Inventory Management

Last updated: november 21, 2019

Inventory Management



For that go to Inventory > Master Data > Product > Create.

Odoo will enlists a set of products for you. But one can create a product depending on the business requirement and needs via clicking the button CREATE.

Via clicking the CREATE button, you will be navigated to a new window like below:

The create form has the following fields:

  • Product name: It is the name which will be displayed on all other screens that refer to this specific product.
  • Can be Sold: To remove a product from showing up on ‘sales product’ list, uncheck the Can be Sold button. Generally, this is used while creating a raw material or a product for internal consumption.
  • Product Type: Product Type is the first option on the Information tab. There are three available product types:
  • Services: A service is a non-material product which you provide. This type of product will configure at the time when your company is providing any type of services to your customers. Therefore it does not appear in the various stock operations.
    In Odoo, the services are also considered as a product. But user can't keep the stock of a service.
  • Consumables: A product for which the user doesn't want to manage the inventory (no quantity on hand or forecasted) but that can be received from the supplier or delivered to the customer. Odoo assumes that the product always has enough stock.
  • Stockable: The product which is managed with Inventory.This product is used in stock management and its replenishment is more or less automated by the rules defined in the system. In Stockable product, you can easily maintain your minimum stock level by defining reordering rule for stock in your system, so that your stock will not reach to out of stock. If you do not set Reordering rule, Odoo ERP will show-up warning messages in quotation, if there isn’t enough balance in the stock. Odoo ERP will prevent processing delivery orders that don’t have balances in the stock and it can be processed only by force availability button in the delivery order.
  • Product Category: User can organize the products under a specific category.
  • Internal Reference: For the most part, Odoo utilizes the Product Name field and the description when displaying product information. It is very common that a company may have a coding system for its products. The Internal Reference field is useful to enter an alternative product code or number for the product in that case.
  • Barcode: Especially, when the number of products is more, the probability of human error also increases. Now smartly and effortlessly add/update product quantity by scanning product barcodes while receiving or delivering products in your Odoo.
  • Sales Price: The price at which the product is sold to the customer.
  • Consumer Tax: Default taxes used when selling the product. Odoo's tax engine is very flexible and support many different type of taxes: value added taxes (VAT), eco-taxes, federal taxes, retention, withholding taxes, etc. For most countries, the chart of account you setup is automatically pre-configured with the main taxes of the country.
Under Sales Tab of product;

You have the following;

