
Last updated: November 25, 2019


Maintenance Management

While manufacturing a product, it is the prime responsibility of the manufacturing department to assure the product performance. Product quality should be assured in each stage of its production so as to bring in qualitative and high end- performing products.

In order to assure the same, Odoo has brought in maintenance module. Odoo computes standard statistics to provide you with maintenance protocols like tracking equipment and maintenance request. Utilizing Odoo, product maintenance can be carried in two ways:

  • Preventive
  • Corrective

Preventive maintenance is a support that is routinely performed on an equipment so as to decrease its probability of coming short. It is performed while the equipment is still working. It is carried prior to equipment notifying any fault/failure. Preventive maintenance in other words can be called as servicing of equipment, carried in regular intervals.

On the other hand, corrective maintenance is a support task performed to distinguish, segregate, and redress an issue so that the faulty equipment can be reestablished to an operational condition.

The prime motto of conducting equipment maintenance is that it reduces the downtime as well make the manufacturing process more proficient. Via servicing the equipment over regular periods, the risk of equipment failure can be brought down to a great extent.

Firstly, install the Maintenance module:

Under this, one can seamlessly create an equipment.


To create equipment,

Go to Equipment -> Machines and Tools -> Create.

Upon clicking the CREATE button, you will be navigated to a new window like below:

The creation form will have the following fields:

  • Equipment Name: Name of the equipment.
  • Equipment Category: Category of the equipment.
  • Employee: Employee who owns the equipment.
  • Used By:
  • Department: Choose department, if this equipment is used by a specific department.
  • Employee: Choose employee, if this equipment is used by a specific employee.
  • Other: To choose an employee under a department. One can select both department and employee if chose the option-other.
  • Maintenance team: One can create/choose the maintenance team.



Maintenance > Configuration > Equipment Categories

Upon clicking CREATE button, you can create new equipment category.

Under the create form, one can specify the equipment category name, responsible person and company.



Maintenance > Configuration > Maintenance Teams> Create.

Here, one can add team name, team members and choose a company for creating maintenance team.

Coming back to creating an equipment,

  • Technician: Technician who is undertaking the equipment.
  • Assigned Date: One can add assigned date if any. For instance, if the equipment is used by an employee, one can add the specific date on which the equipment was assigned to that employee.
  • Scrap date: One can add scrap date based on its durability.
  • Used in location: Location where equipment is used.
  • Work Center: One can add the work center of the equipment if any.
Under Product information tab

One can add details pertaining to the equipment, for instance when it was bought.

Here, one can add the vendor associated to the equipment, vendor reference, the equipment model, serial number, Effective date (the date at which the equipment became effective. This date will be used to compute the Mean Time Between Failure), equipment cost and warranty expiration date.

Under Maintenance tab

Details pertaining to the maintenance are displayed.

  • Preventive Maintenance Frequency: One can set the frequency of preventive maintenance in number of days.
  • Next Preventive Maintenance: Once preventive maintenance is set, following preventive maintenance will get automatically set based on that. In the initial case, it will be calculated based on the effective date.
  • Maintenance duration: Duration of maintenance in hours.
  • Expected Mean Time Between Failure: One can set the expected mean time between failures in days.
  • Mean Time Between Failures(MTBF): It is computed based on the done corrective maintenances.
  • Estimated Next Failure: Computed as Latest Failure Date+ MTBF.
  • Latest failure: Last failure date will be updated automatically.
  • Mean Time To Repair(MTTR): Mean time between maintenance and repair in days. If the maintenance started on 2nd May and equipment got repaired on 3rd may. In that case, mean time to repair will be 1 day.



Maintenance > Configuration > Maintenance stages

Upon clicking the CREATE button, you can create new maintenance stage.

Here you can fill name of the stage and also specify if it is folded stage or not, request done or not.



Go to Maintenance > Maintenance requests> Create.

Here, you can see the ongoing maintenance requests with their status.

Upon clicking CREATE button, you can create new requests.

The create form has the following fields.

  • Title: One can give name for the maintenance request.
  • Created by: Employee who create maintenance request.
  • Company: Company that requests for maintenance.
  • Equipment: Choose the equipment for maintenance.
  • Request date: Date requested for the maintenance to happen.
  • Close Date: Date on which maintenance is completed.
  • Maintenance type: Maintenance is of 2 types, Corrective and Preventive.
  • Manufacturing order: When equipment failure happens in between manufacturing order, one can choose the manufacturing order here.
  • Teams: Choose a maintenance team for the maintenance.
  • Responsible: Responsible person of the maintenance request.
  • Scheduled date: Date on which the maintenance team plans the maintenance. It should not differ much from request date.
  • Duration: Duration of the maintenance.
  • Priority: Priority can be set to maintenance request.

Note: Maintenance request can be created/viewed from the calendar. For that, go to Maintenance>Maintenance Calendar.

Here, one can choose the date and create maintenance request. For that click on a date>> edit.

Upon clicking the EDIT button, you will be navigated to a new maintenance request creation form.


Once the maintenance is in progress, state gets changed to INPROGRESS. Once the equipment gets repaired, state automatically gets changed to REPAIRED. If the equipment is scraped, state gets changed to SCRAP.

Once the state is repaired or scraped, close date will be automatically added. Also Expected Next Failure date over equipment correspondingly changes.

To view, go to Maintenance >Equipment.


When preventive maintenance request is saved. Corresponding to that, the next preventive date will be automatically set as maintenance requested date in the equipment.

Create a maintenance request with type Preventive.

Here the maintenance request date is 12/11/19.

When preventive maintenance gets resolved, the next preventive date will be automatically calculated on the basis of preventive maintenance frequency set in the equipment.

Here you can see in the below image, the next preventive maintenance after 5 days( as preventive frequency was 5 days duration).

One can also create maintenance request from manufacturing order and work order. For that Go to > Manufacturing Module

Under the manufacturing order form you can see the MAINTENANCE REQUEST button.

If the equipment fails while the process is on the run, then also the maintenance request can be created from the work orders. For that, click on the menu as shown below.

Upon clicking the menu, one can see an option maintenance request as shown in the below image.

This option will allow you to create a maintenance request.


Under the maintenance module, one can set work centers to carry the maintenance of equipment created for certain manufacturing process.


Maintenance> Equipment > Work Centers> Create

Here, under the Equipment Tab, of the work center one can add the equipment,

Technician responsible for the maintenance, the category the belongs to, MTBF, AND Est. Next Failure.


The user can avail the Maintenance Requests report via going to

Maintenance> Reporting> Maintenance Requests

One can get the filter, group by and see maintenance request reports in Bar Chart, Line Chart and Pie Chart.



Cybrosys Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Neospace, Kinfra Techno Park
Kakkancherry, Calicut
Kerala, India - 673635



Cybrosys Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
1st Floor, Thapasya Building,
Infopark, Kakkanad,
Kochi, India - 682030.



Cybrosys Techno Solutions
The Estate, 8th Floor,
Dickenson Road,
Bangalore, India - 560042

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