Purchase Management

Last updated: November 26, 2019

Purchase Management


To Purchase any product, one must initially make a product in the system. In spite of the fact that it is an action done under inventory, Odoo Purchase module give a fast connection under Purchase > Products tab to perform product management capacities like Add Product, Update Stock and so forth.


Creating products in Odoo is much essential for speedy and proficient buying. All you need to do is -go to Products submenu under Purchase, and click CREATE.

As soon as you click on the CREATE button, you will be navigated to a new window with a product info.There you can click on the EDIT button and make all the necessary changes to the product and its associated attributes.

The creation form will look like below image:

You have the following fields under the product form-

Product name: It is the name which will be displayed on all other screens that refer to this specific product.

Can be Sold: To remove a product from showing up on ‘sales product’ list, uncheck the Can be Sold button. Generally, this is used while creating a raw material or a product for internal consumption.

Can be Expensed: Specify whether the product can be selected from an expense.

Can be Rented: If ticked the option, you allow renting of this product.

Under General information tab

Product Type: Product Type is the first option on the Information tab. There are three available product types:

Consumables: A product for which the user doesn't want to manage the inventory (no quantity on hand or forecasted) but that can be received from the supplier or delivered to the customer. Odoo assumes that the product always has enough stock

Stockable: The product which is managed with Inventory. This product is used in stock management and its replenishment is more or less automated by the rules defined in the system. In Stockable product, you can easily maintain your minimum stock level by defining reordering rule for stock in your system, so that your stock will not reach to out of stock. If you do not set Reordering rule, Odoo ERP will show-up warning messages in quotation, if there isn’t enough balance in the stock. Odoo ERP will prevent processing delivery orders that don’t have balances in the stock and it can be processed only by force availability button in the delivery order.

Product Category: User can organize the products under a specific category.

Internal Reference: For the most part, Odoo utilizes the Product Name field and the description when displaying product information. It is very common that a company may have a coding system for its products. The Internal Reference field is useful to enter an alternative product code or number for the product in that case.

Barcode: Especially, when the number of products is more, the probability of human error also increases. Now smartly and effortlessly add/update product quantity by scanning product barcodes while receiving or delivering products in your Odoo.

Version: Defines the current version of the product.

Sales Price: The base sale price of the product, the product may be different if there are variants available.

Consumer Tax: Odoo's tax engine is very flexible and support many different type of taxes: value added taxes (VAT), eco-taxes, federal taxes, retention, withholding taxes, etc. For most countries, the chart of account you setup is automatically pre-configured with the main taxes of the country.

Tax Cloud Category: The Tax Cloud category in Odoo allows you to correctly calculate the sales tax for every address in the United States and keeps track of which products are exempt from sales tax and in which states each exemption applies. Tax Cloud calculates sales tax in real-time for every state, city, and special jurisdiction in the United States.

Cost: Cost used for stock valuation in standard price and as a first price to set in average/FIFO.

Unit of Measure: Default unit of measure used for all stock operations.

 Purchase Unit of Measure: Default unit of measure used for purchase orders. It must be in the same category as the default unit of measure.

Under the Product Variants tab

Under the Product variants tab, one can deal with the products having distinctive varieties, similar to measure, shading, and so on. It permits dealing with the product at the template level (for all varieties) and at the variant level (specific attributes).

In the event that you click on the attributes button, you will get a drop down rundown with attributes. One can likewise include new characteristics or attributes via clicking the choice CREATE AND EDIT.

One can without much of a stretch set the attribute type, attribute values, in Odoo.

Under Sales Information tab

Invoicing Policy:

Ordered Quantity: Invoice quantities ordered by the customer.

Delivered Quantities: Invoice quantities delivered to the customer.

Re-invoice Expenses: Expenses and vendor bills can be re-invoiced to a customer. With this option, a validated expense can be re-invoice to a customer at its cost or sales price.

Subscription Product: If set, confirming a sales order with this product will create a subscription.

Email Template: Send a product specific email once the invoice is validated.

Optional Products: Optional products are suggested whenever the customer hits the ”Add to cart .”

Sales Description: A description of the product that you want to communicate to your customers. This description will be copied to every sale order, delivery order, customer invoice/credit note.

Under E-commerce Tab

Website: Option to restrict publishing to this website.

Categories: The product will be available in each mentioned E-commerce category. Go to shop>Customize>and Enable ‘E-commerce categories’ to view all e-commerce categories.

Alternative Products: Alternatives to your customer (upselling strategy). Those products show up on the product page.

Accessory Products: Accessories show up when the customer reviews the cart before payment (cross selling strategy).

Styles: Determines how shall be displayed in the website. For instance, full image/ sales ribbon and so forth.

Extra Product Media:

Under Point of Sale Tab

Available in POS: Check this if you want this product to appear in the POS.

Category: Category used in the POS.

To Weigh With Scale: Check if the product should be weighed using the hardware scale integration.

Under Purchase Tab


Procurement: Create a draft purchase order- Based on your product configuration, the system will create a draft purchase order. Propose a call for tender-If the purchase requisition module is installed and this option is selected, the system will create a draft call for tender.

Vendor Bills: Vendor Taxes- Default taxes used when buying the product.

Control Policy: On ordered Quantities-Control bills based on ordered quantities. On received Quantities-Control bills based on received quantities.

Purchase Descriptions: This note is added to purchase orders.

Under Inventory Tab

Route: Depending on the module installed, this will allow you to define the route of the product. whether it will be bought, manufactured, replenished on order etc.

Manufacturing Lead Time: Average lead time in days to manufacture this product. In the case of multi-level BOM, the manufacturing lead times of the component will be added.