  • Invoicing Policy:
    • Ordered Quantity: Invoice quantities used by the customer.
    • Delivered Quantity: Invoice quantities delivered to the customer.
  • Subscription Product: If set, confirming a sale order with this product will create a subscription.
  • Email Template: Send a product specific email once the invoice is validated.
  • Event Ticket: If checked this product automatically creates an event registration at the sales order confirmation.
  • Optional Products: Optional products are suggested whenever the customer hits the”Add to cart .”
  • Sales Description: A description of the product that you want to communicate to your customers. This description will be copied to every Sales Order, Delivery Order, and Customer Invoice/Credit Note.
  • Warning Message; Selecting the ‘Warning Option’ will notify the user with the message. Selecting “Blocking Message” will throw an exception with the message and block the flow. The message has to be written in the next filed.
Under E-commerce Tab of product,
  • Website: Option to restrict publishing to this website.
  • Categories: The product will be available in each mentioned e-commerce category. Go to shop>Customize and enable ‘E-commerce categories.
  • Alternate Product: Suggest Alternatives to your customer (upselling strategy). Those product show up on the product page.
  • Accessory Product: Accessories show up when the customer reviews the cart before payment.
  • Extra Product Media:
Under Point of Sale Tab of product
  • Available in POS: Check this if you want this product to appear in the POS.
Under Purchase Tab of product
  • Reordering:
    • Procurement:
      Create a draft purchase order- Based on your product configuration, the system will create a draft purchase order.
      Propose a call for tender-If the purchase requisition module is installed and this option is selected, the system will create a draft call for tender.
  • Vendor Bills: Vendor Taxes- Default taxes used when buying the product.
  • Control Policy:
    • On ordered Quantities-Control bills based on ordered quantities.
    • On received Quantities-Control bills based on received quantities.
  • Purchase Descriptions: This note is added to purchase orders.
Under Inventory Tab of Product
  • Route: Depending on the module installed, this will allow you to define the route of the product. whether it will be bought, manufactured, replenished on order etc.
  • Manufacturing Lead Time; Average lead time in days to manufacture this product.In the case of multi level BOM,the manufacturing lead times of the component will be added.
  • Customer Lead Time: Delivery lead time in days. It is the number of days,promised to the customer, between the confirmation of the sale order and the delivery.
  • Packages: Gives different ways to package the same product.
  • Tracking: Via enabling the option you ensure the traceability of a storable product in a warehouse.
  • Product Location: The stock location will be used instead of the default one, as the source location for stock moves generated by manufacturing orders.
  • Inventory Location: The stock location will be used instead of the default one, as the source location for stock moves generated when you do an inventory.
  • Logistics: Here, you can give away the Weight, Volume, HS Code: Standardized code for international shipping and goods declaration. At the moment only used for FedEx Shipping Provider. Also you can assign the Responsible: The user will be responsible of the next activities related to logistics operations for this product.
  • Description for Delivery Orders: This note is added to Delivery Orders.
  • Description for Receipts: This note is added to receipt orders.
  • Description for Internal Transfers: This note is added to internal transfer orders.
Under Accounts Tab of product
  • Income Account: Keep this field empty to use the default value from the product category.
  • Expense Account: Keep this field empty to use the default value from the product category. If anglo-saxon accounting with automated valuation method is configured, the expense account on the product category will be used.


Configure your products with variations and select optional product items

Product Variants

Product variations are utilized to oversee items having diverse varieties, similar to measure, shading, and so forth. It permits dealing with the item at the layout level (for all varieties) and at the variation level (specific attributes).

For instance, an organization selling shirts may have the accompanying item:

B&C T-shirt

Sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL

Hues: Blue, Red, White, Black

In this model, B&C T-Shirt is known as the item layout and B&C T-Shirt, S, Blue is a variation. Sizes and shading are properties or attributes.

To enable the choice, go to Inventory >Configuration> Settings and Activate Variants under Product.

Upon clicking the attributes button, a window just like below will appear.

One can create a new attribute in Odoo or import from the list.

Upon clicking the CREATE button, you will be navigated to a new window like below:

  • Attribute Name: Name of the product variant.
  • Category: Set a category to regroup similar attributes under the same section in the comparison page of eCommerce.
  • Display Type: The display type used in the product configurator.
  • Variants Creation Mode:
    • Instantly:All possible variants are created as soon as the attribute and its values are added to a product.
    • Dynamically:Each variant is created only when its corresponding attributes and values are added to a sales order.
    • Never:Variants are never created for the attribute.

Note: the variants creation mode cannot be changed once the attribute is used on at least one product.


Now and again, dealing with products in various unit of measures is vital. For instance, in the event that you purchase items in a nation where the metric measuring standard is of utilization and sell them in a nation where the imperial framework is utilized, you should change over the units.

Another scenario is buying products in bigger packs from your supplier and later selling them in units to your customers.

Odoo empowers to work with various units of measure for one item.

You can set up Odoo to work with different units of measure for one product. For that go to, Inventory >Configuration> Settings and activate Units of Measure under Product.

Upon clicking Units of Measure button, you will be navigated to new window like below:

Upon clicking CREATE button, you can create new Units of Measure for your products.

Here, you can name the unit of measure, define its category (conversion between two units of measure can happen only if they belong to same category. The Conversion will be made based on the ratios.)

While doing inter-unit exchanges, the rounding adjustments are automatically done by Odoo.

Setting up units on your products

In Inventory Control > Products, open the product which you might want to change the purchase/sale unit of measure, and click on Edit.

In the Unit of Measure area, select the unit in which the item will be sold and in which internal exchanges will be executed.

In the Purchase Unit of Measure area, select the unit in which you buy the item. When you're set, click on Save.

