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By: Cirin C Baby

Biometric Integration Abilities of Odoo

Functional Odoo 14

The use of biometric terminology came to be developed and usable in the wake of the century and has been since using them as one of the individual identification tools. Today almost all of the security stems from house biometric locks as well as identification tools. What more to say is that even our gadgets have been using biometric sensors for identification rather than the use of pins to unlock them. Moreover, the feature has become pretty common and is now seen in all the newly released ones. Another aspect where the use of biometric terminology has been thriving is the security aspect of a country where all the citizens are scanned for biometric identification while attaining different identity cards. These credentials are further usable in the various sectors of operation and could be used as the ultimate identification tool.
In addition, the use of biometrics can now also be seen in the business and a company environment. Used for security and secure aspects of operation in the company the widespread use has provided the user with ease in identification of their own employees at the instance. This is because of the need for operational readiness in the fast-moving business environment. Additionally, this would provide the users with ease in operation of the employee long in and log-off, attendance management as well as a security clearance operation in the company.
The management of these biometric operations of the company should also be interlinked with the various other aspects of company functioning which will provide the managers and the employees with the full capability and security. This is where the Odoo ERP can be a beneficial management tool to run the operations. The most advanced enterprise and resource planning software is configured to run the entire business operations of the companies. Developed in a single platform and operating with a centralized approach Odoo is a reliable business management software that is also cost-efficient. Moreover, Odoo is a fully customizable business management software that can be configured for the operation in the company on a level that is suitable to the company and with their terms and terminologies of functioning.
This blog will provide an insight into the biometric integration ability of Odoo.
The biometric tool of the company is more beneficial for the HR department and the Odoo platform recognizes it. The terminology can also be used to run the login and log off the employee for their systems or equipment of operation. In addition, this can be used on entering through secure doors of the company to English the people using it and entering a specific facility of the company. Additionally, the use of the system can be seen in the methodology of providing authorization, where certain employees of the company should be restricted from entering specific locations, this can be used as a hierarchical operational terminology in the operation of the company. These are the main usage of the biometric devices in a company functioning now let's look at how Odoo can be beneficial in dealing with it:
Biometric integration for the HR departments
Odoo platform recognizes the need for attendance monitoring and analysis so provides the user with a biometric integration tool to monitor the attendance of the employees based on the employee log in through the biometric devices while entering the facility. The attendance and the timesheet operation of the employees can be configured to the calendar operations and the payslip as well as the allowances can be generated based on it. There is an Odoo application available in the Odoo app store developed by Cybrosys Technologies which will help the users with the biometric HR integration which can be obtained at the following link:https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/14.0/hr_zk_attendance/
If you also require a detailed overview of the application and its usability you can read the following blog:
Biometric for security
The security of the company operations is vital and should not be sacrificed at any need therefore you would require a system reliable and secure enough to deal with the company operations. The biometric devices can be used to enter secure rooms, usage of equipment, and obtaining clearance for the various files in the company database. This is done based on the hierarchical operation of the company and its employees. This can be efficiently managed by the Odoo platform as the employees can be configured for biometric verification at the instance of the security clearance requirement.
These are some of the operations in which the Odoo platform helps the user to configure biometric operation into the companies and not limited to. The major benefit of the Odoo platform can be obtained by the use of reliable customization of the platform at the development which can be only be done by an experienced firm. Cybrosys Technologies, the leasing Odoo golden partner will offer you the Odoo implementation services.

If you need any assistance in odoo, we are online, please chat with us.


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