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How can I move a work order to another work center in case of any failure of the current work center in the Odoo 17 Shop Floor module? Go to the Shop Floor module, from the three vertical dots of the work order one will be able to apply what they need. To move the work order application to another work center click on 'Move to work center', thus a pop-up appears to choose the new work center. Choose one and confirm. Thus the work order will transfer to the new work center.
Can I scrap or add more products for manufacture from the shop floor in Odoo 17?
Yes, from the three vertical dots in the work order, one will be able to scrap materials, add products, block the operations, open the MO in the backend, move the work center, suggest worksheet improvements, and even create quality alerts.
Is it possible to perform quality checks during each work order in Odoo 17? Certainly, you can use the shopfloor module for that. Using the shopfloor module, ensuring quality during work orders is relatively easy.
What is the role of the Shop Floor module during the production? The shopfloor module makes it simple for users to oversee industrial processes. There are various work centers displayed. From there, the operations can be overseen by many operators.
What is the purpose of the new module Shop Floor in Odoo 17? With the new dedicated Shop Floor application, which is an MRP tool that makes it simple to track and execute production orders.
Can a product under warranty be fixed without invoicing in Odoo 17? Yes, if you checked the option labeled "Under Warranty" when creating a repair order, the invoice will not include any fees.
Is it required to check all the quantities to ensure the quality of the product in Odoo 17? No, it is now feasible to verify the product's quality by partial quantity checking. Select the Control per quantity, when setting up a quality control point. Users can then verify the quality for the partial quantity.
How can I allocate my employees to managing a work center's operations in Odoo 17? In the work center, it is possible to add allocated employees. Only the assigned employees can log in to the work center to complete work order operations.
What do ‘Days to prepare manufacturing order’ define in Odoo 17? Days to prepare manufacturing orders define the total number of days to replenish or manufacture the components to manufacture the main product. For example, product A is manufactured with components B and C. B has to purchase from the vendor with a delivery lead time of 3 days. C has to manufacture where the manufacturing lead time is 10 days. Thus the days to manufacture A is 10 days (it takes the maximum time to replenish its component).
How can I specify the manufacturing lead time of a product in Odoo 17? In the BoM, under the miscellaneous tab manufacturing lead time can be added to define the number of days required to manufacture that product with the specified components and operations.
Is it possible to know the estimated cost of production before starting the manufacturing order in Odoo 17? Using the BoM Overview smart tab of the bill of materials will make it possible. This displays the cost of the individual procedures and components. As we provide the quantity to produce, the components required, and the cost estimation can be calculated.
What is the use of Cost Share in Odoo 17 manufacturing? During production, if by-products are generated, a percentage of total production cost is the cost of by-product generation which is called cost share. So at the end of production in the production journal entry, it will be possible to identify the actual production cost and by-product cost.
Is it possible to set a quality check during a product transfer in Odoo 16? Yes, from the quality module, we must first build a quality control point. Create a quality point for receipts or delivery orders as necessary by going to Quality Module > Quality Control > Quality Points. Let's say that a receipt's quality point is set by including the title, products, control type, type, and operations that were selected for the receipts. Additionally, a new button for "quality checks" and "quality alert" will display while establishing a transfer (type receipts) for the product from the inventory module and clicking on "mark as to do." A wizard will open when the quality check button is clicked, allowing you to select whether the test was successful or unsuccessful.
Does the manufacturing process for Odoo inspect the quality check in Odoo 16? The quality check is one of the really awesome features of Odoo Manufacturing and there is a companion app for that under Manufacturing. As a result, the odoo manufacturing checks the quality of the raw materials. It may examine the quality of the finished goods as well as the production process before, during, and after. By doing regular quality checks, manufacturers can avoid problems that could lower product quality and decrease consumer happiness. Odoo quality checks include three points and they are control points, quality checks, and quality alarms.
Can we access Allocation report for manufacturing orders in Odoo 16? In Odoo 16, for manufacturing orders, allocation reports are now accessible as well. Parent/child relationships are created automatically when two production orders are linked. A manufacturing order's reference and status can now be visible on the customer portal if it is connected to a sales order.
What is the use of Operation Dependencies in Odoo 16 Manufacturing module? Odoo 16 new feature that allows to Create operation level dependencies that will affect both planning and status of work orders upon MO confirmation. If this feature is ticked and nothing is specified, odoo will assume that all the operations can start simultaneously.
Is it possible to split a MO into multiple orders in the Odoo 16 Manufacturing module? Yes, with Odoo 16 the split feature users are capable of dividing a manufacturing Oder into multiple MO, and one can use it from the action menu.
Can we decide when Odoo 16 should implement the ECO changes? Yes, when making ECO changes, we can choose whether they will take effect immediately or at a later time. If you select a date and include it, the revised BoM only applies as of that specific date. Additionally, older BoM is still being produced today.
When will the BoM version be modified using the PLM module for Odoo 16? The BoM version change refers to the BoM revision.As an example, let's say that we are employing a specific brand as a component and that brand eventually disappears from the market. Therefore, we need to replace it for another one. Additionally, the version will start out as 1 and change to the next number, let's say 2, after revision.
Is it possible to add multiple MO of the same product into the same Manufacturing order in Odoo 16? Yes, with Odoo 16 a new feature called Merge option is added under the action menu which allows the user to merge one or more manufacturing orders into a single MO.
How can we set approval for ECO changes in Odoo 14 PLM module? Approvals can be applied for each stage of ECO. Go to PLM -> Configuration -> ECO stages -> create. Moreover, while creating ECO stages, under approvals one can add the approval type, user and save changes. Therefore, while moving from one stage to another during a revision of ECO, it will ask for approval from the user.
When will the BoM version be changed using Odoo 14 PLM module? The BoM version change refers to the revision of BoM. For example, we are using a particular brand as a component and after a period of time, that brand is not available in the market. So we have to replace it with another one. Furthermore, initially, the version will be 1 and after revision, the version changes to the next number, say 2.
Can we decide when the ECO changes should come to effect in Odoo 14? Yes, while creating ECO changes we can choose effectiveness as either ‘as soon as possible or from ‘At date’. If you choose a date and mention a date, then the revised BoM came into existence from that chosen date only. In addition, till the period the older BoM is used for production.
How engineering changes can be applied to a product in Odoo 14?
PLM (Project Lifecycle Management) helps with the engineering changes in operation. Go to PLM -> changes -> create, a form will open up to revise where you can add the title and choose the ECO type and apply on product or BoM, product, BoM, responsible person, Effectivity, etc.

Further, save and start revision as the revision process may pass through different stages. In addition, you can update the BoM using the ‘update BOM’ button and change the BoM as required and apply the changes. Therefore, the changes came to be effective as per the effectiveness given.

Now when you check the version of BoM in the Miscellaneous tab, you can see the version gets changed.
How the quality teams can be created and managed in Odoo 14? The quality team can be created from the Quality module -> Configuration -> Quality teams. Moreover, you can create a new team from here and add the email alias, and can decide from whom the mails are accepted.
Can we set a quality check during the transfer of a product in Odoo 14?
Yes, firstly we have to create a quality control point from the quality module. Go to Quality module -> Quality control -> Quality points, create a quality point for receipts or delivery orders as per requirement. Suppose a quality point is set for receipts by adding a title, products, control type, type, and operations chosen as receipts.
Furthermore, while creating a transfer (type receipts) for the product from the inventory module and clicking on ‘mark as to do’, then a new button will appear for ‘quality checks’ and ‘quality alert’. On clicking the quality check button, a wizard will open to choose whether the quality test is pass or fail. Additionally, different quality check types can also apply in this scenario.
Is it possible to apply the control points at all operations or on certain operations? Yes, for that one can choose the control type as ‘All Operations’, ‘Randomly’ or ‘Periodically’. In addition, you can set the control frequency for random and periodical control types for the control points to apply to certain operations.
What type of quality control points are available in Odoo 14?
The types of quality control points available are:
Pass-Fail: two options PASS and FAIL are available to mark whether the operation is passed or failed
Take a Picture: to take picture of the product
Instructions: Add instructions
Measure: Measurement precisions checking
How quality control points can be set in Odoo 14?
Basically, control points are configured inside the operations, and the details such as components, and operations are configured inside the BoM.

