Chapter 3 - Odoo 15 Development Book

Field Attributes


Attributes are the properties. Every object has some attributes. In Odoo, every models, fields, etc, have some properties that are the attributes. Here we have discussed some model attributes.

The common attributes for a model are String, Required, Help, Index, Default, Readonly, etc.


String is a common attribute used for every fields.

name = fields.Char(string="Record name")

Name is the variable name ‘char’ is the type of that field, and string is the attribute. The string values are always added on double quotes (” ''). That value will show on the UI.


Is also another attribute for a field. At default, required is false. We can add that required=True that will be working, and it is a mandatory field

name = fields.Char(string="Record name", required=True)

The required has only two values, either True or False.On the UI, the required fields are make highlighted.


Here we can see the name field is highlighted. It is the mandatory field on this form view.


Provides long-form help tooltips for users in the UI.

name = fields.Char(string="Name", help="Enter the name")


Requests that Odoo create a Database Index on the column.

name = fields.Char(string="Record name", index=True)

The index has two values True or False; by default the value is False.


We can assign default values for the fields, so, we can use the attribute default for that.

name = fields.Char(string="Record name", default='John')

The default value of the name field is the value of the default


We can make a field as a readonly field means that we cannot change the field value manually

name = fields.Char(string="Name", readonly=True)

Readonly have two values True and False readonly=True means that the field value cannot be changed otherwise we can change the field value manually.


When set to true make the field translatable. It can hold different values, depending on the user interface language.

name = fields.Char(string="Name", translate=True)


Make the field available only for some user groups

name = fields.Char(string="Name", groups=”base.user_group”)


Allows the user interface to set the value for the readonly, necessary, and invisible attributes dynamically based on the state field's value.



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