business processes within the Odoo ERP system.

If you need any assistance in odoo, we are online, please chat with us.


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