Go to Manufacturing -> configuration -> operations, for each operation, there will be an option to add ‘steps’ which are the quality control points. Click on the steps and create quality control points. So once the operation is completed the quality checks to be done are updated in the Quality module, Quality module -> Quality control -> Quality checks. In addition, you can create the quality control points from here also. This also lists the quality checks having different statuses like to do, passed, failed, etc. Furthermore, you can do the quality check from there and validate the quality check based on the type used.
How do we create a quality alert while manufacturing in Odoo 14?
Enable quality from manufacturing -> configuration -> Settings, then the quality module will be auto-installed and its features can be available in manufacturing. 

In addition, from operations -> manufacturing orders, all MO can be viewed. Then start work order processing. Moreover, from the drop-down menu, it will list some operations to be done therefore, you can pause the operation and click on the Quality alert, which will redirect to the quality alert form. In addition, add title, product, variant, lot, work center, quality team, responsible person, tags, root cause, etc, and save. Thus a quality alert is generated in the quality module.
How repair analysis can be taken in Odoo 14? Repair order analysis can be taken from repairs -> Reporting. You can analyze the repair details based on warranty expiry, repair orders, status, customer, product, invoiced, ready to repair, etc.
Why do we use repair tags in Odoo 14? Repair tags help to filter out the repair orders from the list based on the tags.
How does the warranty expiration field decide the repair cost in Odoo 14? If the warranty is not expired, one can add the invoice method as ‘No Invoice’, and hence the repair cost can be neglected for the repair order. For a product repair order, if the warranty period is over, the invoice can be generated before or after the repair.
What are the invoice methods involved in Odoo 14 repairs module? The invoice methods include No Invoice, Before Repair, and After Repair. Furthermore, ‘no invoice’ means there will be no invoice for the repair order however, for Before repair and after repair the invoice generated for the repair order before or after repair respectively.
Define Odoo 14 repair workflow?
The workflow starts from the creation of a repair request. Here, create a request and add a product to repair, quantity, customer, responsible person, warranty expiry, invoice method, and so on. In addition, under the parts tab, you can add or remove the products, choose the option whether you want to add or remove the parts of the product. Moreover, in the operations tab, the operations performed can be added, it may be any service.

So in the quotation, the amount for parts and operations will be charged. Now confirm the repair request, then the state will be moved from quotation to confirmed then click on start repair. So that the repair order status will be ‘under repair’ till the repair ends.
How can I send a repair request if I find the product needs repairing in Odoo 14? Repair requests can be created from the repairs module. Moreover, from the overview itself, all repair requests are visible. In addition, you can create a repair request by clicking on the create button, which will redirect to the repair request form. Furthermore, add details like the product, quantity, customer, Location, warranty expiration date, Invoice method, repair tags and under the ‘parts’ tab you can add/remove parts to products, and under the ‘operations’ tab service operations can be added. Once data entered correctly click on confirm.
The maintenance process in manufacturing involves different stages how this can be managed in Odoo 14? We can set different maintenance stages from Maintenance module -> Configuration -> Maintenance Stages -> create. In addition, if the stage needs to hide, one can mark it as folded, and for stages ‘Request done’ can be set.
What is corrective and preventive maintenance in Odoo 14?

There are two types of maintenance: corrective maintenance and preventive maintenance.

Corrective maintenance refers to the maintenance provided for the equipment once they are facing any issues at its working. On the contrary, companies, have periodic maintenance in order to check and maintain even before the equipment gets damaged, which is referred to as preventive maintenance.

How can a maintenance request be sent during Odoo 14 production?
During the work order operation processing, click on the drop-down option and click on ‘Maintenance request’. It will direct you to the maintenance request form. The ‘created by’ field will be auto-filled by the login person, add equipment and so the category is also taken as the category of equipment. Add other details like scheduled date, duration, priority, maintenance type, maintenance order, work order, etc, and then save it.
Now go to the maintenance module and check the maintenance requests. You can view the generated requests there.
How is the maintenance team configured in Odoo 14? Go to the Maintenance module -> Configuration -> Maintenance Teams -> Create. Then add the team name, team members and save.
How can the equipment category be defined when we were adding equipment in Odoo 14?
While adding equipment itself, its category can be defined. Equipment category can be created from Maintenance -> Configuration -> Equipment Categories -> create.
We can assign a responsible person to the equipment category.
How can the equipment be added to our company once we are buying those for production in Odoo 14? Equipment can be added from the maintenance module -> equipment -> Machines & Tools -> Create. Further add the equipment name, equipment category, maintenance team, technician, equipment used by department, employee, etc.
How can the manufacturing readiness be set in Odoo 14? Manufacturing readiness refers to when the manufacturing process needs to start its production either ‘When all components are available’ or ‘When components for 1st operation are available’.
How the availability of products can be checked for production in Odoo 14? Once the MO is confirmed, a new button appears to check availability. Click on that then the available quantities are reserved and components that are not available are shown in red color.
Is it possible to use the same BOM for variants also? How does Odoo 14 Manufacturing handle this? Yes, it's possible. While we configure a BoM leave the variant blank therefore a BoM can be used to create its variant also. However, if you mention the variant, then that BoM can be used for only that specific variant only.
What is multi-BoM and how they are managed in Odoo 14?
Sometimes for manufacturing a product, chained BoM may be used. For example, Product A has a BoM consisting of Component 1 and component 2. Further, component 1 has a BoM containing component 11 and component 12, and Component 11 may have another BoM. Therefore, to make Product A, firstly I need to manufacture component 11 and component 1. This configuration is called Multi-BoM.

