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By: Cirin C Baby

What are the Challenges in ERP Implementation?

Functional Odoo 14

ERP implementation, as we all know, is the process of implementing a software tool for managing multiple operations of a company or organization. ERP implementation can have a long-lasting impact on the performance of a company. With an efficient support system in force, the organization can improve the coordination of employees and departments.
ERP can help a business in multiple ways. They are:
1. It helps to optimize the business operations
2. Assures timely management of information and orders
3. Quick communication within the organization and in the marketplace
4. Effective time management 
5. Cost management
6. Optimize work hours
7. Proper financial management
8. Effective customer support
9. Best supply chain management
10. Efficient documentation and reporting
Whatever be the benefits of the ERP system, we have to be ready to face a set of challenges before implementing the ERP solution. The system that enables the user to coordinate the business and manage the works efficiently will have to be selected with care. 
Evolution of ERP
It was in 1990 that the Enterprise resource planning system was first introduced to the market. However, the traces of ERP can be traced back to a few more decades ago. 
Why Choose ERP?
The rise of ERP as a major business management software solution over the year has increased the demand for the magic wand. The emergence of e-commerce and multi-country business increased the demand for the ERP tool. 
The use of different tools will help to cope with the market needs. The ERP solution provides assistance to the business groups to introduce new techniques for managing customers, employees, and products and services. An ERP solution can manage everything related to production and sale. IT can also link directly with the customers and carry out the interaction without any disruption. 
ERP for resources management
Communication and sale from anywhere in the world is the trend set with the introduction of ERP tools. The most important is the employee force. Only with the support of an efficient Employee team can a management scale heights. Different ERP platforms including Odoo can support the investors to improve the quality of the employees. It can also support the recruitment and appraisal of employees. 
Resources also include the machinery and the materials. With ERP tools like Odoo machinery management including maintenance and service can be managed. It can prepare timely maintenance management and support.
Challenges in ERP implementation
We have been discussing the benefits of ERP tools.  But we cannot ignore the challenges. To ensure successful ERP implementation, the user must first know the challenges and prepare a detailed action plan to tackle the challenges. This kind of intervention will surely help the investor to implement an ERP solution, be it Odoo ERP or any other ERP the most successful way. 
Here, we can list out the 10 major challenges in ERP implementation.
1. Choosing the ERP vendor
2. Find out the right ERP solution
3. Planning implementation
4. Proper communication with the employees
5. Plan for data migration
6. Change management
7. Customization
8. Integration
9. Effective Implementation
10. Support and training 
It is an ERP that helps an organization systematize all activities. It brings together different departments and functions with a click. The investor, as well as the manager, will be able to control the operations of the organization from anywhere in the world with the help of the ERP tool. 
You can maximize the use of resources like human resources with the help of the ERP solution. ERP is something that is ready to adapt to changes with the changing versions.
We have highlighted the key challenges and now we can go deep into the challenges so that you can prepare for your ERP in a better way. 
Choosing the right ERP Vendors
Just check the internet and search for an ERP vendor. You will find hundreds of them. 
How to choose your perfect ERP partner from this list? 
> It surely is a tough task but not an impossible one. Just trace the history of the ERP vendor company and find out the implementation statistics. 
> Check the success rate and chances for failure. Know your vendor and their expertise.
> Choose only the one who has expertise in your industry.
Choosing the right ERP Solution
You can find not less than any 500 ERP applications in the market. Choosing the best from the list is the toughest task for you. For this, you have to conduct an ERP analysis and market study. While choosing the ERP you have to check 
> Review the success rate
> Analyse technical features
> Know the cost
> Back up support
> The extend of business operation
Planning Implementation
The first thing that an investor has to focus on while implementing ERP is a glance into their own business venture. List out the requirements and prioritize them. This step will help to zero in on the most suitable ERP for your business.
Proper communication with the employees
Senior or junior, all employees who will be using the ERP should be taken into confidence from the very beginning of implementation. Lack of support from the employee can hamper your ERP plans. It may even result in ERP failure. 
Plan for data migration
Changing from one system to another is not easy. Data migration will require planning. You will have to sort the data and decide which data you have to choose. Organize data and migrate it efficiently so that you won’t find it difficult to trace old documents. 
Change management
Prepare the organization for the changes. Interact with employees and make them aware of the importance of ERP use. This can bring in the best result. Retain the employees to the organization by equipping them to use the ERP tool. 
Customization requires proper care and you have to choose the best support for the process. Interact with your vendors and give clear ideas about your customization plans. You know your industry and dreams better and only you can decide to guide the vendor to prepare for effective personalization.
Identify the customization and then integrate required modules. This has to be done by skilled professionals to avoid technical glitches.
Effective Implementation
Implementation is a time-consuming process. This has to be planned in advance. Then only the business will be able to manage the process. The hurried implementation may cause ERP failure. But, be alert that your implementing company does not delay the process. 
Support and training
Train employees and equip them to handle the ERP tool. It can help you a great deal. This will reduce the chances of ERP failure. Support and training for a fixed period can be helpful for you. 
Also note:
Implementation Cost: Cost for customization, implementation, and support
Testing: Test the ERP before going Live
Maintenance management: Plan maintenance management in an efficient way
Cybrosys Technologies
Cybrosys with the expert team offers comprehensive support for ERP implementation and management. Having dedicated teams for customization, development, and implementation, Cybrosys can guide you through the process. Our Live Chat support and customer care facility are ready to help you.

If you need any assistance in odoo, we are online, please chat with us.


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