Coupon is one of the most effective methods which can be used to keep our sales alive and our customers interested. With the correct usage of coupons in our business, we can increase the sales.
Coupons are used to keep our customers interested and thereby increase sales. In Odoo we provide coupons for the same purpose. That means by the use of coupons, we can manage our customers in a better way. Suppose if we need to provide any discount for a particular product, we can create a coupon and our customers can see this coupon by providing a secret code.
The procedure for using the coupons in website sale of Odoo is as follows.
- First, we need to install the website_sale module.
- After installing the module, there will be a new menu Gift Voucher under the sales module.
- From the Gift Voucher menu, we can create the vouchers. When we create a voucher, we can select a product,i.e., this voucher will be applicable for this product only. A customer can use this voucher only if he is purchasing this particular product.
- The minimum voucher values and maximum voucher values are used to set a limit for coupon value.
- The validity of the voucher can be specified using the expiry date field.

- After creating the vouchers, next step is to create a coupon for this voucher. The coupon will have a secret auto-generated, unique and editable coupon code. This code can be used to access this coupon.
- We can set a value for this coupon. There are mainly two types. Fixed and percentage. Either we can provide a fixed amount or percentage value. Fixed means, a fixed amount will be deducted from the order if the customer uses this coupon. The other type will deduct a percentage amount from the order.
- We can link this coupon with a voucher and provide a time limit within which this coupon will be valid.
- There will be cases in which we need only a specific customer to avail this coupon. If this is the case, then we can select a customer.
- The total number of coupons generated and how many times a single user can access this coupon will be limited and we can specify that limit here.

- After setting the vouchers and coupons, we can go to the website and access the coupons.
- After we have added products to our cart, under the customize menu, there will be an option for enabling the voucher codes.
- After enabling this option, there will be a field for entering the coupon code.
- When we click the apply button, if we have entered a valid code, the coupon will be applied to that order.
- If the coupon is not applicable, a warning message will be shown
Coupon History
If we need to track the coupons usage, go to the
Sales -> Gift Coupons -> Coupon History menu and we can see the coupon history.
The coupon history allows us to see the coupons used by each customer and how many times the customer has used this coupon etc.