Configuration of the Multi-BoM is the same as that of the normal BoM.  You can add BoM to all products needed to be manufactured and also the routing of such products should be ‘Manufacture’ and ‘Replenish to Order (MTO)’.
Sometimes we need to produce more products than we planned. How can this be handled in Odoo 14?
In this case, we need to change the quantity to consume. So flexibility consumption options should be allowed.
How can the planned work orders be viewed in Odoo 14? Go to Manufacturing -> Planning -> Planning by work centers, you can view the planned work orders on each work center and can be analyzed in Gant chart view. In addition, planning by production is also available in the planning menu.
How the manufacturing stock moves can be tracked in Odoo 14? Once the MO is completed, a smart tab appears as ‘Product Moves’. Go to product moves where we can find the components are moved from stock to production location and the finished product is moved from the production location to stock.
Can I stop the production temporarily in Odoo 14? Yes, you can pause the work order operation in between.
How is the manufacturing lead time affected by multi-BoM in Odoo 14? For multiple BOMs, the lead time will be the sum of the sub-BoMs. For example, consider products having a lead time of 2 days and its BoM also has a lead time of 3 days. Therefore, the total lead time for entire product manufacturing will take 5 days.
What is Flexible consumption on Odoo 14 BoM?
The term ‘flexible consumption’ refers to whether the consumption can change to more or less quantity than defined in bills of materials. There are three types of flexible consumption includes:
Allowed: Allowed all manufacturing users to change the quantity
Allowed with a warning: allow all manufacturing users but at the end, it will record the consumption difference.
Blocked: The only Manager can close the manufacturing order when the BoM consumption is not respected.
What is indirect demand? How the indirect demand is managed in Odoo 14 using MPS?
Indirect demand is the demand for one product depending on the demand for another product. For example, as demand for tables increases demand for tabletop also increases.
When the products are added to MPS and as the demand changes for the product table the corresponding change gets affected in the indirect demand.
How productivity analysis can be taken from Odoo 14? Go to Manufacturing -> Reporting -> Overall Equipment Effectiveness, this will give the report on productivity. You can use ‘Filter’ and ‘GroupBy’ to filter data based on fully productive, Quality losses, Availability losses and performance losses, etc.
How can the productivity of each work center be calculated in Odoo 14? In each work center, we are adding the OEE- the overall equipment efficiency of each work center is available at the overview. Moreover, the OEE defines the productivity of the work center.
Can we add a worksheet for production to work centers in Odoo 14? Yes, worksheets can be added while configuring the operation such as worksheets in Google Slide, Text, or PDF format can be added.
Is it possible to analyze the cost of a MO in Odoo 14? Yes, the cost analysis is shown once the MO processing is completed and a new tab appears as ‘Cost analysis’. It will provide details of the cost structure of the product, cost of individual components, and work center cost.
How can an alternative work center be assigned to a work operation in Odoo 14? While creating a work center, you can choose an alternative work center for it. Therefore, whenever a process requires this work center and if it is busy with another operation, the alternative work center will be taken to process the operation on behalf of it.
Is it possible to manage a damaged product so its fine parts can be reused? How can this be managed in Odoo 14? Yes, the ‘Unbuild orders’ feature in Odoo 14 Manufacturing can be used to unbuild a manufactured product and helps to move its parts to the warehouse location itself. So later those components can be taken from the warehouse and used in the manufacturing process. Go to manufacturing -> Operations -> unbuild orders -> create, then choose the product, source location, destination location, Lot/Serial Number, and Manufacturing Order, then click on ‘UNBUILD’. Finally, the product is unbuilt to components and then moved back to stock.
How damaged products can be handled in Odoo 14 Manufacturing? The scrap feature in manufacturing helps to move the damaged product from a warehouse location to a scrap location. Go to manufacturing -> Operations -> scrap -> create, then choose the product, quantity, source location, and destination location and then validate it.
How can we manage the production in such a way MO is only created after the SO is confirmed using Odoo 14? To manage production based on the sales order confirmation, for the product the route ‘Replenish on Order (MTO)’ and ‘ Manufacture’ should be enabled.
How can I manage if the demand is overestimated in Odoo 14 MPS? You can decrease the forecasted demand accordingly if the demand is overestimated. So when you do a new replenishment, the replenishment quantity will be adjusted accordingly.
How can I manage the demand if it is underestimated in Odoo 14 MPS? You can increase the forecasted demand accordingly if the demand is underestimated. So when you do a new replenishment, the replenishment quantity will be adjusted.
What is MPS and how it helps in production in Odoo 14?
MPS, the Master Production Schedule is the tool that Odoo provides in the enterprise version to plan the production based on demand forecast. On enabling Master Production Schedule from manufacturing configuration settings, the MPS tool will be available under the ‘Planning’ menu.
Moreover, you can add products to MPS to plan its production. So while adding we have to add a safety stock target, minimum to replenish and maximum to replenish in units. Furthermore, based on the initial stock and demand the suggested replenish is available now click on the replenish button to manufacture the product. 
Refer to our blog: Master Production Schedule (MPS) in Odoo 14 for more details.
Is it possible to check the quality of the product on each manufacturing operation in Odoo 14? If so, how? Yes, it is possible by setting quality control points on all operations
How the by-products can be managed in Odoo 14? While we create BoM for a product we can define the by-product generated under the ‘By-Products’ tab. You can view the products, their quantity, UoM, and also can mention produced in operation under this tab.
Is it possible to change the BOM defined during the manufacturing? How can this be managed in Odoo 14? This can be possible based on the flexibility given to BoM.  Furthermore, the extra components can be added only if the flexibility chosen as ‘Allowed’ or ‘Allowed with warning’.
Define Odoo 14 subcontracting?
Subcontracting is to give an order to the subcontractor for making the product on behalf of us. To have this feature initially enable the subcontracting option from the manufacturing configuring settings and save it. Now create a BoM for the product, then you can have the BoM type as ‘Subcontracting’. Enable Subcontracting option and add a subcontractor. Moreover, add the BoM and save it.

Next is configuring the product, for subcontracting a product, should enable route ‘Resupply Subcontractor on Order’ in the inventory tab of product form and add vendors in the purchase tab.

In addition, the subcontractor has to make the product for us, so for that, we have to raise a purchase order to the subcontractor for the product and at the same time, we have to send BoM to him. To create a PO for the product from the subcontractor and go to inventory -> transfers, you can see a transfer is there to deliver the BoM to the vendor. Validate it and the BoM is received by the vendor.

The next concept is receiving the product from the subcontractor. So in the ‘Receipts’ a transfer corresponding to PO is there, you can validate and accept the product.
What is the need for Odoo 14 subcontracting? Some time for particular industries say the furniture industry who are experts in making wooden lamps gets an order for making a wooden lamp with an electric bulb and they have all components with them but they are not so expert in connecting with electrical circuits. In such cases, they can send all the BoM to a subcontractor company who can assemble the product and send back the finished product.
Define Kit in Odoo 14? In the ‘Kit’ concept, we are using the kit to sell containing components and the user needs to assemble that. For example, a product ‘Computer Kit’ containing BoM as Monitor, keyboard. Mouse and CPU and the BoM type is kit. Therefore, on selling the product Computer kit, it will sell as a kit containing the components.
What is ‘Manufacture this Product’ in Odoo 14? The BoM type ‘Manufacture this product’ is used to manufacture a product. Therefore, in the inventory tab of the product form, you should enable route ‘Manufacture’ to perform a manufacturing process.
What does BOM Type refer to in Odoo 14? BoM type refers to the kind of BoM used for product manufacturing. Odoo 14 uses three types for BoM ‘Manufacture this Product’, ‘Kit’ and ‘Subcontracting’ however, the purpose of each BoM is different.
How are the manufacturing delays managed in Odoo 14?
Manufacturing delays can be set using lead time. Moreover, the manufacturing lead time can be set in the product form. Manufacturing lead time is the time required to manufacture the product.
Another method is to add security lead time to schedule manufacturing orders earlier to avoid delays. Security lead time can be added from manufacturing -> configuration -> settings.
How can I identify if any work order is in process or not in Odoo 14? At the overview, one can view the dot icon on each work center. The ‘green’ dot refers to some operations that are in the processing stage in the work center. Moreover, the ‘red’ refers to the work order operation being blocked due to any circumstances. In addition, the grey color refers to the work center being idle due to operation being paused.
How work order operations are managed in Odoo 14? Operations can be created from Manufacturing -> Configuration -> Operations -> Create. Initially, add a name for the operation and the work center in which the operation has to be performed. Further, you can perform the duration computation for operation, it can either be ‘Compute based on tracked time’ so need to mention the no of last work orders or can be ‘Set duration manually’, then manually add a default duration for operation. In addition, the worksheet for operation can be added as Google Slide, PDF, or Text and finally save the changes.
How work centers and operations are managed in Odoo 14? Work centers are created from Manufacturing -> Configuration -> Work centers -> Create. Then add work center name, code for the work center, working hours, and company. Moreover, if the allotted work center is busy with some other operation we can assign an alternative work center. Furthermore, add the alternate work centers at the specified field. Additionally, under the general Information tab add production and costing information like time efficiency, OEE target, Capacity, Cost per hour, a time before and after production. In addition, add the equipment details required for production in the equipment tab and IoT device details can be added at tab IoT Triggers and finally save the changes.
Can we add multiple BoM for Product in Odoo 14? If so, how can the BoMs be identified? Yes, multiple BoMs can be created for a single product since the same product can be generated from different components. Moreover, to identify the BoMs we can give a ‘Reference’ during BoM creation. Therefore, while we created an MO and on choosing the BoM, the reference also appended along with BoM.
How can BoM be configured in Odoo 14?
For manufacturing a product at the base it is required to configure the BoM. Go to Manufacturing module -> Products -> Bills of Materials -> Create and choose the Product, Quantity, and Units. Furthermore, if you add the variant, then the BoM is used to produce that particular variant. Choose BoM type as ‘Manufacture this product’.

