Chapter 16 - Odoo 15 Development Book

Incoming Email Configuration

Incoming email configuration is an efficient way to connect the email with Odoo. By configuring the email server, the incoming emails will be received in Odoo. Let’s check how we can configure the incoming mail. The incoming email servers are set up under the menu called ‘Incoming Email Servers’. To access this, go to Settings > Technical > Emails > Incoming Mail Servers. If we click on the create button, a window will be shown as in the below image;


There are a few fields, and some of them are mandatory, and they must be filled up once you create the incoming email server. Let’s take a look at these fields;

Name: This field will let you enter the name of the email server to know which server this is.

Last Fetch Date: It’s the date at which the system fetched the email last time.

Server Type: It’s the server where the mails are contained. From here, the mails will be getting to a client. There are three types of servers like POP Server, IMAP Server, and Local Server. POP Server is the most commonly used one.

Server Name: It’s the hostname or IP of the mail server.

Port: It’s the port number to which the server listens.

SSL/TLS: If the field is enabled, the connections will be encrypted using the dedicated port. For POP3S the port will be 995, and for IMAPS it will be 993.

Username: It contains the email address from which the system needs to fetch the mails.

Password: There will be the password of the given email address.

After filling in the required details in the record, the button ‘Test&Confirm’ needs to be clicked. This will authorize the credentials and other information together and will change the state into ‘Confirmed’ if the authentication is successful; otherwise, it will popup the exception as a user error.

For Gmail, the configuration will look like this;


The button ‘Fetch Now’ will fetch the mails from the mail server. It will help the system to be updated. Another button, ‘Reset Confirmation’ will revert the incoming mail server to the initial state. If you have any changes to be done for the mandatory fields, it will be possible in the initial state only. Then this button will be in use.

By default, the Odoo will fetch the mail from the server every hour. The part of the incoming mail server in getting your emails is imperative, so the incoming mail configuration will offer assistance to keep updated.



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