Customer Lead Time: Delivery lead time in days. It is the number of days, promised to the customer, between the confirmation of the sale order and the delivery.

Tracking: To ensure the traceability of a storable product in your warehouse. It can be either via unique serial number or lots.

Product Location: The stock location will be used instead of the default one, as the source location for stock moves generated by manufacturing orders.

Inventory Location: The stock location will be used instead of the default one, as the source location for stock moves generated when you do an inventory.

Logistics: Here, you can give away the Weight, Volume, HS Code: Standardized code for international shipping and goods declaration. At the moment only used for FedEx Shipping Provider. Also you can assign the Responsible: The user will be responsible of the next activities related to logistics operations for this product.

Description for Delivery Orders: This note is added to Delivery Orders.

Description for Receipts: This note is added to receipt orders.

Under Accounting Tab

Income Account: Keep this field empty to use the default value from the product category.

Expense Account: Keep this field empty to use the default value from the product category. If anglo-saxon accounting with automated valuation method is configured, the expense account on the product category will be used.

Price Difference Account: This account is used in the automated inventory valuation to record the price difference between a purchase order and its related vendor bill when validating this vendor bill.

Under the Reserved Tab,

You can see the confirmed sale order waiting for the delivery. Odoo reserves the product based on two criteria. One is immediately after sale order confirmation, second manually or based on automatic scheduler.


There are two different ways of adding merchants to the product.

If you issue a sales order for first time, Odoo will consequently connect the seller and its cost to the product.

Secondly including the merchants manually


On the off chance that you end up with the need to purchase from numerous sellers for one product, Odoo can let you directly link multiple vendors with a single product/item.

Add vendors in a product

To utilize this feature, go to Purchases > Products.

Select a product.

From that point you can add existing merchants to your product or make another one on the fly.

Note that every first time the product is obtained from another seller or vendor, Odoo will automatically link the contact and cost with the product.

Alongside adding the vendor to a product, you can add the following:

  • Vendor product name

  • Vendor product name code

  • Minimal Quantity

  • Price

  • Validity period

  • Delivery Lead Time


Now and again, dealing with products in various unit of measures is vital. For instance, in the event that you purchase items in a nation where the metric measuring standard is of utilization and sell them in a nation where the imperial framework is utilized, you should change over the units. Odoo empowers to work with various units of measure for one item. Odoo comes in favor of working with different units of measure for one product.


Under Inventory application, go to Configuration ‣ Settings. And under the Products section, tick the option Units of measure.

Setting up units on your products

In Inventory Control > Products, open the product which you might want to change the purchase/sale unit of measure, and click on Edit.

In the Unit of Measure area, select the unit in which the item will be sold and in which internal exchanges will be executed.

In the Purchase Unit of Measure area, select the unit in which you buy the item. When you're set, click on Save.

Upon clicking the edit button you are provisioned to create new unit of measures in Odoo.

Transfer from one unit to another

While doing inter- unit exchanges, the rounding adjustments are consequently done by Odoo.

The unit of measure can be changed all through the entire procedure. The only condition is that the unit of measure is a piece of a similar class.


It is not mandatory that your purchaser prefers or follows the very same unit of measure that you follow while selling the product. In case there exists a difference in the unit of measure among the seller and purchaser, there can cause different kinds of problems in the transaction. For instance, you need to invest surplus amount of time in converting the units of measure. However, with Odoo you are freed with this tension. Odoo helps with seamless management of different units of measure between sales and purchase.

To do so, makes sure you have installed the Purchase and Sales Module.

Secondly, Enable the Unit of Measures option under the purchase module. Go to Configuration> Settings and tick the Some products may be sold/purchased in different unit of measures (advanced) box.

Specify sales and purchase unit of measures

It is very much essential that units of measure between sales and purchase belong to same/ common category. The categories include- Unit, Working Time, Volume, Weight and so forth. Also Odoo makes it easy to create a new category and unit of measure, if it doesn’t fall under the standard category of Odoo.

Assume that the product say water is bought from the vendor in Gallons, however it is sold to the client in Liters. Let’s see how Odoo manages the different units of measure between sales and purchase.

For that firstly select the product. You can go to the purchase module select your products. Either you can create a new product or select from the existing products. Later go to General Information Tab, under the Product. Here, you can select the Unit of Measure (that will be used in sales, inventory etc) and the Purchase Unit of Measure (for purchase).

Taking our example into consideration, you can now select Liters as Unit of Measure and Gallons as Purchase Unit of Measure.

Create your own unit of measure and unit of measure category

Assume you buy curtains from a supplier who sells the curtains in roll unit. However, you sell them in square meters. Now as you see, both these units belong to different categories and one cannot relate it as they fall into two separate measuring category. Thus here, we need to create a Measure Category for relating two units of measure that belong to two different categories.

To do so, go to Sales >Configuration> Products > Unit of Measure. Create a new unit of Measure Category.

Create a new unit of measure. You can name it. Here we will call the category as Inter-Category-Computation.

Next, create two units of measure - Rolls and Square meter and link them to the new category. To do so, Go to Purchase Module> Configuration >Products >Units of Measure.

Create two new units:

The unit Roll comes under Inter-Category-Computation and is the Reference Unit type. Every other measures will be converted depending on this reference unit measure. E.g.: 1 roll = 10 square meters, 2 rolls = 20 square meters, and so on.

For the Square Meter, we will specify that 1 Roll = 10 square meters of curtain. Therefore, under Type you need to specify that the square meter is bigger than the reference unit. The Bigger Ratio is 10 as 1 Roll = 10 square meters.

Now under the product form you can seamlessly give Square Meters as Unit of Measure for the curtain and Roll as its Purchase Unit of Measure.



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