In addition, under the components tab add the components required to manufacture the product, its quantity, and the Unit of Measure.
Moreover, in the operations tab add the operations to be performed in different work centers and the time required to complete each operation. Additionally, you can add quality control points by clicking on steps and create quality control points by adding necessary details.
Furthermore, the by-products that may be generated as a result of production can be defined under the By-Products tab. In addition, under the Miscellaneous tab, Manufacturing Readiness can be set as ‘When all components are available’ or ‘When components for 1st operation are available’. The version of BoM is auto-filled and flexibility can be ‘Allowed‘, ‘Allowed with warning’, ‘Blocked’.

Save when all data is correctly entered.
How a Manufacturing Order(MO) is created in Odoo 14?
An MO can be created from Manufacturing module -> Operations -> Manufacturing Orders -> Create. Before creating an MO we have to configure the Work center, operations, and BoM for the product.

Now on creating MO, choose the product, quantity to produce, BoM, etc to manufacture the product. Moreover, once the BoM is chosen the work center and the operations defined in the BoM are auto-filled and then you can confirm the MO. In addition, you can check the product availability and click on the plan option available to plan work order operation.  Furthermore, start the operation, and when operations are completed click on ‘Mark as done’. 

Then certain smart tabs will appear which will provide you options on traceability, product moves, valuation, and cost analysis.
How Odoo 14 Manufacturing process differs from Odoo 13?
The manufacturing process is the same in both versions however, there are certain configurational changes in V14. In the previous version that is in Odoo 13, we have a routing option inside which you can configure the operation, work center and we can assign the routing to BoM. 

On the contrary, in V14 the routing is removed. Thus the operations and work centers are also configured inside the BoM therefore, there is no need to manage multiple routes. Additionally, another change is while we confirm a work order, the features to control a work order operation are available in the work order tab. One can start the operation whose status is ready. Once the process starts its status changes to in progress. Moreover,  we can ‘Pause’ and ‘Block’ the work order operation.
What is new in Odoo 14 Manufacturing?
The ‘Routing’ feature in the previous version is removed and thus the operations to be done in each work center can be defined more flexibly. Furthermore, the operations are defined in the BoM itself.
Additionally, from the manufacturing orders themselves the work center operations can be controlled.
Similar to the UI changes as in other modules it is more interesting and user friendly in its first look.
Which all Odoo 14 modules integrated helps the manufacturing perfect? Manufacturing, PLM, Maintenance, and Repair make the production complete. In addition, the manufacturing module creates BoM for the product and processes the production, while PLM helps in engineering change if required. Furthermore, the maintenance module is for equipment & maintenance and the repair module is for repairing products.
How can we manage production if the assigned work centre is busy with another work order using odoo 13 manufacturing app?
We can assign an alternative work centre, Master Data > work centers. When we create a work center for the manufacturing order, we have the option to give an alternative work center. So whenever the actual work center is busy with any assigned work, the alternative work centre can be used instead.