Upon clicking the edit button you are provisioned to create new unit of measures in Odoo.

Transfer from one unit to another

While doing inter- unit exchanges, the rounding adjustments are consequently done by Odoo.

The unit of measure can be changed all through the entire procedure. The only condition is that the unit of measure is a piece of a similar class.

Let us see how it works

Buy in the Purchase Unit of Measure

Under Odoo Purchase, Create a new RFQ adding product with the different Units of Measure.

Later confirm it.

Upon created RFQ, Odoo automatically create purchase order. Here, Purchase UoM is Box of 6. Upon entering receipt linked to purchase order, 10 boxes of 6 units gets converted to 60 units. You can see stock is managed in units.


Upon clicking the Replenish button, one can change the unit of measure.

Sell in bigger UoM

Choose the desired unit of measure on the sale order. Here it is dozen. When doing so, the price automatically gets computed from Units UoM to selected UoM.

In delivery order, the UoM in sale order is converted to the UoM used for stock management (here the units).


The package is the physical container where you put one or a few items from a picking. For instance, when you deliver a product, you can simply separate the product quantity to two different packages/bundles. Odoo enables you to have a report with the amount of items for each bundle.


Go to Inventory>Configuration>Settings and activate Product Packages under the option Products.

Upon clicking product packages, you will be navigated to a new window like below.

Here, you can define the Packaging Type, the products, quantity, barcode used for packaging identification, company.

Destination package can be made applicable if the company is transferring some goods to a certain location or to the customer itself. If all the products or product packages of different customers need to be sent to a particular location, then all the items can be put into a single container for the easier transportation, then this container can be termed as a Destination package.


The packaging is the physical container that protects your product. If you are selling computers, the packaging contains the computer with the notice and the power plug.

In Odoo, packagings are used for indicative purposes on sale orders. They can be specified on the product form, in the inventory tab.


To activate the product traceability in the warehouse, go to

Inventory> Configuration> Settings> Traceability

Lot and Serial Number

Lots and serial numbers have commonality in their functional end, however behaves different in situation. Lots and Serial numbers are widely used in apps like inventory, sales and purchase for tracing products.

Where lot corresponds to certain number of products that you received, which is stored in one single pack, Serial number performs like an identification number offered to one product in particular. Be it lot or the serial number, it helps in tracing the product journey from reception to delivery and post sales.

Lots can be highly useful at those circumstances where you receive products in great quantity. Thus lots can be made use for reporting, quality control and so forth.

On the other hand, serial numbers can be beneficial for those products that requires after-sales service, for instance; electronic goods.

Managing Serial Numbers

The serial number tracking can be beneficial for tracing a product’s current location, also tracing their history when they are moved from one location to another.

To activate the feature, enable the option Lots & Serial Numbers under Accounting>Inventory>Settings> Traceability. Click SAVE button to mark the changes.

Creating Lot/Serial Numbers

To activate, Go to Inventory-> Master Data->Lots/Serial Numbers

Upon clicking the lot/serial number You will find the lists of products with lot/serial numbers. To add a new product with lot/serial number click the CREATE button.

A creation form like below will appear:

The fields includes Product Name, Quantity, Internal Reference, Dates including: Best Before Date, End of the Life Date, Removal Date and Alert Date. Dates can be great helpful in tracking the products.

Let’s see how it works.

Serial Numbers

Firstly, activate the tracking of lot numbers. For that go to Inventory > Configuration > Settings and enable Lots & Serial Numbers. Click SAVE to mark changes.

Product Configuration

Configure a product of your choice for which you want to track using serial numbers.

Go to Master Data > Products and open the product. Click EDIT button and make changes. Select Tracking by Unique Serial Number in the Inventory tab. Then, click on save.

Manage Serial Numbers


To receive an item that is tracked by serial number, you need to determine its serial number first. You have different ways of doing it.

  • Manual assigning
  • Multi-assignation
  • Copy/pasting from an Excel file

No matter which way you select, firstly go to detailed operations of your picking.

