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By: Sree

Odoo 14 Lunch Module for Establishments

Functional Odoo 14

Many private offices and corporate firms offer lunch and tea support to their staff. This helps the employees to get quality food at a low price. This also prevents the employees from bringing lunch from home. 

An ERP solution can easily solve the issues pertaining to food supply to the employees. All employees can make use of the system to order food. They can also choose the vendor to distribute food and manage the delivery time. 

Are you finding it difficult to manage the food delivery system owing to the unexpected number of employees ordering food on some days? This issue can also be solved with Odoo Lunch. With this module, the food vending units can get a rough estimate of the food to be prepared. The application offers assistance to place an order in advance or for a particular period of time. 

In this blog let us take a look at how Odoo Lunch benefits an establishment.

Get an overview of food on sale

The dashboard of the Odoo lunch module helps the employees to get a clear picture of the food items available in the establishment. It includes the details of the food items, the price of the items, and the quantity of food. The image of the food can also be entered helping the user to easily identify the food of their choice. 


Can configure new food varieties

Odoo Lunch offers assistance to the food units to create more product details. They can also carry out the editing of the existing details. The price or product name can be edited or updated. The option to create new food varieties helps the food units to create a menu for different days.


Choose the vendor

If an establishment runs more than one eateries, Odoo allows the users to enter the details of the vendor. We can take the example of Z Company, where there are two food outlets for the employees. The first outlet can be named A and the second vendor can be named B. The moment a new food item is created, the creator can also add the details of the vendor who is offering the food. 

Besides, the employees can also choose the vendor. If a chicken burger is being offered by A and B, and the employee prefers the burger served by A, then he can add this detail while placing an order. That means Odoo gives support to the user to choose the vendor. 


Order food for a period

If you regularly have food from the eatery at the establishment, you don’t have to place orders every day. Odoo 14 Lunch module offers you a chance to order food for a period. For example, a user wants to order for Chicken Sandwich he can fill a column titled New Until. Here, the user can mention the date when he would like to receive the same food. 


Generate Alerts

There may be instances when the employee forgets to order food. Odoo offers a solution for this also. With the Odoo 14 lunch module, the employee will get an alert message every morning that will remind you to order food. This also helps the employee to get food on time. 

Lunch alerts can be set by specifying the days on which the alerts have to be shown. The alert can be generated either through an alert app or through chat notification. 


Create order quickly

A user can place food orders in a few steps. This can be done in the dashboard itself. The user can select the category of food as well as the vendor and then place the order. The order can be added to the cart. The employee can also specify preferences like the quantity of salt or sugar or the spice level of the food items. 


Benefits for Managers

Managers can get a quick view of all the orders placed by their employees on that particular day. This will help them to monitor the food buying pattern of employees. This will help the manager to plan the food preparation and other related activities in an efficient way.


Manage Accounts

Odoo 14 givens Control accounts option for the manager. The manager can get a glance at the product sale and review the product sale and revenue. 


Also Read: Odoo 14 POS Price List

If you need any assistance in odoo, we are online, please chat with us.


Samad Alimadadi

hi Thank you for your good articles The first photo is related to CRM, not Lunch. Thanks




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