How can we manage the quantity of raw materials in odoo 13, if more than allocated is required?
Make the BoM type flexible or through engineering change, we can alter the BoM.
Is it possible to replace the defective parts of the product in odoo 13 manufacturing?
Yes, If the BoM consumption is flexible you can replace the BoM of the product.
If I want to reuse the fine parts of damaged products, how is it made possible with Odoo manufacturing module?
In Odoo 13 manufacturing app, we have the option to ‘unbuild’ the product, manufacturing app > Operations > Unbuild orders. You can choose the product to unbuild and click on ‘unbuild’. Thus the product is extracted to its BoM.
How the damaged products are handled in Odoo 13 manufacturing app?
While processing a manufacturing order at each stage, we have the facility to scrap the product when it is found to be damaged.
How can we process a manufacturing order based on the order in Odoo 13?
To manufacture products from sale orders, we have to configure the product in such a way that the route is Buy and Make To Order. So when you create a sale order for the product a corresponding MO will be created in the manufacturing app.
How MPS helps in forecasting in manufacturing?
Using MPS the production can be plan based demand forecast. Go to configuration settings of the manufacturing module and enable Master Production Schedule. You can mention the MPS time range as monthly, weekly, or day wise. Then go to Planning > Master Production Schedule. Add the product, mention safety stock target, minimum and maximum to replenish.
How is the quality ensured at each stage in Odoo 13?
Enable ‘Quality’ from the configuration settings of the manufacturing module and then save. The quality control points and quality check can be set in the Quality app.
Can we manage the by-products generated during manufacturing other products in odoo 13?
On enabling ‘By-Products’ from configuration settings of manufacturing app, the residual products generated by the manufacturing of any product can be managed. This setting will give a tab ‘By-product’ while you create the BoM. The by-products can be mentioned under this tab.
Can the BoM be changed if required during manufacturing using Odoo 13? If so how?
In a normal case when we create a BoM with BoM Type ‘Manufacturing this product’, under the miscellaneous operation tab we have an option consumption. Consumption can be strict or flexible. If the consumption is flexible we can change the BoM counts during manufacturing if needed. In the case of strict consumption, the change of BoM is not possible.
So for strict consumption, if we want to change the BoM we have to use the Project Lifecycle Management module of Engineering Changes. So the BoM version can be changed.
What is the need of subcontracting and when do we use subcontracting in odoo 13 manufacturing app?
The organization faces situations like they have the Bill of materials to manufacture the product, but they are not experts on assembling them to make the new product. In such cases, organizations use sub-contracting features. They give subcontracts to make the new product for a subcontractor. The company gives the bill of materials to the subcontractor and they in turn create the new product for the company. This is what takes place in subcontracting. For example, if a company made wood products and they got an order to make a wooden table lamp. In this case, the company has the BoM like a lampshade, lamp base, etc but the process of electric work may not be familiar to them. So the company has to create a purchase order for this lamp from the sub-contractor by providing the BoM. Thus the sub-contractor will create the lamp for the company. Firstly, enable the feature ‘Subcontracting’ from the configuration settings of the manufacturing app. This will give an additional BoM Type sub-contracting. Now go to the product form, under the inventory tab enable route ‘Resupply Subcontractor on Order’ and Save. Create BoM for Subcontracting, Manufacturing app> Master Data> Bill of Materials> Create
This will open the form to create BoM. Add the Product, quantity, Company, route, etc. The main thing you should remember is that the BoM Type should be ‘Subcontracting’. Under the components, tab add BoM. The subcontractor will make this product on order. To create a purchase order for the product and receive and validate it. Now check the inventory valuation of products and BoM. The BoM count decreased by 1 and product count increased by 1.
How can we avoid delays in delivering the manufactured product in Odoo 13?
By setting manufacturing lead time from the inventory tab of product form and security lead time for the product from settings, we can avoid delays in delivery of the manufactured product.
In a manufacturing company for simplifying manufacturing processes, we need to make a detailed description of components, quantity, and routings. How can I manage this using Odoo? In odoo, we use the Bill of Material(BOM) for simplifying manufacturing processes. Using BOM we can add components, quantity, and routings of the product.
If there is a mechanical failure or other damages where happened in our work center. How will manage it with odoo? We can block the work center using the blocking option in odoo and can give the blocking reason. The blocked work center can be easily identified from the work centers overview, by indicating a red blocked mark on the overview.
In my manufacturing company, a product is manufacturing but one of its components is manufacturing from another company or buying from another person. How can I manage this using odoo? In odoo, there is an option for using subcontractors while creating a bill of material for the manufacturing process. Flexibility, Labor cost, Limited capital investment, Focus on your core business, Mutual benefits are the main advantages of using a subcontractor.
How does a manufacturing order is created? We can create a manufacturing order form the work center overview itself by clicking on the plan order button on each work center. Let's also create a manufacturing order in another way, we can see manufacturing order in the operations tab also. Click on manufacturing order, then a new page of manufacturing order appears. There you can create a manufacturing order by clicking on the create button.
How to avoid manufacturing delay? We can avoid the manufacturing delay by setting the Manufacturing Lead Time in settings so that we schedule the manufacturing orders earlier to avoid delays. For more details read the Odoo blog: How to Configure Lead Time in Odoo 12.
Is there any way to analyze the cost of the manufacturing order? The odoo has an option for cost analysis in each manufacturing order after completion of production. From which we can understand cost structure and cost of operation. And also we get the unit cost of the final product.
Is it possible to give a worksheet to the work center? Yes, we can specify the worksheet for each work center, odoo support both PDF format and slides.
How to measure the manufacturing productivity of a work center? OEE is used to measure the manufacturing productivity of a work center.OEE is displayed in each work center. For more details read the Odoo blog: Work Center in Odoo 12.
How to get productive time at each work center separately? We will get each work center productive time separately from the pivot view of Overall Equipment effectiveness in the Reporting.
How we can manage the demand of one product that is used as a raw material in another production? we can easily manage this situation by the mps. we can see the indirect demand of products and by this, we can manage the production. for more details read the odoo blog: master production schedule (mps) in odoo v12.
If I want to update the existing BOM of a product due to unavailability in the market. How can I manage it? We can manage it by PLM. And we can update the BOM using ECO. For more details read the Odoo blog: Product Life Cycle Management Odoo 12.
How can we manage the quantity of the required product at the time of manufacturing? In the quality checkpoints, we can change the type to register consumed materials. here users can enter the consumed material at the time of production. there is a field for adding components. users can select the component that needs to be added. at the time of processing the manufacture, it shows the component and quantity field to record the consumption of materials. for a detailed explanation read the blog: quality check odoo 12 manufacturing.
Is there any option to set quality checks for specific work order operations, when material production has more than one work order? Odoo can manage the situation by quality control points. The quality control points can be set at routing. While creating the routing, there we can see a button named Steps at the top. It navigates us to Quality checkpoints. In the Quality checkpoints, we can assign specific work order operation.
Is there any option to stop production for some time? Yes, We can easily manage the situation by pausing the production and after the confirmation, we can resume the production.
Is there any option to create a manufacturing order at the time of purchase? Yes, we can create a manufacturing order at the time of purchase. For that, we want to set the Make to Order route to the product. And also set the vendor like our company or the manufacturing location.
Is there any option to create a manufacturing order at the time of sale? Yes, we can create a manufacturing order at the time of sale. For that, we want to set a Manufacturing route and MTO for the specific product.
How to make the manufacturing business become transparent and accurate? By providing Lot and serial numbers for the products, the manufacturing business becomes transparent and accurate. Also, we get the stocks to move, so the manufacturing business becomes error-free.
How to identify blocked work centers? The blocked work center can be easily identified from the work centers overview, by indicating a red blocked mark on the overview.
If there any Equipment Failure happened with the work center while processing manufacture order, then how to freeze my work center? Odoo provides a Block option for freezing the work center when any issue happens to the work center.
While manufacturing a product, how can we manage the By-Products? In odoo, there is a feature called By-Products. By enabling this feature, we can easily handle the By-products.
Is there any way to access frequently used operations? Yes, we can easily access frequently used operations and functions by using the default barcode commands. With the help of a barcode scanner, we can execute the commands.
If one of the components of the product has some defect, what will do instead of scrapping the completely? If one of the components of the product occurs any defect, we can unbuild the product instead of scrapping the product completely. So we can use other components from the defect that occurred product.
Sometimes a manufacturing company may not have some facilities for manufacturing and therefore they wanted to give some works to some other institutions or companies. How is it possible with Odoo? In such cases, some companies give the production of some goods to subcontractors. This can be managed well with Odoo manufacturing. Take the settings of manufacturing and check the subcontracting. You also have to clearly define the subcontracted BoM which will be used while subcontracting the product.