To Manually assign different serial numbers, under detailed operations, click on Add a line. Under the field, you can fill in the serial number.

Once done, you can click again Add a line for registering new serial number.


Odoo automatically create necessary lines under multi-assignation. All you need to do is enter the serial number for the product, also the number of products you have to assign with serial number.

One the entries are marked, click Assign Serial Number. Odoo automatically does the work.

Copy/pasting from an Excel file

To utilize copy/paste, open the spreadsheet containing the serial numbers. Copy the list and past them in the Lot/Serial Number Name column. Odoo automatically creates new lines

Operation types

One can also manage serial numbers for each activity type. To characterize it, go to Configuration > Operation Types in the Inventory application.

For each type, you can choose whether to go for new serial number or utilize existing ones. However, by default, the new serial number /lot is only allowed at product reception.

Serial Number traceability

Serial numbers help you to monitor where the items are received, placed in stock, to whom they were sold, and where they were dispatched to.

Open the Inventory application, and go to Master Data > Lots/Serial Numbers and click on the serial number you are hunting. Click on the TRACEABILITY button and you find in which documents the serial number has been utilized.

In case you need to locate a serial number, click the LOCATION button available on the serial number form.

Managing Lots

Firstly, activate the tracking of lot numbers. For that go to Inventory > Configuration > Settings and enable Lots & Serial Numbers. Click SAVE to mark changes.

Product Configuration

Now configure a product that you want to track by lot numbers.

Go to Master Data > Products and open the product of your choice. There, click on Edit and select Tracking by Lots in the inventory tab.

Manage Lots


To receive a product tracked by lots, firstly specify the lot numbers. Like serial numbers, you have varied ways of managing lots:

  • Manually assign the different lot numbers
  • Copy/paste lot numbers from an Excel file
Manually assign the different lot numbers

Go to detailed operations, click on Add a line. There you can fill in the lot number. Once done, you can click on Add a line again to register a new lot number.

Copy/paste lot number from an Excel file

Open the spreadsheet containing lot numbers. Copy the list and past them in the Lot/Serial Number Name column for Odoo to automatically create necessary lines. Enter the number of products contained in each lot.

Operation Types

One can define lots for each operation type. For that go to Inventory app and go to Configuration > Operation Types.

For each type (receipts, internal transfers, deliveries, …), you can decide whether to go for new lot numbers or use the existing ones. By default, the creation of new lots is only allowed at product reception

Lots traceability

To track an item, open the Inventory module and, in Master Data > Lots/Serial Numbers, click on the lot number.

Via clicking Traceability button, you see documents where lot number is used.

To locate the lot number, click on the on Location start button.


Especially in food and pharmaceutical industries, tracing stocks dependent on expiry dates is required to abstain from offering expired products to clients. With Odoo, you can trace your items dependent on their expiration dates, regardless of whether they are tracked by serial number or lot number.

To activate the feature, go to Inventory>Configuration > Settings> Traceability

Activate Lots & Serial Numbers and Expiration Dates features.

Click Expiration Dates to set the expiration dates on lots and serial numbers. Click Save to make the changes.

After applying this change, you have now a new option in the product form.

To set the product expiry, you can give the following attributes-

Product Life Time: When a new a Serial Number is issued, this is the number of days before the goods may become dangerous and must not be consumed.

Product Use Time: When a new a Serial Number is issued, this is the number of days before the goods start deteriorating, without being dangerous yet

Product Removal Time: When a new a Serial Number is issued, this is the number of days before the goods should be removed from the stock.

Product Alert Time: When a new a Serial Number is issued, this is the number of days before an alert should be notified.

If you are not giving these days in the product form, you can give the dates after the creation of the lot/serial number also. When a new serial number is assigned to this product. These dates are automatically calculated and stored in the Lot/serial number.

Expiration Alerts

To get access to expiration alerts, go to Master Data > Lots/Serial Numbers. Make use of the filter for knowing which all lots/serial numbers exceeded their alert date.



Go to Inventory> Configuration> Settings> Traceability

Click on Consignment and Save to set owner on stored product.



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