The passing of information should always be in an efficient and effective manner to be beneficial for the recipient and the sender. This is the case of postal and other conversing methodologies but the same is implied on the information exchanged within a company between the employees or knowledge based on a hierarchical level. The more is the communication and knowledge spread among the individuals of the company, the more is the productivity and the more effective in the operation methodologies being developed and worked on.
As the companies have been concentrating their operation based on Enterprise and resource planning software(ERPs) which has automated the management operations of the companies allowing them with steady growth and a much reliable platform on which they can build upon. Odoo is one of the cost-efficient and reliable ERP available nowadays. Odoo is called the one-stop solution for all business operations. In addition, the customizability feature of the Odoo software allows it adaptable to any form of business and can be integrated with an existing one or a new one.
Announcements in Odoo
We are hearing announcements from our school days, college, and during work. Do you have any idea how they are being drafted and executed? Or are they being announced by the principal or the head of the department or a manager when there is a need and it pops up in his/her head? There are methodologies and principle operating rules to follow for the announcement to be effectively established. Considering educational institutions they are being followed in a much broader way as the decision-makers are the principal and a handful of teachers. However, considering a business establishment there are various people who are to be accountable for and various parameters of operation in play.
The announcement functionality in Odoo allows the employees of your company to create announcements requests to the respective managers or the board of members available in the company. This would ensure that unnecessary ones are not announced and entertained. In addition, a strict protocol of rules will be engaged with which the functionality will be operating within the company. The user can install the announcement module from the application list available on the Odoo platform.
On opening the module the user will be depicted with the list of announcements available at the instance and the ones which are being processed on. Upon selecting the create option available in the window the user can draft a new announcement request.
Enable the general announcement tick box in need of the announcement to be to all the staff members. Provide a title and should be based on the need and aim of the announcement. The start date and the end date up to which the announcement should be officiated should be provided.. The Odoo platform provides the user with a provision to attach a document and provide a customized description of the announcement which should be made. On providing the details the user can save it and send it for approval by selecting the smart option send for approval available in the window.

Now as the manager logs in to his platform he/she can view the list of announcement approval requests available. On selecting the respective one the manager can view the details as provided by the request and smart option to approve and refuse the request. It's totally up to the manager whether he/she can approve a request by selecting the approved option or refuse it by selecting the refuse option available. In addition, the Odoo platform provides the manager with the provision to edit the respective request and the descriptive details available.

The announcement status is changed on managers' approval. Now back in the announcements menu the user can view all the announcements available as shown in the below image. A unique specific code along with the name is depicted. In addition, the status of the respective announcement is depicted. It describes expired means the durability of the respective one is over. Moreover, if the status is waiting for approval it means a request has been sent to the manager for approval. Approved are the ones which are okayed by the manager upon request.

Reminders in Odoo
Remainders are functional actions which are used to provide information on an approaching event or a deadline. The reminders in every business organization are important which allows the manager or the CEO of the company to remember their employees on certain approaching deadlines or renewals needed in certain documents or regulations.
The reminder functionality in Odoo allows the users or managers to create a reminder action to respective employees on a certain aspect of the business. The remainders application can be installed from the application window available on the platform. Upon installation the application allows the user to navigate the remainder menu where all the reminder actions listed out.
To create a new reminder the user can select the create option available. Select the create option available in the window the new reminder as shown in the below image will show the user can provide a name and assign the employee to which the reminder should be sent. The start date and end date for the reminder can be set up, in case the reminder is not being used in the future the user can set the expiry date of the same as per the need. The user is provided with the provision to enable the active option to activate the reminder or can disable it.

Upon providing the description the window should be saved. Back in the reminders window the user can view the list of remainder available and are being active on the platform.

The announcement and reminder functionality available in the Odoo platform comes as a handy tool allowing the users to pass the information to their employees. In addition it reduces the communication gap and the reachability of a knowledge in the company.