How can we plan the production on the basis of future demand? Here we use the fundamental feature of Odoo manufacturing MPS. One of the amazing featuring of Odoo manufacturing is the (MPS) Master Production Schedule. It is beneficial for us to plan the production on the basis of demand forecasted. For this, we have to activate the MPS from the settings. there you can set the time range of MPS and the period. Next, planning -> MPS there add a product. Now set the safety stock, minimum and maximum quantity to replenish.  Based on the sequence the products are ordered in MPS. in the MPS you can customize the information you want to see on the display of MPS. Also, you can hide the information you want to. Fields can be added like actual demand. Another step is to compute the demand for a period. This computation will be shown in the row of the demand forecasts. If you want now you can compare the actual demand with the forecasted demand.
If i underestimated the demand for a month, is there any method to manage the situation? if the demand is underestimated no issues, you can increase the forecasted demand followed by it will affect the replenishment quantity and consequently, you can launch a new replenishment.
If I overestimated the demand for a month, is there any method to manage the situation? If you overestimated no issues you can decrease the demand. Then the red color will give an alert if you want can cancel some RFQs or manufacturing orders manually.
Suppose that during manufacture one part of the product got damaged so instead of scrapping the whole product we shall take out just only the damaged part and redo the product again. how do we do it in odoo? here we use the feature of unbuild. its a super cool feature of odoo manufacturing. unbuild comes in two cases: unbuild a product you manufactured when some issues happen to that product instead of throwing it fully to the scrap you can unbuild it and use the good parts. in another case you buy products for the sole purpose of unbuild. in both cases, your stock of components is affected. while manufacturing just clicks the unbuild button you can unbuild the product.
What shall be done in case we need to repair some products or machinery? Another super cool feature of Odoo manufacturing is the repair option. It enables us to repair the manufactured products if there is any defect. All the repair orders can be seen in the repair app also you can create a new repair order too. after filling the repair form send it to the customer and after getting confirmation you can start the repair and finish the repair.
Can the work orders be planned and set already? Yes, we can plan and set the work order already. Planning work orders is always good for the company. Planning the work order makes the manufacturing perfect and can assure that everything goes well. There won't be any confusion and errors when we plan and set the work orders. For all these, first of all, we need to activate the work orders from the settings of the manufacturing module.
In a manufacturing company, the company has to produce several products at the same work center at the same time. How can I manage these situations using Odoo? Many companies, there will be a lot of productions and for that same work, the center will be used for many productions. Thus it becomes confusion on which production is done at which time and which employee. But in odoo manufacturing, we can efficiently manage alternative work centers in such cases. This will enable us to manage time efficiently. For that activate work orders from the setting of manufacturing. Now go to the work center and create a new work center. Fill all the necessary details and hit save. Now create a new manufacturing order and assign the work order to alternative work centers.
How do we plan the orders of work as per its priority?is there any feature for that? in certain cases, the company has to plan its work orders so as to analyze the workflow and plan the work for a day full. it's very helpful to avoid miscommunications and other errors. here the company can schedule their start date for multiple orders. in some cases, you can set multiple processes like one after another. this whole thing is done by activating work orders in the manufacturing app. now when we create a manufacturing order we can set the start date, assembly line, time for production and so on and if we create two work order at the same time and date it will auto-updated to one after another.les
How do we manage damaged products? Odoo has a super cool option its nothing but the scrap option. It enables us to scrap product which is damaged at any stage of production. We can see the scrap button at every stage of manufacture. When we click on the scrap button we can easily scrap the product. Also in the operation, we can see the scrap orders there we can if want to create a scrap. When we scrap something it automatically goes to scrap location.
Is it possible for us to receive or buy a subcontracted product? We can buy subcontracts in two ways: either form a subcontractor buy the subcontracted product or we can directly buy the subcontracting product in the purchase module just like we purchase.
If we wanted to make some changes in the product, like its bom, update the version and so on what shall we do? In such cases, we have another secondary app for manufacturing called PLM. The PLM also know as product lifecycle management is all about engineering change orders ECOs. If we want to make some changes to the BoM, we need to use ECOs.
How can we make some changes to a product? In order to make some changes in a product, we have to create an engineering change order for that we have to go to PLM overview, engineering change order and click the create button. We will see the different stages of production. There you have to fill the fields like short summary, type of ECO, Apply on which product, effectivity and so on.
When a company manufactures a product they will have a quality standard for that product. So how can we manage the quality using Odoo? Customer satisfaction is the most important thing in business for the quality for the product is much important. A company always tries to provide good quality to its customers. So the quality check is a must in a company. Odoo manufacturing has this super option of quality check at different stages of production. Odoo manufacturing has a secondary app called Quality for this purpose.
In certain cases we need to make products more than what we have planned, so how does it affect the consumption of BoM? In some cases, we need to make more products than we have planned already. For that, we need to keep our usage of components flexible. This is set in BoM and quality control points. First, go and activate the quality in the MRP app settings. Then edit the BoM which you want to make flexible. The consumption type must be flexible and in the quality, the app creates a new quality control point. Now go back and create a manufacturing order. Select the product with a flexible BoM. Now process the production and during the production, you can consume more products than expected in the before production.
At what level or what point of manufacture we conduct quality checks? Quality control points are the points under which we do the quality check of the products. At that point, we will decide how to check, when to check and what to check. Here we can set the control points. For that go to control points under quality checks. Now click on the create button and create a new control point. Under these quality control points, only quality checks come and here only we do all the quality checks. For better understanding read the odoo book: manufacturing - odoo book v13
In some cases, we will have to manage two production in one manufacturing order. how do we deal with it? in some cases in manufacturing, we need two manufacturing procedures like the production of the main product and its components. thus we need subassembly lines. to create a  product we need to create another product first. in these cases we need subassemblies. to create a component product set its bom, now create the main product and add this component product as bom. now when you create a manufacturing order for the main product, an auto manufacturing order will go and a subassembly line will be created for the production of its component's product.
In a big manufacturing unit, we will have to conduct maintenance works for all its machinery and equipment to keep up its performance. so how do we manage the maintenance with odoo? Maintenance is an essential part of manufacturing. Whenever we produce a product we must be assured of the maintenance of it too. The quality and maintenance must be assured. Therefore maintenance module is important. In odoo manufacturing, we have two types of maintenance: Preventive and corrective maintenance. Preventive maintenance is all about preventing the issues that are yet to come by doing periodic maintenances. Corrective maintenance is all about correcting the issues of the equipment and products.
When we purchase new equipment or machinery for our company, how do we add it to the odoo app? in the odoo manufacturing, we can create the equipment for production. for that we have to install a maintenance module, under this we need to go to equipment -> machines and tools -> create. clicking on the create button we will get a new window of equipment creation, fill all the necessary fields and save.
For manufacturing a product, We use different variants of a component. How does odoo handle this situation? If we need to produce a product, using a component with different variants, there is no need to use different BoM. Here we need to just enable the variants in the Configuration -> Settings. Now you shall specify variant in the component line for each product in the BOM.
When we add equipment to Odoo manufacturing, How do we know that the particular equipment comes under which category? For that purpose, we have the feature of the equipment category under maintenance. Maintenance -> Configuration- > Equipment Categories. Upon clicking CREATE button, you can create a new equipment category. Under the create form, one can specify the equipment category name, responsible person and company.
How do we set a product and its parts as a kit? A Kit means a group of products or components that are nor delivered in single pieces. Kits are related to the bill of materials. To configure kits we have two ways it relays on the management of stock of kit products. Here we need inventory and manufacturing apps. if we want to assemble kits as per the order we shall use a kit of BoM without a manufacturing step. The product that uses a kit Bom will be seen as a single item in the sales order. It is able to customize the kit as we wish. The type of the kit product must be consumable, must have route manufacture set on inventory app. Now create a Bom for the kit product, the Bom type must be Ship. The route must be made to order so that when a sales order comes it automatically goes for manufacture.
It's always good that we have a good maintenance team in our company to manage the maintenance works. how do we configure a maintenance team? Under the maintenance module, we can create the maintenance team for that under configuration take the maintenance teams and click the create button. there you can create the maintenance team. for more details check  the odoo book: manufacturing - odoo 13 book
How do we manage the whole process of manufacturing with the help of odoo manufacturing? you can start production when you create and confirm a manufacturing order. you can see the list of all manufacturing orders under manufacturing orders. you can view the status of all ongoing manufacturing orders from this place. select a manufacturing order from the list. to start the work order, click on the play button on the top right corner. you will be navigated to a new window listing the work order. upon clicking the work order, under the work instructions tab, you can see the instruction to be carried out in the production process. one gets to see the work instructions, that have to be referred to before going to the production. under current production tab, one gets to see the quantity in production, component details. if you want you can see the planned date, effective date, expected date, duration and real-time duration. the work will begin when you click on the process button. from here, one can pause the production, skip the production, take a picture of the current state of production and also many other options via using dropdown menu set on the left side. there is a dropdown menu in each work center, there you can block, scrap, maintain request, and quality alert can be done. when you click on the block button the work will be blocked, you shall also give reasons for that. when you click on scrap the product will be scrapped also you have to give reasons. when you click on maintenance requests you can choose preventive or corrective maintenance requests. on clicking on quality alerts you can set quality alerts for your production.
In the manufacturing company, maintenance occurs under different stages. How can I easily identify the maintenance process? It is possible by creating maintenance stages. For creating maintenance stages, we have to go to the maintenance module. Then go to configuration and take maintenance stages and click the create button. Fill all the necessary fields and save it, so you have created a maintenance stage.
When we find an issue with our equipment and so on we need to fix it, so how do we make a request to correct it? corrective maintenance can be created while some issues are identified. then a maintenance request is passed and confirmed and the maintenance is started and done.
As a precaution and to maintain the good performance we will do periodic maintenances. how do we make it happen? preventive maintenance is the maintenance done prior to the issues so that the frequency of issues may happen can be lessened. so analyzing the frequency of issues happen we can set the maintenance date to each equipment and when that time arrives it automatically starts the maintenance.
How to setup maintenance work centers for maintenance? Under the maintenance module, one can set work centers to carry the maintenance of equipment created for certain manufacturing processes.configuration: style="font-weight: bold;">maintenance -> equipment -> work centers -> create  here, under the equipment tab, of the work center, one can add the equipment, technician responsible for the maintenance, the category that belongs to, estimated next failure.
Is there any way to manufacture a product with multiple work centers? Compared to simple methods, manufacturing with routing and work centers is an advanced method of carrying the manufacturing process. This advanced method aids us in configuring detailed manufacturing processes like setting up Work Centers, Routing, Work Order management, etc. To activate this feature go to Manufacturing -> Configuration -> Settings, there we can activate the feature of work orders, then save it. Now lets create a manufacturing order: Manufacturing -> Operations -> Manufacturing orde -> Create. Fill all the required fields, add a bill of materials. Note that you must add routing to BoM. Then you can see each task take place at each scheduled work center.
When some defects occur to our equipment and machinery, how do we repair it? how odoo helps for that? under the odoo repair management app, we can repair the machinery, equipment, and manufactured products that have some defects and issues.
When a defect occurs to one of the equipment how do we make an order for repair? When you enter the repair app you can see all the repair orders that have come. For creating a new repair order click on the Create button a new form will appear to fill all the necessary fields and save and the user can even send the repair quotation to the customer and getting approval from the customer to start the repair and complete it.
How do we manage manufacturing order in a single step? in odoo manufacturing, we can have two ways of manufacturing: complex way and simple way of production. in a complex way, we use routing for manufacturing but in a simple way we will not use routing. manufacturing without routing is the default way of odoo manufacturing. otherwise, we have to set routing. in a simple way, there is only one document, one person, and one step. create a manufacturing order and record production. for more details read the odoo book: odoo manufacturing.
How to cancel a repair order? It is possible to cancel a generated repair order. After finishing all the necessary things to create a repair order, you can cancel the order by just clicking on the cancel repair button.
What are all the quality control measures taken by odoo? The available quality control types are:text: means to provide instruction to workers on transfers take a picture: here we have to upload the picture of the product manufactured pass or fail: to know whether a product pass or fails a test if failed you have to give reason also. take measure: here measure the product register consumed materials: here we have to register the numbers of the consumed materials.register by-products: here we have to register if there are any by-products.print label: here we shall print the label to add with the product.
How can we generate a quality alert from a simple manufacturing order? When we manufacture a product in a simple way and if we want to do quality checks a button quality alert is available on the top, click on that and the product will go for quality check.
How can we generate a quality alert from a manufacturing order with routing? In the complex manufacturing process, the quality checks will be done in every work center. A quality alert button is available in every work order, click on it and you can mention the quality problem.
When we do a transfer is it possible to have a quality check? It is possible to generate quality alert from a transfer if there are any issues. In every transfer there will be a quality check done also there will be a quality alert button. If there if the problem the alert is auto highlighted. Clicking on that you can specify the reason also.
How to perform quality checks for simple manufacturing flow? Under manufacturing in a simple way, we can create a quality control point under the quality app. While creating the control points be sure of selectin manufacturing as operation and also choose the type quality check need to do. Now create a manufacturing order and register for quality check. This is how we do quality checks for simple manufacturing.
How to perform quality checks for manufacturing flow with routing? In the complex manufacturing process, the quality checks will be done in every work center. A quality alert button is available in every work order, click on it and you can mention the quality problem.
Is it possible to do a quality check on transfers? Yes, it is possible to do quality checks while transferring a product. After the installation and configuration of a quality module and checkpoints, let's do a transfer. On the receipt of the product, we can see a quality check button above there. Clicking on that we can go for a quality check.
How do we demonstrate the time needed to manufacture an ordered product? Manufacturing lead time is the time need to manufacture a product and if there is a multi-level bill of materials the lead time will increase. Customer lead time is the time needed to deliver a product to a customer, It is always between sale confirmation and delivery.
How can we generate a manufacturing order from a sales order? Set a product with BoM and make a sale order for that product. Then a manufacturing order will be auto-created and for that, the procurement method must be made to order and. In such cases, when we confirm sale order manufacturing order is created. For more detailed understanding please read the blog: create manufacturing order from sales order
What are the features of manufacturing in odoo erp? odoo manufacturing erp is a super cool module that integrates all the manufacturing functions and quite easy and flexible to use and it's very much user-friendly. for better understanding read the blog: manufacturing erp with odoo
How good enough to use Odoo manufacturing? In general, manufacturing is a process of changing input into an output. With this odoo manufacturing module, it's quite easy for a big manufacturing company to handle its production efficiency. It can handle all production in all its complexities. For more details read the blog: Is it worthy to use Odoo Manufacturing ERP
How useful is odoo manufacturing in the food industry? odoo manufacturing is a super cool business intelligence app that is so efficient in handling complex manufacturing processes. the food industry is an ever-growing industry. odoo manufacturing can enable them to be more competitive. for more details check the blog: odoo in food manufacturing industry
How beneficial is odoo manufacturing in the manufacturing industry? all the complexities of the manufacturing industry can easily be carried out by the odoo manufacturing app. all things that are necessary for the manufacturing industry is there in odoo manufacturing. odoo manufacturing is well equipped. for a detailed explanation read the blog: 7 major benefits of erp for the manufacturing industry
Is it possible in Odoo to keep a back up for products so that in times of emergency we shall take it from the backup and sale it? When we implement Odoo Manufacturing, we also need inventory app also because both are linked. The inventory shows the real-time stock of all products. In Manufacturing, when there is not enough bill of materials just click the check availability and we can see all the items that are not enough in stock. Thus we should have a reservation for all the products in the inventory. For further details read the blog: Stock reservation in odoo manufacturing.
How do we forecast demand, plan production and so on in an efficient way in odoo manufacturing? Here we use the MPS. The master production schedule is a super cool feature by odoo manufacturing. There we can see all the details of our manufacturing. We can see the demand forecasted and actual demand, time is taken for production, quantity consumed, the minimum and maximum quantity for replenishment and so on. For further details read the blog: Stock reservation in odoo manufacturing.
Why odoo manufacturing for your business? odoo manufacturing is a super cool and amazing module for a manufacturing company to install. it can manage all complex production. it has all the features that a manufacturing organization is handling like a quality check, maintenance, and so on. for further details read the blog: odoo manufacturing enterprise for your business
How do barcodes work in manufacturing? Barcode is also applicable in manufacturing field. in odoo manufacturing, it can be made possible. so when we set barcode for production with a flash we can start, stop and finish the production. we can check the efficiency of the work center with the help of barcode-like that so many uses are there.
What is the work center mechanism in odoo? the work center in odoo manufacturing module is a place where the production activities are taken place. each work center will have its capacity and so on. for more details read the blog: work center mechanism in work order in odoo mrp.
How beneficial is odoo manufacturing for the steel industry? Odoo manufacturing is so very beneficial in steel industry. Because it can handle all the complex production with ease. For better understanding read the blog: ERP for steel manufacturing industry.
How a product is tracked in odoo manufacturing? Tracking a product is having great importance. Because in manufacturing the products will be moving from one work center to another so the tracking is important. There comes the importance of internal reference. The internal reference is the code given each product so as to identify the product internally. Further details needed to read the blog: Product tracking in odoo manufacturing.
If the product manufactured through multiple locations such as pre-production, post-production, quality, etc. For this purpose, What will the company do with odoo? Before starting the manufacturing, we have to set the rules for it. thus first and foremost we have to activate the multi-step routes. it is set in the settings of inventory. then we shall create a route. then we have to set raw materials for products that are manufactured. set component parts. we have to ensure the maintenance of work centers and equipment and start manufacturing.  for further details check the blog: manufacturing rules in odoo 12.
How to process the manufacturing of a product which has bill of materials and which should be manufactured first and then combined it to get the final product? In a big manufacturing unit, we need big set up of manufacturing with routing. Here you can have more control with additional documents. Now the manufacturing orders are given differents steps by work orders and it's done as defined by routing. Thus here we can accurately schedule the job and also we can analyze the efficiency nicely, But to use the work orders and routing features, first of all, you need to activate it, For that in the manufacturing app settings, you can add routings to bill of materials and configure the work centers with assignment of operations. The work orders are performed in the work centers. we have to schedule each work order individually and also plan the time and capacity and the costing and efficiency if each work center. Therefore, the manufacturing flow will be like: manufacturing order creates, schedule the work orders, do the scheduled work and record the production.
What is the simple way of manufacturing a product in Odoo? In odoo manufacturing, we can have two ways of manufacturing: Complex way and Simple way of production. In a complex way, we use routing for manufacturing but in a simple way, we will not use routing. Manufacturing without routing is the default way of Odoo manufacturing. Otherwise, we have to set routing. In a simple way, there is only one document, one person, and one step. Create a manufacturing order and record production.
How do we deal with the products that are produced while manufacturing the main product? a by-product in odoo is the product produced in addition to the primary product in the bill of material. to add by-products to a bom, go to manufacturing -> configurations -> settings -> work orders feature. save the changes. after activating the feature in the settings, you can add your by-products to your boms. one can add as many by-products as they want. however, it should be registered during which operation the by-product is produced.
How is it possible for us to define the path of the movement of BoM? Here we have to add routing to the BoM. Adding routing to BoM is a cool feature of the Odoo manufacturing, and this ables us to know the operation that is yet to be carried out in different stages of production. To activate the feature: Manufacturing -> Configurations-> Settings->Work orders. One BoM will have one routing and it can be used several times. Routing means the route through which the component products move so that ultimately we get finished goods. Its a super cool option so that the manager can have a look on each route and can analyze the time spend on each work center and assembly line and he can monitor the routs and its work and also he knows the stages of work and how and when it becomes a finished product.
How can we map the way through which the raw materials pass and eventually we get a finished good? here we use the concept of routing. routing means the route through which the component products move so that ultimately we get finished goods. its a super cool option so that the manager can have a look on each route and can analyze the time spend on each work center and assembly line and he can monitor the routes and its work and also he knows the stages of work and how and when it becomes a finished product.
In order to manufacture a product, we need some other products known as raw materials. so how do we manage it? as we all know to produce a product we need some other products and that product are commonly called as raw materials. its also called a bill of materials in the manufacturing aspect. these are the components used to manufacture some other products. odoo manufacturing clearly defines the bom and its quantity needed for the production of each product. it also demonstrates its routes, assembly lines and so on.
Each work center will have different work orders, how can we know all those? To know the work orders of work centers, in the overview you can see the kanban view of each work center. There you can see a small symbol of the screen, click on that, you will be directed to a page of work orders of that particular work center.
How can we configure and manage the location of work or the work center? in order to configure a work center, first of all, install the manufacturing module, then go to configuration and settings their operations and take activate the work orders. never forget to save it. now in the dashboard, we can see a new work center, we can manage it from there itself. we can also directly create a work center from masterdata> work center and we can configure it there. for better understanding read the odoo book: odoo manufacturing
What is the place or location where all the works are being done? work centers are the place where manufacturing works are happening in a company. in odoo manufacturing also we can enter that work center so as to know what work is being done there and we can assign activities for every work center. we can also have multiple work centers.
If there any work orders that progress in my work center. how can i easily identify it? using a manufacturing overview, we can easily identify the progressing work orders.
How keen is the business intelligence of odoo manufacturing? the business intelligence of odoo manufacturing is a super cool brain that scrutinizes all the manufacturing activities, inspects all the work centers, assembly lines, automatically give alerts on maintenance and repair, gives alerts on damage and so on. the bi on odoo manufacturing is so beneficial and indispensable.
Is it possible to have easy access to the work centers of manufacturing? Odoo manufacturing is so flexible and controllable. All the work centers and assembly lines are controllable. We can efficiently manage the work centers with odoo manufacturing by, recording production, providing and setting worksheets, misc operations and also alerts.
Does the Odoo manufacturing check quality? One of the super cool features of the Odoo manufacturing is the quality check, there is a supplementary app for that under manufacturing. Thus the odoo manufacturing inspects the quality of the products that come for manufacturing. It can check before the production, in the middle of the production and the quality of the finished goods. This frequent quality check lessens the issues that can cause in manufacturing and this increases the quality of the products and enhances customer satisfaction. There are three points in Odoo quality checks like control points, quality checks, and quality alerts.
Does the Odoo manufacturing check quality? One of the super cool features of the Odoo manufacturing is the quality check, there is a supplementary app for that under manufacturing. Thus the odoo manufacturing inspects the quality of the products that come for manufacturing. It can check before the production, in the middle of the production and the quality of the finished goods. This frequent quality check lessens the issues that can cause in manufacturing and this increases the quality of the products and enhances customer satisfaction. There are three points in Odoo quality checks like control points, quality checks, and quality alerts.
Is it possible to have efficient planning and scheduling in Odoo manufacturing? With odoo manufacturing we can have good control over the BoM, can do efficient planning, can have good scheduling and efficient collaboration of all work centers and distribution channels. Even in mass production Odoo manufacturing is able to efficiently manage the production. Odoo is well capable of planning, organizing, managing the work orders, work centers, BoM, etc. 
Is it possible to have efficient planning and scheduling in Odoo manufacturing? With odoo manufacturing we can have good control over the BoM, can do efficient planning, can have good scheduling and efficient collaboration of all work centers and distribution channels. Even in mass production Odoo manufacturing is able to efficiently manage the production. Odoo is well capable of planning, organizing, managing the work orders, work centers, BoM, etc. 
How the management of manufacturing is possible with Odoo? The management of manufacturing is made easy with Odoo. Here the managers can easily access the work centers, assembly lines and so on. Therefore they can easily manage the production and have its control at the tip of the finger. They come to know whatever happens in the production department in real-time.
What is the working methodology of Odoo manufacturing? The Odoo ERP has a super cool methodology of working. We can create a manufacturing order easily and we can view all stages of its production and if we want to stop, resume or cancel the production we can do it also it is possible to edit the manufacturing procedure as we wanted or our company needed. This edit or customization is enabled through the work center and routes. It is also possible to easily handle the scrap. Also possible to manage to unbuild the products. So all the levels of manufacturing are made easy with the Odoo. The working of odoo manufacturing eases the manufacturing of a company.


Cybrosys Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Neospace, Kinfra Techno Park
Kakkancherry, Calicut
Kerala, India - 673635



Cybrosys Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
1st Floor, Thapasya Building,
Infopark, Kakkanad,
Kochi, India - 682030.



Cybrosys Techno Solutions
The Estate, 8th Floor,
Dickenson Road,
Bangalore, India - 560042

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